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#2325 次の原発事故のために(3):Tyroid cancer hits 12 kids in Fukushima: Jun. 8, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]



Thyroid cancer found in 12 minors in Fukushima


An ongoing study on the impact of radiation on Fukushima residents from the crippled atomic power plant has found 12 minors with confirmed thyroid cancer diagnoses, up from three in a report in February, with 15 other suspected cases, up from seven, researchers announced Wednesday.

(2)  The figures were taken from about 174,000 people aged 18 or younger whose initial thyroid screening results have been confirmed.

(3)  Researchers at Fukushima Medical University, which has been taking the leading role in the study, have said they do not believe the most recent cases are related to the nuclear crisis.

(4)  They point out that thyroid cancer cases were not found among children hit by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident until four to five years later.

(5)  The prefecture’s thyroid screenings target 360,000 people who were aged 18 or younger when the March 2011 mega-quake and tsunami triggered the meltdown crisis at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.

(6)  The initial-phase checks looked at lumps and other possible thyroid cancer symptoms and categorized possible cases into four groups depending on the degree of seriousness. Those in the two most serious groups were picked for secondary exams.

(7)  In fiscal 2011, after confirming test results from about 40,000 minors, the prefecture sent 205 for secondary testing. Of the 205, seven were diagnosed with thyroid cancer, four came out with suspected cases, and another had surgery but the tumor was found to be benign.

(8)  In fiscal 2012, of about 134,000 minors with confirmed initial screening results, the prefecture sent 935 to secondary testing. Among them, five were confirmed with thyroid cancer, while there were 11 suspected cases.

(9)  In the Chernobyl catastrophe, thyroid cancer was reported in more than 6,000 children. The U.N. Scientific Committee attributed many of the cases to consumption of milk contaminated with radioactive iodine immediately after the crisis started.

(10)  Last month, U.N. scientists assessing the health impact of the Fukushima nuclear crisis said the radiation dose for residents in the region was much lower than Chernobyl and that they do not expect to see any increase in cancer in the future.

(11)  Among those aged 10 to 14 in Japan, thyroid cancer strikes about 1 to 2 in a million.


【 解 説 】

(1) 未成年の甲状腺癌が12人と甲状腺癌が疑われるもの15症例が見つかっている。2月には3例だったから9症例増えたことになる。


(2) この数字は18歳以下(原発事故発生当時18歳以下=現在未成年)の17.4万人の甲状腺癌スクリーニング検査の結果確認されたものである。



(3) 福島医大の研究者がこの調査研究を指揮しており、これらの症例は福島原発事故によるものではないと述べている。


(4) 1986年のチェルノブイリ原発事故では、事故後4~5年で甲状腺癌が多発しており、それまで発生がないので、福島原発事故後2年で発生した12症例は原発事故とは関係がないというのがかれらの論拠である。



(5) 福島県はスクリーニング検査を原発事故当時18歳以下だった36万人に実施する。


(6) 第一段階はしこりを診ることや他の甲状腺癌の症状を診る、次いで重症の度合いに応じて四つのグループに分類し、重い症例2グループに二次検査を実施した。

(7) 2011年度には、4万人の未成年者の確認検査の後で205人分の検体を(検査機関へ)送った。そのうちの7人が甲状腺癌、4例が甲状腺癌の疑いアリと診断された。ほかに手術をした症例があるが、良性腫瘍だった。

(8) 2012年度、スクリーニング検査をした13.4万人の未成年者のうち福島県は935人分の検体を検査機関へ送って二次検査している。その中から5人が甲状腺癌、11人が甲状腺癌の疑いアリと診断されている。


(9) チェルノブイリでは6000人以上の子どもたちが甲状腺癌を発症している。放射性ヨウ素で汚染された牛乳を飲んでいたからだ。



(10) 先月(5月)、福島第一原発事故の健康への影響を評価作業をしている国連の科学者たちは福島第一原発周辺地域に住んでいる住民はチェルノブイリに比べて被曝放射線量が少ない、それゆえ将来癌が増える心配はないと語っている。


(11) 10~14歳の甲状腺癌の日本国内の罹患率は百万人に1~2人である。








*#1460 「原子炉圧力容器損傷か?:写真で検証

 #1462 「裸の王様:原子炉圧力容器は破損している 論より証拠、よく写真を見てごらん 」

 #1463 「福島第1原発3号炉はもう無い:東京電力社員退去要請の意味」

 #1607 児玉龍彦国会で告発(2):(書き起こし) July 31, 2011

 #1611 児玉龍彦教授(3):息子さんからのエール Aug. 3, 2011

 #1655 あらら、何を隠そうとしているの?:原子炉建屋にコンクリートの覆い Sep.21, 2011

 #2237 過剰富裕化論提唱者の福島原発事故処理構想:遺稿 Mar. 4, 2013

 #2323 次の原発事故のために(1):甲状腺癌と情報操作?:U.N. experts see no increase risk of cancer … Jun. 6, 2013

 #2324 次の原発事故のために(2) :福島県で12人が甲状腺癌 Jun. 7, 2013

 #2325 次の原発事故のために(3):Tyroid cancer hits 12 kids in Fukushima: Jun. 8, 2013

 #2377 次の原発事故のために(4):小児甲状腺癌18人に  Aug. 21, 2013

 #2379 次の原発事故のために(5) 8000万ベクレル/ℓ 高濃度汚染水漏洩 Aug.22, 2013

 #2381 次の原発事故のために(6): 超高濃度汚染水と浄化システムALPS  Aug. 25, 2013

 #2383 次の原発事故のために(7): 漏洩はセシウムとストロンチウム合計で30兆Bq  Aug. 26, 2013

 #2387 次の原発事故のために(8):トリチウムの問題 Aug. 29, 2013 

 #2390 サンマのI-131の濃度から放射能汚染水の大量流出は分かっていた Sep. 1, 2013


にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2320 原発廃炉ニ重大問題アリ:廃炉に係る会計規則変更を検討中 Jun. 4, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]



? 何のための会計規則変更かは(1)に書かれている。原子力発電所廃炉にかかる電力会社の負担を緩和するための措置である。

第十四条  電気事業固定資産を除却した場合は、当該除却物品に関する帳簿原価並びに工事費負担金及び減価償却累計額の金額をそれぞれの当該勘定から減額しなければならない。 」





factor something in

phrasal verb
to include a particular thing in your calculations about how long something will take, how much it will cost etc








METI seeks to aid utilities; rate hikes possible

Reactor-dismantling cost rule may change


(1)? The industry ministry is considering revising an accounting rule to alleviate the financial burden on electricity companies from decommissioning nuclear power plants, sources said Saturday.

(2)  The change would allow multiyear instead of single-year booking of losses resulting from dismantling atomic energy reactors, according to the sources.

(3)  The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is looking to allow utilities to pass on multiyear losses to users through higher electricity rates, the sources said.

(4)  But as the cost of decommissioning is already factored into electricity rates, there could be an outcry over slapping customers with the additional financial burden.

(5)  Under the current rule, utilities are required to build reserves for decommissioning reactors over their expected lifetimes of 40 years or more. If a plant is scrapped sooner, the operator must cover any shortage of reserves.

(6)  In what may turn into an earlier-than-scheduled decommissioning case, the Nuclear Regulation Authority recently acknowledged that reactor 2 at Japan Atomic Power Co.’s Tsuruga plant in Fukui Prefecture sits atop an active fault, which is not permissible under the nuclear regulatory framework.

(7)  If the unit is dismantled, Japan Atomic Power is expected to suffer losses in the range of \100 billion, a huge financial blow.

(8)  METI plans to set up a panel of experts to examine the rule change with the aim of implementing a new regulation by the next-March end of the current fiscal year, the sources said.

(9)  According to a METI estimate, the nation’s 10 power companies operating nuclear reactors would incur a combined \4.4 trillion in single-year losses if all of them were to be decommissioned.





にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2316 袋叩きの橋下大阪市長 :やるならトコトンやれ  May 31, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]





 ヘッダー(見出し)の"looks to~"は「~するように見える」ということ。lookは外見がそう見えるというのが本来の意味である。だから、「橋下氏は性奴隷非難をそらそうとしているようにみえる」ということ。集まった海外の記者たちの目には言い逃れをするような小ズルイ人間に映っている(look)ので、そうした記者の印象を伝える単語が選択されている。





the world should also address similar human rights violations against females in other conflict zones

the firestorm he sparked with his earlier remarks that the comfort women system was “necessary” during the war, using the Japanese euphemism for the system of sexual servitude involving women and girls forced to work in military brothels.
the comfort women system :従軍慰安婦制度
the Japanese euphemism for the system of sexual servitude:セックス強制労働システムでは露骨すぎるので日本語による婉曲表現(が慰安婦制度)
women and girls forced to work in military brothels:婦女子が軍の(が管轄する)売春宿で働くことを余儀なくされた

brothel:a place where men go and pay to have sex with prostitutes (CALDより)


(9)  Given the harsh conditions there and lack of freedom, media and scholars have described the victims as sex slaves.


(13)  Scholars say, for example, that Nazi Germany had a similar brothel system during the war, and many U.S. soldiers used brothels prepared by the Japanese government specifically for the Allied Occupation forces.


(16)  But Hashimoto, apparently trying to distance himself from them, repeatedly argued Japan should issue a straightforward apology for the misery of the comfort women now, saying the Japanese army and government “did (get) involved” in running and managing brothels.








Hashimoto looks to deflect sex slave blame

Besieged mayor blasts press, says other armies also abused females

by Reiji Yoshida

Staff Writer

(1)  Japan’s wartime “comfort women” military brothel system can never be “condoned” or “justified” but the world should also address similar human rights violations against females in other conflict zones, Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto argued Monday in front of foreign reporters.

(2)  Hashimoto, co-leader of Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party), held the press conference to salvage his and his party’s fortunes amid the firestorm he sparked with his earlier remarks that the comfort women system was “necessary” during the war, using the Japanese euphemism for the system of sexual servitude involving women and girls forced to work in military brothels.

(3)  “I never condoned the use of comfort women. I place the greatest importance on the dignity of the human rights of women,” Hashimoto said in a marathon speech at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo.

(4)  Hashimoto blamed the media for using only excerpts of his remarks at a daily press briefing earlier this month and taking his words out of context when they issued reports worldwide that “resulted in misunderstanding of the remarks,” something he called “extremely regrettable.”

(5)  Facing a 300-plus-strong foreign, domestic and freelance journalist contingent, Hashimoto did not apologize for his earlier remarks that the “comfort women (system) was necessary in order to provide relaxation for those brave soldiers who had been in the line of fire.”

(6)  He insisted he didn’t mean to say that he considered it necessary for the armed forces to use women, but that the forces believed this was necessary.

(7)  Hashimoto meanwhile admitted the Imperial Japanese Army and administrative authorities had a “certain involvement” in running the wartime “comfort stations” in the 1930s and ’40s.

(8)  He also said the army and government should be held responsible for the misery suffered by the females forced to provide sex at the brothels.

(9)  Given the harsh conditions there and lack of freedom, media and scholars have described the victims as sex slaves.

(10)  Hashimoto argued the world should not single out just Japan or associate only this country with the simple shorthand that it exploited “sex slaves.”

(11)  Females were sexually violated during World War II by U.S., British, French, German and Soviet soldiers, including women serving in “private-sector brothels,” where many females were presumably abductees or human trafficking victims, Hashimoto argued.

(12)  Hashimoto appeared to be trying to deflect the harsh global spotlight cast on Japan’s comfort women system by insisting the forces of other parts of the world also engaged in sex-related crimes and used brothels.

(13)  Scholars say, for example, that Nazi Germany had a similar brothel system during the war, and many U.S. soldiers used brothels prepared by the Japanese government specifically for the Allied Occupation forces.

(14)  “Japan’s system was bad. But use of private (brothels) was similarly bad, because in such private-sector facilities, too, human trafficking (was) taking place,” Hashimoto claimed.

(15)  Many right-leaning Japanese politicians and scholars often try to play down the culpability of the Imperial army and the government in running the comfort stations, arguing that private brokers were the ones who “recruited” the females via various ways, including human trafficking and possibly kidnapping.

(16)  But Hashimoto, apparently trying to distance himself from them, repeatedly argued Japan should issue a straightforward apology for the misery of the comfort women now, saying the Japanese army and government “did (get) involved” in running and managing brothels.

(17)  Hashimoto also retracted and apologized for his earlier recommendation that U.S. service members in Okinawa make use of sex establishments to prevent sexual crimes in the prefecture.

(18)  “I understand that my remark could be construed as an insult to the U.S. forces and to the American people, and therefore was inappropriate,” he said. Whether Monday’s briefing helps reboot the popularity of Hashimoto and his party remains uncertain.




*#2396 ヨーロッパと米国の性風俗事情(ジャパンタイムズ記事より) Sep. 4, 2013

従軍慰安婦は"sex slave"と訳されて国際的な批判を浴びているが、それは歴史的事実と違っており、"sex worker"と訳すのが正しい。
 二つの記事にもsexをビジネスとして営む"sex worker"はでてくるが、彼女達は"sex slave"ではない。この二つの違いは欧米人から見ると決定的な違いなのである。そして、従軍慰安婦問題には重大な歴史的事実誤認があること、朝日新聞の誤報道がきっかけで始まったことをその経緯とともに黄文雄著『韓国人に伝えたい 日本と韓国の本当の歴史』から抜粋・引用して紹介する。

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

忘れられた日本人 (岩波文庫)

忘れられた日本人 (岩波文庫)

  • 作者: 宮本 常一
  • 出版社/メーカー: 岩波書店
  • 発売日: 1984/05/16
  • メディア: 文庫

古典文学の秘密 (光文社文庫)

古典文学の秘密 (光文社文庫)

  • 作者: 林 望
  • 出版社/メーカー: 光文社
  • 発売日: 2010/05/11
  • メディア: 文庫
盆踊り 乱交の民俗学

盆踊り 乱交の民俗学

  • 作者: 下川 耿史
  • 出版社/メーカー: 作品社
  • 発売日: 2011/08/19
  • メディア: 単行本

#2309 Nikkei dives 7%, ends below 14,500 : May 25, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]

  #2298「アベノミクスの罪:日経平均15,096.03円 May 16」で、今年になってからの株価と為替レートの推移を挙げて、株価が高くなっている原因を分析した。2001年の時価評価制度導入と外国人投資家の東証上場株持ち株比率の上昇(約3割)が株を乱高下させている主たる要因。

 見出しに使われている"Nikkei dives 7%"はドボンと飛び込み急速に沈んでいく様がありありと浮かんで単語の選び方が面白い。見出しは「つかみ」が大事だ。
 "ends below 14,500"は「14,500円を下回る終値をつけた」ということ。

 "All 33 sectors "は「水産・鉱業」からはじまる業種別分類。北海道新聞の株価の欄を見て数えても東証1部の産業業種別分類は33セクターはない。証券コード協議会の業種別分類表は33項目並んでいるので、参考にしたらいい。

(2)  The 225-issue average closed down 1,143.28 points, or 7.32 percent, from Wednesday at 14,483.98, marking its steepest point fall since April 17, 2000, ・・・


Nikkei dives 7%, ends below 14,500

All 33 sectors decline, led by consumer finance, real estate and securities

Kyodo, AFP-JIJI, Staff Report

(1)  Tokyo’s Nikkei stock index tumbled more than 7 percent Thursday to end a roller-coaster trading session below 14,500 as selling triggered by weak Chinese data outpaced sharp gains made earlier and snapped a four-session winning streak.

(2)  The 225-issue average closed down 1,143.28 points, or 7.32 percent, from Wednesday at 14,483.98, marking its steepest point fall since April 17, 2000, after pulling back from its session high near the 16,000 mark, the highest intraday mark since Dec. 12, 2007. The broader Topix index of all first section issues on the Tokyo Stock Exchange was down 87.69 points, or 6.87 percent, at 1,188.34.

(3)  All 33 sectors declined, led by consumer finance, real estate and securities issues.

(4)  Trading volume on the main section swelled to a record-high 7.65514 billion shares from Wednesday’s 6.38067 billion.

(5)  After climbing more than 300 points to 15,942.60 in early trading, the Nikkei plunged over 1,400 points as a worse-than-expected HSBC China Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index and a firmer yen in the afternoon led investors to unload shares amid caution over recent surges.

(6)  “Toward the end of the trading, panic selling was seen in massively heavy trading,” said Hirokazu Fujiki, a strategist with Okasan Securities. “We can’t tell whether or not this was a temporary storm of selling before watching reactions from U.S. markets later today.”

(7)  “Selling accelerated as Chinese manufacturing data fell to a seven-month low generating a sense of disappointment,” said Tatsunori Kawai, chief strategist at Securities Co., adding players grew cautious ahead of the release of the eurozone manufacturing index for May later in the day.

(8)  Brokers said almost all technical charts were showing signs of overheating, as the Nikkei has not faced much adjustment as it surged more than 50 percent, or 5,000 points this year aided by generous economic policies advocated under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and aggressive monetary easing by the Bank of Japan, which sent the dollar higher against the yen.

(9)  Selling accelerated when the yen jumped against the dollar in Asia afternoon trade as investors adjusted positions after the recent fast-paced decline in the value of the Japanese currency.

(10)  The dollar fell to ¥101.63 in Tokyo afternoon trade from ¥103.31 in New York late Wednesday.

(11)  “The market may be entering an adjustment period after a sharp decline in the yen and a surge in Japanese stocks,” said Daisuke Karakama, a market economist at the forex division of Mizuho Corporate Bank.

(12)  “No one believed the yen would keep on falling and stocks would keep on rising. It is not surprising if yen-buying momentum revives at any time.”

(13)  Later in the day, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga declined comment on the stock market, only saying that weak Chinese economic indicators might have triggered the Nikkei fall.

(14)  “The economy of our country is expected to go along the path of a gradual recovery,” Suga said.

(15)  The Dow Jones industrial average sank 0.52 percent to 15,307.17 while the dollar was up Wednesday on Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke’s suggestions that the bank could taper off its massive stimulus in the coming months.

taper off:徐々にやめる

*JGB yields hit 1% first time in year

**Fed bankers grapple with timing of exit strategy


*#2321 株価暴落はどこまで続くのか?:とりあえずの目安は11,250円 Jun. 4, 2013

 #2305 株高の原因: Nikkei ends over 15,000 for first time since 2007

  #2298 アベノミクスの罪:日経平均15,096.03円 May 16, 2013

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2305 株高の原因: Nikkei ends over 15,000 for first time since 2007 [ May 22, 2013] [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]

"Nikkei ends over 15,000 for first time since 2007"



Nikkei ends over 15,000 for first time since 2007


The Nikkei 225 stock average gained more than 2 percent Wednesday to end above the 15,000 mark for the first time since December 2007, propelled by a falling yen and buoyant global equities.

The key Nikkei index closed up 337.61 points, or 2.29 percent, from Tuesday at 15,096.03, the highest closing level since Dec. 28, 2007, when it ended at 15,307.78.

The broader Topix, which includes all first-section issues on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, was up 22.05 points, or 1.79 percent, at 1,252.85, the highest level since Aug. 29, 2008, when it finished at 1,254.71.

Export-oriented firms including Toyota Motor Corp. and Sony Corp. enjoyed hefty gains as the dollar climbed above the ¥102 line, up from the lower ¥101 range seen the previous day in Tokyo, boosting hopes of upbeat business performances for such companies, brokers said.

The market has been attracting “tremendous” demand from foreign investors, said Hiroichi Nishi, assistant general manager of equity research at SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. “There are signs of a brighter outlook for the global economy, while the dollar and euro are gaining ground against the yen due to overseas factors.”

He said sentiment had been lifted by firmer U.S. and German stocks among others after debt rating agency Fitch Ratings upgraded Greece’s long-term credit rating and the U.S. small-business optimism index for April exceeded market expectations.

The dollar may soon hit even higher levels, such as the ¥105 mark,” said Tsutomu Yamada, market analyst at Securities Co.,.








*#2321 株価暴落はどこまで続くのか?:とりあえずの目安は11,250円 Jun. 4, 2013

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

 14,483.98円  -1,143.28円


#2304 福島第一原発事故での放射能被曝:染色体異常の疫学調査は可能か? May 21, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]

 ある活動家(activist)の意見は科学的な知識に無知であることから放射能(radiation)による恐怖や差別(fear and discrimination)意識が生まれているというもので、福島県が県内の中学生と小学生対象に実施しつつある放射能教育の線に沿った意見であった。

(3) Children catch snatches of the adult debates over the health risks of radiation exposure, and sense something bad might happen.

(4) “It’s due to people’s ignorance. There are still people who think radiation is something contagious,” Banba said. “By gaining correct knowledge, I hope children in Fukushima will be able to talk about radiation (exposure) when they are asked about it.”



(11) Kodama, who was 12 when exposed to radiation from the Hiroshima A-bomb in 1945, shows people a photo of his damaged chromosome.

(12) “Never again should mankind create somebody like me,” he said.

(13) It was in the fall of 2007 when Kodama finally learned for the first time about the amount of radiation he was exposed to — about 4,600 millisieverts, according to tests by the Radiation Effects Research Foundation.

(15) In Kodama’s case, of the 100 cells tested, 102 chromosomal abnormalities were found.









* 福島第一原発放射能災害に関する二つの対照的な記事

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2299 福島第一原発放射能災害に関する二つの対照的な記事 May 17, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]

「Fukushima activist fights fear and discrimination based on radiation」
「Fukushima activist takes on discrimination」
「A-bomb survivor passes on wisdom to Fukushima kids」

 事故当時福島県に住んでいたということで婚約を解消されるというような差別が起きている。実際に「チェルノブイリ 先天異常」をキーに検索したらたくさんの画像情報がでてくる。不安になるのは無理もない。

“Three frequently asked questions from children are whether they are OK to live in Fukushima after they get married, whether they can give birth to a baby, and whether their baby will be healthy,”





Fukushima activist fights fear and discrimination based on radiation

by Mizuho Aoki

Staff Writer

(1) Sachiko Banba aches for children in Fukushima Prefecture, who worry whether they can lead a normal life.

(2)“Three frequently asked questions from children are whether they are OK to live in Fukushima after they get married, whether they can give birth to a baby, and whether their baby will be healthy,” said Banba, 52, who runs a cram school in Minamisoma, Fukushima, less than 30 km from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.

Although tens of thousands of people fled their homes in Fukushima Prefecture following the March 2011 reactor meltdowns, many, including children, still remain. Most heartbreaking to Banba is the discrimination they face based on ignorance, and the likelihood it will follow them the rest of their lives.

(3) Children catch snatches of the adult debates over the health risks of radiation exposure, and sense something bad might happen.

(4) “It’s due to people’s ignorance. There are still people who think radiation is something contagious,” Banba said. “By gaining correct knowledge, I hope children in Fukushima will be able to talk about radiation (exposure) when they are asked about it.”

(5) Since last year, Banba and Dr. Masaharu Tsubokura have hosted more than 40 radiation study sessions for 1,500 children and adults, supplying people with the necessary information to counter the arguments of those who would discriminate against them.

(6) Many locals have tales to tell, such as the Fukushima woman whose engagement was broken off due to the strong opposition of her fiance’s family.

(7) Banba herself has felt the sting of intolerance many times outside the prefecture.

(8) At a hospital in Tokyo she was eyeballed from head to toe when she handed over her insurance card, which revealed her address.

(9) Some people sent her pictures of babies with birth defects and urged her to leave town and share the photos with the people back home.

(10) Many parents with young children have left Fukushima not only to keep them safe from radiation exposure but also the corrosive effects of discrimination.

(11) According to the Fukushima Prefectural Government, there were 18,000 fewer students in the prefecture’s 708 elementary and junior high schools in May 2012 than there were two years before.

(12) Protecting the thousands of children who remain and easing their anxiety are pressing issues, experts say. One way is through education, while continuing to give checkups to catch any abnormalities as quickly as possible.

(13) “People need to gain radiation literacy through school, social and lifelong education. They need to gain basic knowledge of radiation and radioactive materials,” Ikuro Anzai, a professor emeritus at Ritsumeikan University who specializes in radiation protection, told The Japan Times.

(14) In 2008, the government revised guidelines to make radiation a mandatory subject of study in science classes for third-year junior high school students starting in fiscal 2012. However, the subject isn’t compulsory in elementary schools or for first- and second-year junior high students.

(15) In the absence of a nationwide directive from the central government to make radiation studies mandatory, Fukushima’s board of education has created its own textbook since the 3/11 disasters that contains information about contamination due to the nuclear accident.

(16) As of March, all of the prefecture’s elementary and junior high schools were teaching about radiation exposure, according to the board.

(17) Meanwhile, citizens and medical experts like Tsubokura, who has been checking Minamisoma residents’ internal radiation exposure levels at Minamisoma Municipal General Hospital for nearly two years, are also holding study sessions in Fukushima and other prefectures to pass on basic knowledge as well as the latest findings.

(18) Tsubokura said people outside Fukushima know little about radioactive materials. About half his audience at a lecture in Nagoya didn’t know that radioactive substances from Fukushima No. 1 fell to Earth in rain.

(19) “Many thought a beam was emitted directly from the power plant,” Tsubokura said.

(20) Similar discrimination was seen after the 1945 atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many people believed survivors were contagious and that marrying hibakusha or their descendants would produce babies with birth defects.

(21) According to a 2008 survey of about 27,000 A-bomb survivors conducted by the city of Hiroshima, the main source of their emotional suffering after their exposure to radioactive “black rain” was discrimination, prejudice and anxiety over long-term health effects.

(22) Even more than 60 years later, they are still haunted by discrimination, said Terumi Tanaka, secretary general of Nihon Hidankyo, an atomic bomb victims’ organization. Speaking at the Japan National Press Club in August 2011, he said the issue of radiation exposure is raised even today when their grandchildren try to marry.

(23) Anzai of Ritsumeikan said that studies show no statistical increase in health risks among the second generation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors.

(24) “Academically speaking, (Fukushima residents’) exposure levels are something that won’t likely have a significant genetic impact. (Their) exposure level is low,” said Anzai, who has been criticizing the government’s promotion of nuclear power plants since the 1960s. “But the difficulty with radiation is that it’s not only about physical health but the mental and social impact.”

(25) Having visited Minamisoma over the past two years, Tsubokura worries about low self-esteem among the residents.

(26) “If your hometown is dismissed, if produce you’ve grown is rejected, and if you are spurned when you grow up, what’s left?” Tsubokura said, adding that regaining self-esteem is one of the biggest problems now facing Fukushima residents.

(27) Some argue that if the anxiety that comes from living in Fukushima is too great, the people should move. But each person has many factors to consider, such as job and family, before reaching a decision, and each decision should be respected, Anzai said.

(28) “Life is not only about radiation protection. It’s fine to evacuate due to fears of radiation. (Each decision) should be made by evaluating many different aspects,” Anzai said.



A-bomb survivor passes on wisdom to Fukushima kids

83-year-old wants to help youths overcome feeling of abandonment

by Hiroki Sato and Kentaro Okada


“I wonder if I can ever have children in the future?”

(1) These words were written in a note from a Fukushima high school girl to 83-year-old Masahito Hirose in the fall of 2011, outlining her worries about the health effects from radiation. The girl and her classmates had visited Nagasaki on a school field trip and listened to Hirose speak about his experiences as a survivor of the 1945 U.S. atomic bombings.

(2) This prompted Hirose to decide to use his own experience of living with the impact of radiation to support young people in Fukushima Prefecture in the long term.

(3) In March 2012, five atomic-bomb survivor groups in Nagasaki opposed arrangements for some of the debris from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, which triggered the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear disaster, to be processed in other parts of the country.

(4) Although the major purpose of the arrangement was to help disaster-struck regions overwhelmed by the debris, such opposition was not uncommon, as many people nationwide feared this would further spread the radiation contamination.

(5) But Hirose worried that such opposition from atomic-bomb survivors themselves, who knew firsthand what it was to be affected by radiation, may make people in the March 2011 disaster zones feel they had been abandoned. So as a member of the groups, he immediately proposed finding ways to show solidarity and extend support to those in the disaster-struck regions.

(6) Two years have passed since the crisis erupted and the high school students who wrote to Hirose have since graduated. When he emailed them, many came back with positive and forward-looking responses, such as, “I want to continue to think about the issues I’ve experienced (through the disaster) in university.”

(7) “I hope to continue to watch them grow,” Hirose said.

(8) Along with other atomic-bomb survivors in Nagasaki, Hirose set up a group in February to liaise between Fukushima and Nagasaki. It is planning to arrange for lectures by survivors about their experiences of the bombing at high schools in Minamisoma, Fukushima Prefecture.

(9) “The day will definitely come when the expertise and experiences accumulated here from the atomic bombing will become useful in Fukushima,” Hirose said. “I want to keep conveying the message that Nagasaki will never abandon Fukushima.”

(10) Meanwhile, in Hiroshima, the other city to have suffered an atomic bombing, 80-year-old Mitsuo Kodama’s approach to raising public awareness about the horrors of radiation has drawn renewed attention since the Fukushima disaster.

(11) Kodama, who was 12 when exposed to radiation from the Hiroshima A-bomb in 1945, shows people a photo of his damaged chromosome.

(12) “Never again should mankind create somebody like me,” he said.

(13) It was in the fall of 2007 when Kodama finally learned for the first time about the amount of radiation he was exposed to — about 4,600 millisieverts, according to tests by the Radiation Effects Research Foundation.

(14) His exposure was so high it has only appeared in “a handful of people,” even in the foundation’s records, which cover long-term studies of some 120,000 A-bomb survivors and others. It is estimated that over 90 percent of people exposed to that much radiation have died.

(15) In Kodama’s case, of the 100 cells tested, 102 chromosomal abnormalities were found.

(16) Kodama was in a junior high school building about 870 meters from ground zero in Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945. Of some 300 classmates, only 19 survived. Soon after, he suffered from various acute symptoms, such as fever and loss of hair. He has had cancer surgery 19 times so far.

(17) He understands that a case like his — having survived the blast from such close distance — is rare. Yet, he also constantly feels disappointed and regretful. As there are so few like him, “It is so difficult to get people to understand the horror of radiation,” he said.

(18) It may not be simple to compare radiation exposure from an A-bomb to long-term exposure from a nuclear plant accident, but “radiation gnaws at the human body far into the future,” Kodama said.

(19) “We must get rid of it from the face of the Earth. I want to pass on my experience to the people of Fukushima too.”




*#2304 福島第一原発事故での放射能被曝:染色体異常の疫学調査は可能か?

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2288 中国のシェール・オイルとガス埋蔵量は米国の1.5倍 May 8, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]









China struggles to unlock its huge shale gas potential

The Washington Post

In a remote corner of southwestern Sichuan Province, in an area of lush, terraced hillsides, oil exploration teams have been scaling cliffs to lay seismic charges and struggling to move heavy equipment along winding mountain roads.

(2)  That is where China hopes to find vast stores of natural gas trapped in shale rock. The U.S. Energy Information Administration has estimated that China’s technically recoverable shale gas resources could be 50 percent bigger than those in the United States, where shale has transformed the energy sector.

(3)  That has sparked hopes that unlocking those resources could help meet China’s relentlessly growing energy demand and ease its reliance on heavily polluting coal-fired power plants.

(4)  But progress on China’s shale frontier has been slow. About 60 shale exploration wells have been drilled over the past two years, according to the consulting firm IHS CERA, about as many as are drilled in North Dakota every 10 days. And there has been no Chinese shale gas production.

(5)  China’s shale gas deposits may be large, but they are remote, and in most places there is not enough water to provide for hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, a technique used to create cracks that unlock gas trapped in the rock.

(6)  More importantly, oil experts say, burrowing through China’s regulatory layers is no small feat. In the United States, independent oil companies bought mineral rights owned by private individuals, then pushed ahead with drilling and production. In China, lumbering state companies dominate the landscape, and mineral rights are owned by the state — although which state bureaucracy is in charge of regulation has been a matter of dispute.

(7)  “It’s not about the resource,” said an executive from one international oil company that has considered investing there, speaking on the condition of anonymity. “It’s about the above-the-ground factors.”

(8)  An executive from another international oil company, also speaking on the condition of anonymity, called the Chinese National Energy Administration’s goal of producing 6.5 billion cu. meters of shale gas a year by 2015 and almost 1 trillion cu. meters a year by 2020 “absolute fantasy.”

(9)  “There’s a lot of fantasy right now about the speed at which shale in China will scale. Almost none of the factors that allowed for ready expansion of shale in the U.S. are present in China — except, perhaps, the geology,” David Victor, director of the University of California at San Diego’s international law and regulation program, said in an e-mail. “It is the ‘above ground’ factors that matter often much more than geological factors below ground.”

(10)  China has never been a major natural gas producer or consumer. Natural gas provides just 4 percent of China’s total energy, compared with more than 25 percent in the United States, according to the Energy Information Administration.

(11)  Much of that gas is supplied to major cities such as Beijing, where it helps ease pollution by burning more cleanly than coal. With rapid urbanization expected to last another decade or more, demand for natural gas is heading higher.

(12)  “With accelerating urbanization, per capita energy demand will skyrocket in line with rising income,” Han Wenke and Yang Yufeng of China’s Energy Research Institute wrote in a recent paper. “The energy consumption mix for living will shift from low-end or primary energy (such as firewood in rural areas) to high quality energy (such as pipeline natural gas in cities).”

(13)  China’s 12th five-year plan aims to boost natural gas to 8 percent of national energy use by 2015. To get there, China plans a jump in imports as well as tapping domestic supplies of shale gas and coal-bed methane. It already imports liquefied natural gas from exporters such as Qatar, often paying steep prices linked to international oil prices. More LNG is on the way as projects in Australia and Southeast Asia expand.

(14)  Gas imports covered 5 percent of domestic needs in 2007; they account for 30 percent now, according to Zhou Xizhou, director of the consulting firm IHS CERA (China). Domestic production doubled during that time but did not keep pace with soaring demand.

(15)  China’s national oil companies have looked to the United States to learn the shale business. Sinopec paid $1 billion for properties owned by Chesapeake Energy. Earlier, CNOOC paid billions for a one-third interest in Chesapeake acreage. The Oklahoma-based firm was the leading U.S. shale gas company — until heavy debt and low gas prices battered its fortunes. In January, another Chinese company, Sinochem, spent $1.7 billion to buy a stake in a Texas shale field owned by Pioneer Natural Resources.

(16)  Those investments did not buy technology transfer, and Chinese companies still need U.S. know-how, despite a U.S.-China Shale Gas Resource Initiative in which the U.S. government tries to promote shale development in China, focusing on resource assessment and technology exchange.

(17)  Persuading global oil and gas companies to partner or invest in China is a challenge that illustrates some of the difficulties of doing business in modern China — and the uncertainties inherent in the oil and gas business.

(18) A spat between two Chinese government bureaucracies muddled lines of authority. The National Development and Reform Commission, an arm of the powerful State Council, oversees oil, gas and other major economic issues. But the Ministry of Land and Resources oversees mineral resources and has claimed jurisdiction, arguing that shale is a mineral.

(19)  Royal Dutch Shell, the only company with a production-sharing agreement, signed its deal with PetroChina, an arm of the state-owned China National Petroleum Corp., in March 2012, and it is drilling its third well now, industry sources said. Dozens more will be needed to assess the area’s production potential.

(20)  Chevron, meanwhile, is operating in an advisory capacity while Sinopec’s people do the drilling and data collection. Both companies have successful production-sharing deals in Sichuan for what is known as tight gas, also difficult to extract.

(21)  Other companies are waiting until the regulatory line of authority is clarified.

(22)  For now, the Ministry of Land and Resources has the lead role. It has held two lease sales. The first round went to the two national oil companies, CNPC and Sinopec. In the second, however, not one of the winning bidders has any experience in the risky oil and gas exploration business. They included five electric utilities, five mining firms, an energy trading company and a city gas distributor. Only one of the companies is private.

(23)  Foreign companies, which were not allowed to participate, must now cut deals with these Chinese firms if they want access.

(24)  Pipeline infrastructure could present a bottleneck, too. The United States is crisscrossed with pipelines. In Pennsylvania, Texas and Louisiana, new shale gas production goes into a network developed over decades. China’s network is far less extensive.

(25)  That creates a chicken-and-egg problem, said one international oil executive. The Chinese pipeline company does not want to build a new pipeline without knowing whether there will be enough gas to justify it. The oil and gas exploration company cannot know that without drilling pilot wells, and before doing that, it wants a pipeline.

(26)  If companies move ahead, constructing drilling pads is also going to mean moving people, and many Chinese communities have been speaking out more than they did when hundreds of thousands were displaced by the Three Gorges Dam project in Hubei Province. “The habits of the past, when you could just bulldoze a village, are over,” said one oil executive.


(1) Sichuan Province 四川省
(7) anonymity 匿名の人
(26) Three Gorges Dam 三峡ダム
  Hubei Province 湖北省 

*#2151 塗りかわる世界の原油生産構図:米国が世界最大の産油国に:New grobal energy picture

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2271 Japan's depopulation time bomb Apr. 23, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]


Japan’s depopulation time bomb

The National Institute of Population and Social Security Research on March 27 announced a population estimate for Japan in 2040. As expected, what emerges out of this is a nation with an unprecedented rapidly aging and declining population. The implications of the estimate must be taken very seriously and preparations made to ameliorate the impact of this situation.

The estimate shows population trends in 2040 for each municipality. It is imperative that both the central and local governments design a sustainable social security system in time as well as to consider ways to secure a sufficient number of workers to prevent a decline in industrial capability. Local governments also need to work out measures aimed at maintaining and stabilizing people’s lives in local communities by foreseeing what will happen to their industries, social services, transportation and so on.

The estimate shows that Japan’s population in 2040 will stand at 107.276 million, a decline of about 20 million from 2010′s 128.057 million. A January 2012 estimate by the same institute had shown that in 2060, Japan’s population will number 86.737 million, about 30 percent less from the 2010 level.

Japan has been experiencing a natural population decrease since 2007, with annual deaths topping births. In 2011, the total fertility rate — the average number of babies a woman gives birth to during her life — was 1.39. A total fertility rate of 2.07 is required to maintain population levels. Although the public sector has been taking steps to make it easier for women to have more children, it will be extremely difficult to improve the situation.

In 2010, there were no prefectures where the percentage of people aged 65 or older exceeded 30 percent, but in 2040 all prefectures will be like that. The most aged prefecture will be Akita, where 43.8 percent of the population will be age 65 or older while the youngest prefecture will be Okinawa (30.3 percent). In Hokkaido and 39 other prefectures, people aged 75 or older will account for more than 20 percent of the population.

In 25 of the nation’s 47 prefectures, the population in 2040 will be more than 20 percent lower than the 2010 level. Among those prefectures are Hokkaido, most Tohoku prefectures, six prefectures bordering the Sea of Japan, all prefectures in Shikoku and four prefectures in Kyushu. The population will fall by more than 30 percent in Akita and Aomori prefectures. The population index in 2040 will drop to 64.4 in Akita Prefecture, the biggest fall from the index of 100 in 2010, followed by Aomori (67.9) and Kochi (70.2) in that order. Okinawa will experience the smallest decline (98.3), followed by Tokyo’s 23 wards (93.5) and Shiga (92.8) in that order.

The institute has published population trends for every municipality with the exception of those in Fukushima Prefecture due to the impact of the nuclear disaster. In 2040, the populations in 1,603 municipalities or 95.2 percent of the total, will be less than in 2010. In about 70 percent of them, their population will see a drop of 20 percent or more from the 2010 level. In only 80 municipalities, or 4.8 percent, the population will increase.

The progress in the graying of the nation means that the need for social services for residents such as medical and nursing care services will increase. The population decrease means that the nation’s total tax revenues will decline. As a result, grants from the central government to local governments will diminish. Both the central and local governments must find ways to overcome the imbalance between revenues and outlays. It will become all the more important for both the public and private sectors to increase chances for women to fully utilize their abilities in the workforce.

The effects of a population decrease are already being felt. Cases in which road bridges have been closed to traffic because of a lack of funds for maintenance and a drop in the number of users are increasing. Forests exist whose owners are now unknown. The number of vacant houses are increasing. Some municipalities have passed by-laws under which they will demolish vacant houses that have become dangerously dilapidated.

In the countryside, traffic consists mainly of privately owned vehicles. As the population grays, however, more and more elderly people will be unable to drive, making it difficult for them to buy food and other essentials or to receive medical care. In local communities in mountainous areas in particular it is becoming extremely difficult to maintain a suitable level of social services for residents. It will become necessary for local governments to concentrate essential facilities such as medical institutions and administrative organizations in certain areas and take administrative steps to relocate elderly people who need such services so they can be close to them.

It will also become necessary for local governments to reactivate local industries such as agriculture, fisheries and tourism. Steps should be taken to attract young people to agriculture and fisheries and add value to agricultural and fishery products through processing appealing to consumers and effective marketing. While it will likely be necessary to encourage more businesses to engage in agriculture and fisheries, oversight will be necessary to prevent them from causing environmental damage, overly exploiting resources or having a negative impact on local communities.

Tourism should be used to attract people from urban areas to the countryside. Local governments must consider how to best utilize sceneries, historical sites, local food, traditional performing arts and so forth to promote tourism. They should also establish incentives that will encourage urban residents to buy second homes in their communities.

To overcome the difficulties caused by a graying and shrinking population, it will be vital to cultivate people who can come up with creative ideas on how to revitalize local communities and can exercise leadership in translating those ideas into action. It will also be helpful to set up cooperative relations between rural municipalities and urban areas. Local governments should not spare any efforts in these endeavors.


にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2267 Testing children's English ability: Apr. 18, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]


 5歳児受験者数 2,410人
 6歳児受験者数 4,200人
 7歳児受験者数 7,516人







 中学1年生 『読書力』斉藤孝著 岩波新書
 中学2年生 『国家の品格』 藤原正彦
 中学3年生 『すらすら読める風姿花伝』世阿弥原著 林望現代語訳


Testing children’s English ability

Japan’s obsession with testing is growing, according to new information from the Eiken Foundation of Japan. The foundation, which oversees one of Japan’s most oft-taken English exams, the Eiken, has reported that the number of primary school students taking the Eiken test in practical English proficiency has reached the highest number ever.

More than 200,000 primary school students sat for the exam in fiscal 2012, up 80 percent from 10 years ago.

The reasons why the foundation released the data by age group for the first time this year is unclear, but perhaps they would like to compete with the English exam currently being promoted by the Abe administration, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). In Japan, not only test-takers compete, but test-makers compete as well.

The competition for applicants, status and income in the massive testing industry has never been fiercer. The push for greater internationalization in universities and the workplace has unfortunately not resulted in improved English, but rather in more customers eager to display their English ability through such exams.

Now, students younger than ever are taking English exams. According to the new data, among the 2.32 million applicants for Eiken exams in fiscal 2012, 206,800 were primary school students. That included 2,410 five-year-olds, 4,200 six-year-olds and 7,516 seven-year olds. While that may be a tiny percentage of the roughly 6.8 million primary school students in Japan, it shows that a not-insignificant number of parents are deciding that their children need to display their English accomplishments in quantative measurements.

Taking exams is not necessarily harmful to learners, but when test results are overemphasized, motivation becomes misdirected. Students can mistake the language for a paper-based, correct-answer activity, rather than a real world communicative tool.

Over-emphasis of exam results at too young an age is neither productive nor helpful. It is one more way that learners pay a lot of money and get little in return.

Schools, teachers and parents should move away from the testing obsession. There is no good reason why 5-year-olds need to display their achievements through such exams. Instead, energy can be better focused on developing children’s positive attitudes, broader understanding and all-around language skills.

English should become a life skill, not a test number. The pressure on young children to be tested on yet one more part of their education does little to advance the long-term goals of producing workers and members of society who can function satisfctorily in English. Japan desperately needs people with such skills to remain competitive in the 21st century.


 2009年5月3日 ebisu-blog#569


 #2265 『カルク』はすぐれもの(2) : "a good job"

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

読書力 (岩波新書)

読書力 (岩波新書)

  • 作者: 齋藤 孝
  • 出版社/メーカー: 岩波書店
  • 発売日: 2002/09/20
  • メディア: 新書
国家の品格 (新潮新書)

国家の品格 (新潮新書)

  • 作者: 藤原 正彦
  • 出版社/メーカー: 新潮社
  • 発売日: 2005/11
  • メディア: 新書


  • 作者: 林 望
  • 出版社/メーカー: 講談社
  • 発売日: 2003/12/13
  • メディア: 単行本

斎藤孝の音読破〈1〉坊っちゃん (齋藤孝の音読破 1)

斎藤孝の音読破〈1〉坊っちゃん (齋藤孝の音読破 1)

  • 作者: 夏目 漱石
  • 出版社/メーカー: 小学館
  • 発売日: 2004/06
  • メディア: 単行本
斎藤孝の音読破〈2〉走れメロス (齋藤孝の音読破 2)

斎藤孝の音読破〈2〉走れメロス (齋藤孝の音読破 2)

  • 作者: 太宰 治
  • 出版社/メーカー: 小学館
  • 発売日: 2004/10
  • メディア: 単行本
斎藤孝の音読破〈3〉銀河鉄道の夜 (齋藤孝の音読破 3)

斎藤孝の音読破〈3〉銀河鉄道の夜 (齋藤孝の音読破 3)

  • 作者: 宮沢 賢治
  • 出版社/メーカー: 小学館
  • 発売日: 2004/11
  • メディア: 単行本
羅生門―齋藤孝の音読破〈6〉 (齋藤孝の音読破 6)

羅生門―齋藤孝の音読破〈6〉 (齋藤孝の音読破 6)

  • 作者: 芥川 龍之介
  • 出版社/メーカー: 小学館
  • 発売日: 2006/03
  • メディア: 単行本
斎藤孝の音読破〈5〉山月記 (齋藤孝の音読破 5)

斎藤孝の音読破〈5〉山月記 (齋藤孝の音読破 5)

  • 作者: 中島 敦
  • 出版社/メーカー: 小学館
  • 発売日: 2005/04
  • メディア: 単行本
斎藤孝の音読破〈4〉五重塔 (齋藤孝の音読破 4)

斎藤孝の音読破〈4〉五重塔 (齋藤孝の音読破 4)

  • 作者: 幸田 露伴
  • 出版社/メーカー: 小学館
  • 発売日: 2005/03
  • メディア: 単行本


  • 作者: 斎藤 孝
  • 出版社/メーカー: 草思社
  • 発売日: 2001/09/12
  • メディア: 単行本
三色ボールペンで読む日本語 (角川文庫)

三色ボールペンで読む日本語 (角川文庫)

  • 作者: 斎藤 孝
  • 出版社/メーカー: 角川書店
  • 発売日: 2005/03
  • メディア: 文庫

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