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#2381 次の原発事故のために(6): 超高濃度汚染水と浄化システムALPS  Aug. 25, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]


Rating would be most serious action since 3/11

NRA looks to raise leak severity level

by Reiji Yoshida

Staff Writer

(1)  The Nuclear Regulation Authority proposed Wednesday raising the severity status of the recent radioactive water leak from a tank at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant to level 3 from an earlier level 1 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES).

(2)  The level 3 rating corresponds to a “serious accident” while the level 1 designation means an “anomaly,” according to the eight-level rating system.

(3)  The NRA said about 300 tons of highly radioactive water has leaked from tank No. 5 in the H4 area of the damaged plant. In total, it said, the nuclear materials released into the environment has been estimated at several thousand terabecquerels, converted into radioactive molybdenum 99.

(4)  “This is comparable to level 3, given the standards for the radiation barriers and management of a facility,” the NRA said in a document released Wednesday.

(5)  Raising the severity rating would be one of the most serious actions taken since the March 11, 2011, mega-quake and tsunami led to three reactor meltdowns.

(6)  The NRA will consult with the International Atomic Energy Agency to determine if its level assessment is appropriate since the leak occurred in the wake of the meltdown crisis, which has already been classified as level 7, or “major accident.”

(7)  INES ratings are usually applied after accidents at undamaged nuclear-related facilities.

(8)  NRA chief Shunichi Tanaka voiced deep worry Wednesday about the plant, which now has about 1,060 massive tanks containing highly radioactive water.

(9)  “I’m concerned most about how such tanks with high levels (of radioactive water) are increasing rapidly,” Tanaka said, adding that if large tsunami were to again hit, many of the tanks would be destroyed at once.

(10)  The water in the tanks had been used to cool the three melted reactors. Some of the tanks are temporary, including the leaking one. It is just sheet metal bolted together with its seams sealed.

(11)  Tanaka urged Tepco to quickly repair and resume operations of ALPS, the filtering equipment that can remove all radioactive materials except for tritium from tainted water at the facility.

(12)  “If (the tainted water) is processed with ALPS, risks would be greatly reduced,” Tanaka said.

(13)  Tepco initially planned to start full-fledged ALPS operations in mid-August but stopped tests of the system after finding corrosion holes on a tank. The operations are not expected to resume until December.

(14)  Also Wednesday, NRA members agreed to set up an expert panel to monitor marine conditions and effects on sea creatures, fish in particular, in waters near the wrecked plant.

(15)  The panel, which is scheduled to hold its first session Sept. 6, will provide “trustful and meaningful figures” to reduce “harmful rumors and misunderstandings,” NRA member Kayoko Nakamura said during a meeting.

(16)  Tepco has denied that water from the leaking tank No. 5 flowed directly into the Pacific Ocean. But separately, about 300 tons of radioactive groundwater is believed flowing into the ocean every day.

(17)  The groundwater is contaminated with radioactive tritium, which is believed to be about 1/1000 as harmful to humans as cesium-134 and -137, but remains a source of public concern given the massive amount of tainted water reaching the sea.

(18)  The Fisheries Agency regularly conducts sampling surveys on radioactive materials from fish caught along the coast. But the agency’s checks mainly focus on radioactive cesium and strontium, not tritium.

(19)  Fishermen have halted operations off Fukushima since the catastrophe started, except for sampling surveys of radioactive materials.

(20)  Sampling survey results up to August show no significant increase in fish containing radioactive cesium, with only some caught off Fukushima exceeding the government safety standard of 100 becquerels per kilogram.




(1),(2) INESは0から7までの8段階のレベル設定がなされている。2011年3月の福島第一原発事故(3基がメルトダウン)はレベル7の深刻な事故。レベル1は"逸脱"、レベル3は"重大な異常事象"、今回の漏出事故はレベル3だと原子力安全委員会は見ている。


(3) 漏洩事故を起こしたタンクはエリアH4のNo.5の貯蔵タンクである。容量計算すると直径約11m高さ10mのようだ。300tの高濃度汚染水(8000万Bq/㍑)が洩れたのだが、原子力安全委員会は放出された放射能を放射性モリブデン99換算値で数千テラ・ベクレルと計算している(3)。

(4) 原子力安全委員会は今回の漏洩事故はレベル3だと文書で公表した。

(5) 2011年3月11日以来、最大の事故である。

(8) 田中俊一原子力安全委員長の発言の解説の中に汚染水貯蔵タンクの数が1060となっているが、前日の記事では350となっていたはずだが、どちらが本当の数だろう?

(9) 重大なことが書かれている。田中俊一委員長は超高濃度の汚染水貯蔵タンクが急速の増加していることに懸念を表明している。もう一回地震や津波が来たら多くのタンクがひとたまりもなく壊れてしまう

(11) 田中委員長は東京電力にトリチウム以外の放射性物質を取り除く「アルプス」の運転を再開するように求めている。

「また、同位体濃縮技術にはエネルギーも費用もかかりますが、ウランの中から燃えるウランを濃縮できるように、水素の中からトリチウムを濃縮することも可能です。むしろ、質量数1の水素と質量数3のトリチウムでは重さが三倍も異なっていて、ウラン濃縮に比べればはるかに分離が容易です」(『隠される原子力・核の真実』小出裕章著 129ページ)


(12) アルプスで超高濃度汚染水を処理すればリスクは小さくできるだろうと田中委員長。

(13)(14) NRAは専門家パネルを設置し、海洋の状態とその影響を監視。監視対象には大破している原発プラント周辺の海洋生物や特定の魚種を予定。専門家パネルは9月6日に初回のミーティングを開く。





*「#2047 原子力発電所は不要だった(実証) : 金子慶大教授と吉原城南信金理事長の主張  Aug. 10, 2012 」

**「放射能汚染水情報アップデート ALPSの稼働をめぐる部分最適の是非(2)」

 「福一放射能汚染浄化システム試運転開始 」


(15) 東京電力はNo.5貯蔵タンクから太平洋への(直接の)漏洩を否定している。しかし、これとは別に毎日300㌧の超高濃度汚染水が太平洋へ漏れ出ていると考えられている。

(16) 地下水は3基のメルトダウンした原子炉内にあった燃料棒と接触して超高濃度汚染状態にあると考えられるがとリチウムの人体への害はセシウムの1000分の1と考えられている。しかし、国民の関心はそのことよりも海へ排出されるトリチウムの総量にある。

(17) 水産庁は海洋生物に含まれる放射性セシウムや放射性ストロンチウムの測定はやっているがトリチウムの測定は一切していない。六ヶ所村の使用済み核燃料再処理施設にみられるように、トリチウムの除去は想定外という原子力行政と路線が一致している。






*#1254 経済成長論の終焉 Oct.24, 2010

 #1460 「原子炉圧力容器損傷か?:写真で検証

 #1462 「裸の王様:原子炉圧力容器は破損している 論より証拠、よく写真を見てごらん 」

 #1463 「福島第1原発3号炉はもう無い:東京電力社員退去要請の意味」

 #1607 児玉龍彦国会で告発(2):(書き起こし) July 31, 2011

 #1611 児玉龍彦教授(3):息子さんからのエール Aug. 3, 2011

 #1655 あらら、何を隠そうとしているの?:原子炉建屋にコンクリートの覆い Sep.21, 2011

 #2237 過剰富裕化論提唱者の福島原発事故処理構想:遺稿 Mar. 4, 2013

 #2323 次の原発事故のために(1):甲状腺癌と情報操作?:U.N. experts see no increase risk of cancer … Jun. 6, 2013

 #2324 次の原発事故のために(2) :福島県で12人が甲状腺癌 Jun. 7, 2013

 #2325 次の原発事故のために(3):Tyroid cancer hits 12 kids in Fukushima: Jun. 8, 2013

 #2377 次の原発事故のために(4):小児甲状腺癌18人に  Aug. 21, 2013

 #2379 次の原発事故のために(5) 8000万ベクレル/ℓ 高濃度汚染水漏洩 Aug.22, 2013

 #2381 次の原発事故のために(6): 超高濃度汚染水と浄化システムALPS  Aug. 25, 2013

 #2383 次の原発事故のために(7): 漏洩はセシウムとストロンチウム合計で30兆Bq  Aug. 26, 2013

 #2387 次の原発事故のために(8):トリチウムの問題 Aug. 29, 2013 

 #2390 サンマのI-131の濃度から放射能汚染水の大量流出は分かっていた Sep. 1, 2013

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2380 スマートフォン中毒症そしてゲームと殺人ロボット技術の進化 Aug. 24, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]












*「PlayStation 4 to get jump in U.S.」


Sony Corp. will start selling the PlayStation 4 in North America on Nov. 15, moving to obtain an early advantage in the largest video game market against Microsoft Corp.

The $399 player, Sony’s first new console in seven years, will be available in Europe on Nov. 29 and in 32 countries for the Christmas holiday season, Sony Computer Entertainment Chief Executive Officer Andrew House said Tuesday in Cologne, Germany, ahead of the annual Gamescom, Europe’s biggest game conference. Orders already top 1 million, he said.

Sony’s plans put the PlayStation 4 in more than double the markets of Microsoft’s costlier Xbox One as the two companies begin a multiyear battle for dominance. Microsoft, which initially targeted 21 countries for its debut, last week cut the number to 13 to ensure larger markets have sufficient supplies.

“Sony’s set is cheaper than Xbox, so it will be easier to purchase,” said Junya Ayada, an analyst at Daiwa Securities Co. in Tokyo. “The PS4 is said to have gathered over 1 million pre-orders, but the key question is how much will it sell after the launch.”

The new consoles from Sony and Microsoft enter a marketplace that, since the last influx, has shifted toward mobile games played on tablets and smartphones like Apple Inc.’s iPhone. Console makers are betting faster machines with new features, from motion capture to immersive graphics, will entice consumers to spend on hardware as well as games.

The introduction of new consoles is likely to spark consumer appetite and set the video game market up for a new growth cycle, according to a note from Richard Beaudoux, a Paris-based analyst at Natixis Securities.

Sony unveiled the PlayStation 4 in June at E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo. To counter the mobile threat, the Tokyo-based company is tying the console to its Vita handheld player. Executives Tuesday showed off games for 90 minutes to highlight the robust lineup of available titles, demonstrated how users will be able to use Wi-Fi within the home to play games streamed from the PlayStation 4 and announced a price cut for the Vita.

The Vita’s price was lowered to $199 from $250, Jim Ryan, CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, said at the event. In Europe, the new price is €199 ($267).




にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ


#2379 次の原発事故のために(5) 8000万ベクレル/ℓ 高濃度汚染水漏洩 Aug.22, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]

福島第一 タンク漏水300㌧ 放射性物質8000万ベクレル検出






Tepco starts pumping groundwater

But long-term solution will take two years at best

by Reiji Yoshida

Staff Writer

(1) More than two years after the 2011 meltdown disaster started, the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant is facing another crisis as an estimated 300 tons of highly radioactive water reach the Pacific Ocean every day.

(2) Tokyo Electric Power Co. on Friday finally began a full-fledged effort to slow the massive flow by pumping highly toxic groundwater out of one location. But it won’t get to two other areas for several months and estimates that it will take some two years at best to completely solve the problem.

(3) Government officials now say the radioactive water began entering the sea at least since June, given spikes in radioactive materials in samples from a monitoring well near the coast within the plant compound.

(4) Since the catastrophe struck, fishermen have voluntarily stopped operations off Fukushima except for sampling, as the possible impact on fish and human health remains uncertain. But the water crisis is likely to raise further concerns about local seafood and could severely harm Japan’s credibility if both Tepco and the government fail to contain the problem.

(5) “It has now become clear that contaminated water is flowing into the sea. The current situation is extremely severe,” industry minister Toshimitsu Motegi reportedly told an expert meeting on the water crisis Thursday.

(6) On Friday, Tepco started pumping contaminated water from a pit dug near the coast between the reactor 1 and 2 buildings. When the operation reaches its full capacity it will hopefully stop the 100 tons a day from flowing through that area. But it will take at least several months for Tepco to start pumping 200 tons per day of tainted water from two other contaminated areas near the coast.

(7) It will also take nearly two years to set up equipment to freeze soil around the reactor buildings to create a 1.4-km-long barrier to isolate them from groundwater, government officials said.

(8) According to Tepco, about 1,000 tons of groundwater flow from the mountainside into the compound each day.

(9) Of that amount, 400 tons end up inside the damaged reactor buildings and 300 tons flow to the sea after being contaminated with radioactive materials from the damaged plant, mainly strontium and tritium.

(10) The remaining 300 tons supposedly reach the Pacific uncontaminated.

(11) The pit dug near the No. 1 monitoring well, where Tepco began pumping out water Friday, is in an area believed to be getting about 100 tons of groundwater every day.

(12) It is believed the groundwater reaching there is becoming contaminated by water from a damaged underground cable trench nearby that is connected to a reactor turbine building.

(13) Tepco plans to isolate the area by injecting liquid glass into the soil and building waterproof walls around the area by early October.

(14) It plans to finish building similar waterproof walls around the other two contaminated areas along the coast by the end of November.

(15) But a road map submitted Thursday to the government didn’t show when Tepco will start pumping water from the two areas to prevent it from going into the sea. Like the spot where pumping started Friday, about 100 tons of groundwater is believed to be flowing under each of these areas every day.

(16) In any event, pumping out the groundwater and building waterproof shielding walls won’t prevent all contaminated water from reaching the sea, though it will considerably reduce the total amount, government officials said.

(17) Thus, the government and Tepco now plan to use taxpayer money to create a barrier of frozen soil around reactors 1 through 4 by sinking a vast network of coolant pipes.

(18) The method is sometimes used during construction of underground tunnels, but this project will be the largest of its kind anywhere in the world and “some new technologies” will have to be developed, according to government officials.

(19) A setup with so much cooling equipment will also require a steady supply of electricity in vast amounts. In an extended power failure the soil would thaw.

(20) Despite these risks, government officials say the untested freezing method is the best way for Tepco to isolate the damaged buildings.

(21) The Natural Resources and Energy Agency will soon launch “a feasibility study” on the project, and no other methods are currently being considered, agency officials said.

(22) Meanwhile, Tepco’s failure to report on the water problem has managed to make the overall situation worse by making it harder to dump relatively clean water into the ocean.

(23) Tepco announced in June that it had found highly contaminated water in the monitoring well on the coast between the reactor 1 and 2 buildings. But it didn’t admit that the water is reaching the sea until July 22, one day after the pro-nuclear Liberal Democratic Party won its landslide victory in the Upper House election.

(24) Tepco President Naomi Hirose apologized for the delay while claiming the timing had nothing to do with the election.

(25) Tepco has been struggling with water contamination since the start of the crisis and the critical operation to keep the broken reactors cool generates 400 tons of newly contaminated water every day.

(26) The local fishermen, the safe image of their produce ruined, are now furious and refusing to accept any Tepco plan to dump relatively safe water into the sea from tanks that are badly needed for highly contaminated water.

(27) Tepco has long hoped to dump the coolant water into the sea after removing the radioactive materials and diluting it with clean water to meet government safety standards.

(28) Tepco also plans to pump clean groundwater from the mountainside near the plant before it flows into the reactor buildings.

(29) Now the government is unable to secure the politically necessary consent of the local fishermen to carry out these plans.

(30) “Until we first stop the flow (of contaminated water) into the sea, we would not be able to ask for consent of fishermen,” a senior official at the Natural Resources and Energy Agency said Thursday.
















換算表: )





 "福島原発 放出された核種"をキーに検索してみた。以下のデータは2011年6月までのもので、それ以降のデータはどうなっているのだろう?








*#1463 「福島第1原発3号炉はもう無い

*#1462 「裸の王様:原子炉圧力容器は破損している 論より証拠、よく写真を見てごらん

**#1460 「原子炉圧力容器損傷か?:写真で検証

 #1607 児玉龍彦国会で告発(2):(書き起こし) July 31, 2011

 #1611 児玉龍彦教授(3):息子さんからのエール Aug. 3, 2011

 #1655 あらら、何を隠そうとしているの?:原子炉建屋にコンクリートの覆い Sep.21, 2011

 #2237 過剰富裕化論提唱者の福島原発事故処理構想:遺稿 Mar. 4, 2013

 #2323 次の原発事故のために(1):甲状腺癌と情報操作?:U.N. experts see no increase risk of cancer … Jun. 6, 2013

 #2324 次の原発事故のために(2) :福島県で12人が甲状腺癌 Jun. 7, 2013

 #2325 次の原発事故のために(3):Tyroid cancer hits 12 kids in Fukushima: Jun. 8, 2013

 #2377 次の原発事故のために(4):小児甲状腺癌18人に  Aug. 21, 2013

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2357 臨床試験でデータ捏造: "Data in Novartis drug study manipulated" July 16, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]



(当時(1979年)のパソコンはオモチャ同然で仕事のシーンでは使いものにならなかったので、科学技術計算用のプログラマブル・キャリュキュレータHP67とHP97 を使ってデータ処理していた。1991年頃だったと記憶するが子会社・関係会社と管理する部門に所属していたときにはEXCELで基本統計量が簡単に計算できるようになっていた。)
*1 「ディオバン(バルサルタン)の臨床研究の統計学的懸念の解説図1」がページの中ほどに載っている。





Data in Novartis drug study manipulated

Kyoto university sounds alarm on researcher's claims about hit blood pressure medicine Diovan


The data used in a clinical study on Novartis Pharma K.K.’s blockbuster blood pressure drug Diovan were manipulated, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine has revealed.

The research, based on around 3,000 Japanese with high blood pressure, was started in 2004 by Hiroaki Matsubara, a former professor at the school who published papers between 2008 and 2012.

His study concluded that Diovan, generically known as valsartan, is more potent in reducing angina and strokes than other antihypertensive medicines.

Facing reporters Thursday, a university official said its investigation showed that “it is highly likely that this conclusion was erroneous.” The university said it does not question the drug’s effectiveness at lowering blood pressure.

Asked if Matsubara could have deliberately tweaked the data, Shinji Fushiki, vice president of the university, said the researchers’ conflicting accounts are making it hard to pin down.

“Those involved in the research give accounts that do not match up with each other, so we don’t know who did manipulation where,” Fushiki said.

Last December, Matsubara requested that his papers be withdrawn because of “data problems” after the data in his study were questioned.

Data manipulation in such a large clinical study is thought to be rare, and it is believed the university is considering filing a criminal complaint.

A lawyer representing Matsubara said the researcher did not alter the data.

“We are surprised by what was said at the news conference. We would like to withhold any specific comments at this point. (Matsubara) has not been involved in the manipulation,” lawyer Rei Hashiguchi said.

Matsubara’s research on the drug has been called into question on other fronts as well. A Novartis Pharma employee was involved in analyzing statistical data but the employee’s affiliation was not indicated in the papers. Matsubara’s research team was also known to have received more than ¥100 million in grants from the drugmaker.

Novartis Pharma, a unit of the Swiss pharmaceutical group Novartis, said in a statement that it “cannot confirm if there had been any deliberate acts” of data manipulation in the course of research because of the inadequate account in the university’s report.

The university’s report, however, said Novartis Pharma refused its request to interview the employee in question. The drug company said the request was rejected at the strong behest of the employee, who has retired from the company.

While noting the university’s acknowledgement that its drug effectively lowers blood pressure, Novartis said it regrets the case is causing tremendous concern among university officials and patients. Diovan is one of its flagship products and generates just over ¥100 billion in revenue in Japan.

The Novartis employee in question was also involved in Diovan research at Tokyo Jikei University, Chiba University, Nagoya University and Shiga University of Medical Science.





「ノバルティスファーマ 医学界、製薬業界を震撼させた論文データ「捏造」疑惑」

 #1661 情報処理検定試験(9月25日)が近い: RDマシンと科学技術用計算機HP67 Sep. 23, 2011

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2351 円安で燃料高騰 初水揚げサンマ1尾500円 July 9, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]







Jun 5, 2013

Cheap yen exacts toll on fishing

(1) The cheap yen caused by the Abe administration’s economic policy, which is centered on the Bank of Japan’s massive monetary easing, has led to price rises on imported items. Fishermen especially are suffering from rises in fuel oil prices. Because wholesalers and volume sellers basically control the prices for fishery products in most cases, it is difficult for fishermen to pass on their higher costs to consumers.

(2) The government must become fully aware of the difficult situation in which Japan’s fishing industry finds itself and take necessary measures. At the same time, fishing cooperatives across the nation should make their own efforts to overcome this situation.

(3) It is said that recent fuel cost increases have affected the fishing industry three to five times more severely than the taxi and trucking industries. Some fishermen have been forced to stop fishing temporarily and others permanently.

(4) On April 26 and 27, some 1,500 squid fishing boats throughout the country were forced to suspend fishing. Squid fishermen sharply feel the effect of fuel cost rises caused by the cheap yen since they have to use fish-lure lights during night operations. Fuel costs account for some 30 percent of the total operating costs for a squid fishing boat.

(5) On May 29, more than 2,000 fishermen took part in a rally at Tokyo’s Hibiya Park, sponsored by JF Zengyoren or the National Federation of Japan Fisheries Co-operatives. They demonstrated around the Diet Building, calling on the government to take emergency measures to help them. They brought home their plight, saying the current situation makes it difficult for them to continue fishing despite their desire to bring fresh fish to consumers.

(6) Since the rise of fuel oil costs in 2008, Japanese fishermen have made efforts to save fuel by cruising fishing boats at a lower speed and using fish-lure lights at a lower level of brightness. They succeeded in cutting fuel oil costs by 24 percent, but recent increases in fuel prices have wiped out the effects of their efforts.

(7) In view of the decreases in fishing resources around Japan and the shortage of young people who want to be fishermen, some government measures are necessary. Until 30 years ago, Japan boasted the world’s biggest fishing catch. In terms of catch, Japan is now No. 4 after China, Indonesia and India in that order.

(8) Because oil prices are unlikely to fall anytime soon, fishermen need to reduce their fuel consumption. Efforts should include the use of energy efficient LEDs for lighting, the replacement of old fishing boats with new ones that are more fuel efficient and the addition of auxiliary sails so wind power can be utilized when possible. The government should provide assistance.

(9) Fishing cooperatives also should make efforts to publicize their fishing products and sell them directly to consumers. The Internet can be of great help in this aspect. They also should carry out a campaign to have Japanese consumers eat more fish caught locally.


*#2245  円安はそんなにいいことか? Mar. 17, 2013

 #2246 TPPを考える :エコノミスト浜矩子の見解+アルファ  Mar. 19, 2013

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2348 アングロサクソンの世界支配:データマイニング・プログラム July 6, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]








"U.S. taps severs in vast data-mining program"

"U.S. debates vast monitoring of phone calls"

"Secret U.S. directive plans for cyberwar"

"Data-mining soars even as 9/11 fades"

"America and Britain team up on massive surveillance"

"Mr. Snowden’s revelations"



にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2341 子宮頸癌ワクチン副作用の確率は?:薬科大や看護系の学生用 Jun. 26, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]






(5)  Every year, about 20,000 women in Japan are diagnosed with cervical cancer and about 3,500 of them die. Cervical cancer cases are on the rise among women in their 20s and 30s. The cancer is caused by the commonplace human papillomavirus (HPV), which is transmitted usually through sexual intercourse.


(6)  There are more than 100 types of HPV; some 15 types have a high risk of causing cervical cancer. HPV types 16 and 18 are responsible for about 70 percent of all cervical cancers. It is thought that 80 percent of Japanese women become infected with HPV during their lifetime.


(7)  Two types of vaccines that are effective against HPV types 16 and 18 are used in Japan. Although they do not cover all of the high-risk types of HPV, combining the vaccinations and medical examinations is considered an effective preventive.



HPV: Human PapillomaVirus 人パピローマウィルス
vaccination: 予防接種
allegation: 申し立て
cervical cancer: 子宮頸癌
side effects: 副作用


HPV vaccine raises questions

(1)  On April 1, vaccinations against cervical cancer began being administered on a regular basis free of charge. But a series of reports have surfaced suggesting that the vaccinations have caused side effects.

(2)  Parents of children who are said to have suffered serious health damage have formed an association and called on the government to immediately stop the vaccinations. Usually junior high school first-grade girl students receive the vaccinations; they have to go through three rounds of vaccinations.

(3)  The health and welfare ministry should immediately carry out a thorough study of the health damage allegations. If the health risks from the vaccinations appear to exceed the benefits promised, the government should stop the vaccinations. Otherwise, it should fully explain both the benefits and any possible damage from the vaccinations to help people make decisions.

(4)  The government should extend sufficient relief if it is ascertained that the vaccinations have caused health damage.

(5)  Every year, about 20,000 women in Japan are diagnosed with cervical cancer and about 3,500 of them die. Cervical cancer cases are on the rise among women in their 20s and 30s. The cancer is caused by the commonplace human papillomavirus (HPV), which is transmitted usually through sexual intercourse.

(7)  Two types of vaccines that are effective against HPV types 16 and 18 are used in Japan. Although they do not cover all of the high-risk types of HPV, combining the vaccinations and medical examinations is considered an effective preventive.

(8)  The regular vaccinations cover girls in the sixth year of elementary school through the first year of junior high school. The vaccinations against cervical cancer began in December 2009. A total of 8.29 million people had received them as of December 2012. According to a health and welfare ministry panel, 1,968 cases of side effects were reported through the end of March 2013. Of these, 106 were rated serious cases of pains or body convulsions, pains in joints or difficulty in walking.

(9)  This means about 12.8 serious cases of side effects per 1 million inoculations — higher than the 0.9 serious cases per million inoculations of influenza vaccine and the 2.1 serious cases per million inoculations of inactivated polio vaccine. The side-effect rate for the HPV vaccine is still lower than the 26.0 serious cases per million inoculations of Japanese encephalitis vaccine.

(10)  The panel’s view is that the side-effect danger from cervical cancer vaccinations is not particularly high compared with that from other vaccinations. If the vaccinations are stopped, many more women may fall victim to cervical cancer.

(11)  The health and welfare ministry has the duty to show convincingly that the benefit from the vaccinations is greater than the risks from the vaccinations. Hospitals and doctors need to provide sufficient information to people about the vaccinations so that they can make a rational decision.

(12)  [Correction: The original number of cases per 1 million — 12.3  per million — was incorrect. The correct number is 12.8. per million.]

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2340 米国の現実:核廃棄物は管理不能 Jun. 25, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]


 "Leaks complicate cleanup of U.S. nuclear facility"

 212 million liters of toxic waste cached in aging underground tanks.


(4) Technical problems, mismanagement and repeated delays have plagued the interminable cleanup of the 1,518-sq.-km site, prolonging an effort that has cost taxpayers $36 billion to date and is estimated will cost $115 billion more.





(37) Inslee has long been a champion of the Hanford cleanup; he was first elected to Congress in 1992 to represent a district that includes the Hanford site. Despite the many leaks and delays, Inslee maintains the belief that the project will one day be completed. Failing to do so, he said, is just not an option. “The country does have financial challenges, but we cannot tell our grandkids that we are going to allow pollution that may someday end up in the Columbia River,” said Inslee. “That’s inexcusable.” 









Leaks complicate cleanup of U.S. nuclear facility

by Shannon Dininny


A stainless steel tank the size of a basketball court lies buried in the sandy soil of southeastern Washington state, an aging remnant of U.S. efforts to win World War II. The tank holds enough radioactive waste to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool. And it is leaking.

(2) For 42 years, tank AY-102 has stored some of the deadliest material at one of the most environmentally contaminated places in the United States: the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. This complex along the Columbia River holds a storied place in American history. It was there that workers produced the plutonium for the atomic bomb dropped by the U.S. on Nagasaki in 1945 — effectively ending World War II.

(3) Today Hanford’s legacy is less about what was made there than the environmental mess left behind — and the federal government’s inability, for nearly a quarter of a century now, to rid Hanford once and for all of its worst hazard: 212 million liters of toxic waste cached in aging underground tanks.

(4) Technical problems, mismanagement and repeated delays have plagued the interminable cleanup of the 1,518-sq.-km site, prolonging an effort that has cost taxpayers $36 billion to date and is estimated will cost $115 billion more.

(5) Add to that the leaks involving AY-102 and other tanks at the site, and watchdog groups, politicians and others are left wondering: Will Hanford ever really be free of its waste? If not, what will its environmental impact be on important waterways, towns and generations to come?

(6) “One corner of our country and my state acted as a stalwart during World War II and the Cold War and did the right thing,” Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said. “We want the federal government to fulfill its obligation to our state.”

(7) There is no greater challenge at Hanford today than its underground tank waste. The leaks inside AY-102, a double-walled tank that was supposed to provide more protection against spillage — as well as newer leaks found this year in six other single-walled tanks — show how critical the situation has become.

(8) Put simply: Time is running out on Hanford’s deteriorating tanks and, in turn, for completing work on a more permanent solution to store what’s in them.

(9) The federal government created Hanford at the height of World War II, moving 50,000 people to sagebrush fields, dotted with small farms, near the Washington-Oregon border for a top-secret construction project. The influx quickly made this area Washington’s fourth-largest city, but most workers didn’t even know exactly what they were building — the world’s first full-scale nuclear reactor — until the bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.

(10) In ensuing years, workers built eight more reactors to produce plutonium for the U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal. They also built hundreds of ancillary projects, including large canyons where toxic chemicals were used to reprocess the plutonium and extract uranium.

(11) All of this work produced massive amounts of radioactive and toxic waste, as reprocessing of the spent nuclear fuel created byproducts that were far too dangerous for human contact.

(12) Workers poured some of that waste directly into trenches in the ground at Hanford, but most of the deadliest waste was stored in 177 underground tanks, grouped into areas known as tank farms.

(13) There isn’t much to see at these tank farms. Gravel fields cover the tanks themselves. Two radionuclides comprise much of the radioactivity: cesium-137 and strontium-90. Both take hundreds of years to decay, and exposure to either would increase a person’s risk of developing cancer.

(14) The first storage tanks, 149 of them, were built between 1943 and 1964 with just a single, stainless-steel wall. They were designed to last only 10 to 20 years, because they were intended as a stopgap measure until a more permanent solution could be found to deal with the waste. Turns out the tanks were susceptible to corrosion; some even buckled from the extreme heat radiated by the waste.

(15) As early as 1956, workers suspected one tank was leaking. Between 1959 and 1968, the Energy Department confirmed that 12 tanks were leaking.

(16) Around that time, workers started building 28 double-walled tanks to provide better protection, then began pumping the most dangerous liquid waste out of the leaking tanks into these vessels. By 1995, they had gotten as much of the pumpable liquid out as possible, leaving behind sludge the consistency of peanut butter.

(17) AY-102 was the first double-walled tank, put into service in 1971 with an intended life span of 40 years. The tank contains chunks of solids — many common metals, including aluminum, nickel, lead, silver, copper, titanium and zinc — as well as other common elements. It also holds more than a dozen radionuclides, such as plutonium, uranium, strontium and cesium, all of which can cause cancers upon contact.

(18) Last fall, at 41 years of age, AY-102 was found to be leaking into the space between its inner and outer shells. So far, no waste has escaped the outer shell to the soil surrounding the tank, and a video review of six other double-shell tanks that began holding waste in the 1970s showed none of them was leaking. “None of these tanks would be acceptable for use today. They are all beyond their design life, and yet they’re holding two-thirds of the nation’s high-level nuclear waste,” said Tom Carpenter of the watchdog group Hanford Challenge.

(19) There has since been more bad news involving still more tanks at the site. On Feb. 15, federal officials revealed that another single-shell tank was leaking. A week later, the governor said that actually six of the single-walled tanks were leaking. Officials now estimate that those tanks could be releasing as much as 3,800 liters of waste a year into the soil.

(20) In all, since that very first leak in the 1950s, at least 69 tanks are known to have excreted more than 3.8 million liters of waste — and possibly far more — into the soil.

(22) So what does all of this mean for the environment and the safety of nearby communities?

(23) The groundwater at Hanford already is contaminated, but scientists gauge the risks to be minimal because it would take decades for contaminants already in the soil to reach the Columbia River, the largest waterway in the Pacific Northwest. The closest tank sits 8 km from the river, home to endangered fish and a source of drinking water for some 175,000 people immediately downstream.

(24) The Energy Department previously built a $230 million plant to treat contaminated groundwater near the tank farms. The agency also is studying how best to handle the leak in AY-102, including whether to empty the tank immediately into another tank, said Kevin Smith, who heads the Energy Department’s Office of River Protection in Richland. Smith acknowledged, however, that the double-shell tanks are nearing capacity.

(25) One problem is knowing exactly what is in each tank. A database listing the contents of each is only a best-guess, relying on historical information about the site and waste samples that are very limited, said Cheryl Whalen of the state Department of Ecology.

(26) Drawing a single sample and analyzing it, which requires exhaustive safety precautions, costs about $1 million, and it doesn’t show everything that is inside, Whalen said. The sample might include liquid, but not the solids floating around inside or the sludge at the bottom.

(27) Whalen also said some elements that are in very small quantities, but could be very hazardous, aren’t even recorded. In addition, some of the radionuclides inside produce altogether new elements under the right conditions.

(28) “The tanks create their own chemical environment. Between the heat and the radionuclides and the chemicals that are already in there, they’re just their own nuclear reactors,” Whalen said. “They’re generating their own little world in there.”

(28) What officials do know is that the tanks are so thermally and radioactively hot that workers must wear white hazmat suits, often with supplied air tanks, when working nearby. To date a total of 10 single-shell tanks have had their contents emptied into double-walled vessels, and another five tanks are scheduled to be emptied by September 2014.

(29) The permanent solution to eradicating Hanford’s waste is a plant being built that would encase the waste in glasslike logs for disposal deep underground. The vitrification plant is among the largest industrial construction projects nationally, both in cost and sheer size. Originally bid at $4.3 billion, the price tag has since grown to more than $12.3 billion, a figure that is expected to rise even further.

(30) The Energy Department fired its original contractor in 2000 amid mounting delays and costs. In 2006, construction was suspended for 22 months after an independent review concluded the department underestimated the force of ground movements at the site should a severe earthquake occur. Construction has been put on hold in some areas of the plant while the Energy Department works to resolve problems.

(31) Once targeted for completion in 2011, the plant now won’t be operating before 2019. That pushes a deadline for treating all of the waste from 2028, under the original agreement, to 2047. Removal of contaminants from groundwater and long-term stewardship of the site will continue for at least two decades longer.

(32) Despite the many challenges, there has been some progress in the 24-year cleanup of Hanford. Workers have removed spent nuclear fuel from two leak-prone pools near the Columbia River. They’ve dug up hundreds of waste sites and demolished contaminated buildings. Five of the nine reactors have been mothballed, and workers continue to monitor and treat groundwater tainted by radionuclides and toxic chemicals.

(33) Today, the communities closest to the Hanford site comprise a science and technology hub that is among the fastest-growing regions in the country, where Hanford cleanup and a national laboratory drive the economy.

(34) Locals celebrate their contribution to the U.S. defense effort. In Richland, a brewery offers “Half-Life Hefeweizen” and “Plutonium Porter” on tap. Richland High School adopted a mushroom cloud as its mascot and students are known as “the Bombers.”

(35) The risks that come with the cleanup project are taken in stride by those whose livelihoods still depend on Hanford.

(36) “There’s an inherent risk to what we do. But I live here, and I’ve never been fearful of anything,” said Dave Molnaa, who has worked at Hanford for 34 years and serves as president of the Hanford Atomic Trades Council, a union representing 2,800 workers.

(37) Inslee has long been a champion of the Hanford cleanup; he was first elected to Congress in 1992 to represent a district that includes the Hanford site. Despite the many leaks and delays, Inslee maintains the belief that the project will one day be completed. Failing to do so, he said, is just not an option. “The country does have financial challenges, but we cannot tell our grandkids that we are going to allow pollution that may someday end up in the Columbia River,” said Inslee. “That’s inexcusable.”



*#1460 「原子炉圧力容器損傷か?:写真で検証

 #1462 「裸の王様:原子炉圧力容器は破損している 論より証拠、よく写真を見てごらん 」

 #1463 「福島第1原発3号炉はもう無い:東京電力社員退去要請の意味」

 #1607 児玉龍彦国会で告発(2):(書き起こし) July 31, 2011

 #1611 児玉龍彦教授(3):息子さんからのエール Aug. 3, 2011

 #1655 あらら、何を隠そうとしているの?:原子炉建屋にコンクリートの覆い Sep.21, 2011

 #2237 過剰富裕化論提唱者の福島原発事故処理構想:遺稿 Mar. 4, 2013

 #2323 次の原発事故のために(1):甲状腺癌と情報操作?:U.N. experts see no increase risk of cancer … Jun. 6, 2013

 #2324 次の原発事故のために(2) :福島県で12人が甲状腺癌 Jun. 7, 2013

 #2325 次の原発事故のために(3):Tyroid cancer hits 12 kids in Fukushima: Jun. 8, 2013

 #2377 次の原発事故のために(4):小児甲状腺癌18人に  Aug. 21, 2013

 #2379 次の原発事故のために(5) 8000万ベクレル/ℓ 高濃度汚染水漏洩 Aug.22, 2013

 #2381 次の原発事故のために(6): 超高濃度汚染水と浄化システムALPS  Aug. 25, 2013

 #2383 次の原発事故のために(7): 漏洩はセシウムとストロンチウム合計で30兆Bq  Aug. 26, 2013

 #2387 次の原発事故のために(8):トリチウムの問題 Aug. 29, 2013 

 #2390 サンマのI-131の濃度から放射能汚染水の大量流出は分かっていた Sep. 1, 2013

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2339 都議選自公全勝 :"Persuading people to vote"    Jun. 24, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]






「自公全勝、82議席獲得、民主惨敗 維新伸びず(産経ニュース)



(6) In the Dec. 16 Lower House election, which gave the Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner Komeito a more than two-thirds majority in the Diet chamber, voter turnout in single-seat constituencies slipped to a postwar record low of 59.32 percent. This showed that many people were so disappointed with the Democratic Party of Japan government that they apparently lost hope in politics itself. This is a serious situation.



(9) In April, 80 city mayoral elections were held in Tokyo and 34 prefectures. Twenty-one of the mayors were selected without elections because no other candidates ran. In more than 60 percent of the cities, voter turnout hit a record low.


(11) In the coming Upper House election campaign, political parties, candidates and voters will be allowed to use the Internet to some extent to try to persuade people to vote for particular candidates. Parties can also show online videos of candidates’ speeches. Citizens will also be allowed to ask others not to vote for particular candidates. It is our hope that effective use of the Internet during campaigns will spur interest and lead to higher voter turnouts.


turnout: 投票率

Persuading people to vote

(1) As the official July 4 start of the Upper House election campaign nears, political parties are preparing to step up their activities geared to the election. The big problem with Japan’s recent elections has been low voter turnout.

(2) Political parties have the great responsibility of rousing people’s interest in politics by presenting in-depth analyses of Japan’s current political and economic issues and explaining their election promises in a clear-cut and rational way. Mass media also can play an important role in increasing people’s interest in elections.

(3) Political parties and voters should realize that a low voter turnout deprives elected politicians of their legitimacy in the minds of many voters, undermining the foundation of representative democracy.

(4) Voter turnout for an Upper House election fell to a record low of 44.52 percent in 1995. In the next five Upper House elections, voter turnout was between 50 percent and 60 percent.

(5) It is incumbent upon political parties and local election administration commissions alike to do whatever they can to encourage as many voters as possible to go to polling stations for the July 21 Upper House election.

(6) In the Dec. 16 Lower House election, which gave the Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner Komeito a more than two-thirds majority in the Diet chamber, voter turnout in single-seat constituencies slipped to a postwar record low of 59.32 percent. This showed that many people were so disappointed with the Democratic Party of Japan government that they apparently lost hope in politics itself. This is a serious situation.

(7) April saw an Upper House by-election in Yamaguchi Prefecture, the first Diet election since the inauguration of the Abe administration, as well as a series of local elections to choose local assembly members and local government heads.

(8) Voter turnout in the Yamaguchi Upper House by-election was only 38.68 percent, 23.23 percentage points lower than the voter turnout of 61.91 percent in the 2010 Upper House election. The low voter turnout may be attributable to the fact that Yamaguchi Prefecture is Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s election base, that the LDP swept all four single-seat constituencies in the Dec. 16 Lower House election, and that an LDP candidate was predicted to win even before the Upper House by-election.

(9) In April, 80 city mayoral elections were held in Tokyo and 34 prefectures. Twenty-one of the mayors were selected without elections because no other candidates ran. In more than 60 percent of the cities, voter turnout hit a record low.

(10) To raise people’s interest in politics, the role of opposition parties is particularly important. Opposition parties need to clearly point out what is wrong with the government’s policies and present convincing policy choices that clearly differ from those of the ruling parties.

(11) In the coming Upper House election campaign, political parties, candidates and voters will be allowed to use the Internet to some extent to try to persuade people to vote for particular candidates. Parties can also show online videos of candidates’ speeches. Citizens will also be allowed to ask others not to vote for particular candidates. It is our hope that effective use of the Internet during campaigns will spur interest and lead to higher voter turnouts.

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2337 Global warning danger zone :地球温暖化危険域へ突入 Jun. 22, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]


(5)  Japanese politicians must pay serious attention to what is happening, and what will happen, to Earth. In mid-May, the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii reported that levels of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, topped 400 parts per million (ppm), marking the highest level in the past 3 million years.

(6)  “With 400 ppm CO₂ in the atmosphere, we have crossed a historic threshold and entered a new danger zone,” United Nations climate chief Christiana Figueres warned.





  1. 叩頭{こうとう}、叩首{こうしゅ}◆膝をつき、額を地面に付けるおじぎ。深い尊敬や従属の意を表す、かつて中国で行われていたおじぎの仕方。◆【語源】中国語のkou(叩)tou(頭)から。
  2. こびへつらい、卑屈{ひくつ}な態度{たいど}


power station:発電所

Global warming danger zone

(1)  Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases remains a vital issue that the international community has yet to tackle. Failure to adequately respond to the threat of global warming will bring devastating results to human beings.

(2)  Developed countries especially have a great responsibility to take sufficient measures to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases because their industrial activities have emitted huge amounts of such gases over many decades.

(3)  Regrettably the Japanese general public’s interest in the issue appears to be low these days, and very few political leaders of the Liberal Democratic Party government are ready to take the initiative to deal with global warming. The Abe administration must drop its indifferent attitude toward the issue and accelerate efforts to mitigate global warming.

(4)  The Democratic Party of Japan introduced the goal of reducing Japan’s emissions of greenhouse gases 25 percent by 2020 from 1990 levels. But Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ordered a review of the goal, suggesting that Japan will slacken its efforts to reduce emissions. In fact, Mr. Abe has said little about the problem of global warming and has not shown any leadership in tackling it.

(5)  Japanese politicians must pay serious attention to what is happening, and what will happen, to Earth. In mid-May, the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii reported that levels of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, topped 400 parts per million (ppm), marking the highest level in the past 3 million years.

(6)  “With 400 ppm CO₂ in the atmosphere, we have crossed a historic threshold and entered a new danger zone,” United Nations climate chief Christiana Figueres warned.

(7)  The International Energy Agency said that if countries take appropriate measures to substantially cut emissions between now and 2020, they will be able to, at least in principle, eventually limit global temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius over the long term from the pre-Industrial Revolution level. But it warned that if they “continue business as usual,” the temperature will rise 3.6 to 5.3 degrees Celsius.

(8)  It is clear that compared with the DPJ government, the Abe administration is not making aggressive efforts to increase renewable energy sources. In the absence of regulation reform designed to promote green energy sources, the LDP government has loosened regulations for constructing coal-burning power plants. In short, it is kowtowing to power companies.

(9)  Another sign of such kowtowing is its attempt to restart nuclear power plants despite the fact that no safe technology to store radioactive waste has been established.

(10)  Japan has refused to make an emissions reduction commitment for the second commitment period, 2013-2020, under the Kyoto Protocol. Thus Japan lacks both a legally binding emission-reduction goal and a concrete plan to reduce emissions.

(11)  Since 1992, greenhouse gas emissions from Japan’s industrial activities, including emissions from office buildings and power stations, have barely declined. As a result, Japan can no longer boast that it is a leading nation in its efforts to reduce global warming gas emissions. The government should end its complacency and take necessary actions to reverse this tread.


にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

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