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#2424 カテゴリー区分に「時事英語公開講座」追加 Sep.29, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]













にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2404 中高生の8.1%がネット中毒:Net addiction a growing problem Sep. 12, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]

  'for people who have developed Internet addictions'







 男女の性差がについての言及が(6)にある。女(9.9%)のほうが男(6.4%)よりもパーセンテージが高い。厚生労働省研究班は7952人、8.1%が病的インターネット依存症an unhealthy dependence on the Internetと判断した。

 (7) インターネット中毒の症候群として次の項目が挙げられている。
①食事を抜く skipping meals


 (8) とくにバーチャル・チームを組んでやるオンラインゲームには社会の関心を強めなければならない。戦いに勝てばお互いに褒め称え、一体感を得る。そのことが依存度を強めてしまう。チームメンバーからの非難を恐れて、チームの勝敗に関わらずチームを抜けることがむずかしくなる。チームメンバーはしょっちゅう朝までオンラインチャットをする羽目になる。チャットのセッションを切断するのは村八分ostracismを招くので怖い。

 (9) 親や先生たちが中高生に健全なインターネットの利用の仕方を教えることが重要だ。親は子どもと話し、オンラインゲームの時間を制限できる。親達はケイタイの深夜の使用を禁止したり、有害サイトが閲覧できないようにフィルタを設定できる。先生たちはネット中毒にならないような利用の仕方を生徒に教育すべきだ。

 (10) オンライン上のバーチャルな人間関係よりも現実の人間関係のほうがより重要で実り豊かなものであることをわからせることも大切だ。インターネット依存症患者は数日間のネット断食degital detoxをやることで、ネット依存を減らすような試みをやるべきだ。

 (11) 政府と地方自治体はネット依存症が起きる原因を探り、カウンセラーや医者たちの依存症患者治療のやりかたを学ぶためにネット中毒ついての研究を行うべきである。そして役に立つ情報を発信し、他の公的機関(病院?)と学校の連携にも協力しうる。


あ、ebisuは心配無用です。東京へ2週間出かけるたびに'degital detox'しています。東京にいる間はブログを書いていたことなどすっかり忘れていますが、単なるボケかもしれませんね。ボケ防止も兼ねて、今日も一生懸命タイピングしました。(笑)


Net addiction a growing problem

(1)  An increasing number of people are absorbed so much in playing games, chatting and surfing online that the habit is causing them problems in their daily lives. Internet addiction should be viewed as a social problem involving both children and adults. Families, educators and the central and local governments should take measures to combat the problem, including education, advice and counseling for people who have developed Internet addictions.

(2)  For the first time ever, a panel of the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry has carried out surveys covering nearly 100,000 junior high and senior high school students and found out that 8.1 percent of them were addicted to the Internet. The panel distributed questionnaires to some 140,000 students through junior high and senior high schools in Tokyo, Hokkaido and Japan’s 45 prefectures from October 2012 to March 2013 and about 98,000 students responded. If the 8.1 percent figure is applied to the total number of students in junior and senior high schools, an estimated 518,000 of them are Internet addicts. This number should be taken seriously.

(3)  The National Hospital Organization’s Kurihama Medical and Addiction Center in Kanagawa Prefecture carried out surveys in 2008 and estimated that some 2.71 million adults are Internet addicts. This number is growing as computers become increasingly portable. In July 2011, the center opened a special section to deal with Internet addiction and since then some 400 people have contacted the center and more than 150 received treatment.

(4)  In the surveys of junior and senior high school students, the largest number used personal computers followed by smartphones and ordinary mobile phones in that order. The surveys found that 9 percent of junior high school students and 14.4 percent of senior high school students are online for more than an average of five hours a day on weekdays. The percentage increases to 13.9 percent for junior high school students and 21.2 percent for senior high school students weekends. These figures are astounding.

(5)  In the past 30 days, 69.2 percent of all students surveyed used the Internet to search for information and news, 64.4 percent visited video sites such as YouTube, 62.5 percent did e-mail, 33.4 percent used social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, and 20.2 percent played online games. Students were allowed to give multiple answers.

(6)  The survey asked students to say yes or no to eight questions that are based on internationally used criteria. Among the questions were the following: (1) Do you feel that you have to gradually increase the hours of using the Internet to gain satisfaction?; (2) Have you tried but failed to shorten your hours online or completely stop using the Internet?; and (3) Did you ever risk damaging important personal relationships due to your Internet habits? The health and welfare ministry panel decided that 7,952 students or 8.1 percent who said yes to five or more questions had an unhealthy dependence on the Internet. The percentage was higher among female students (9.9 percent) than male students (6.4 percent).

(7)  Symptoms of Internet addiction include the following: Skipping meals while surfing online; feeling uneasy if a mobile phone is not at hand all the time; staying up all night and sleeping in the daytime; withdrawing from society; failing to concentrate on studies or work; and becoming sick due to malnutrition. It is important for people to understand that Internet addiction can have serious consequences, including damage to important personal relationships, including family ties.

(8)  Special attention must be paid to online games in which Internet users form a virtual team and attack the enemy. If the team wins, team members praise each other and gain a sense of accomplishment, which serves to deepen their addictions. Regardless of whether the team wins or loses, it becomes difficult for team members to quit the team and the game because they fear that doing so would invite criticism from other team members. In both cases, people are bound by virtual human relationships. Among children it is becoming popular to chat in a group using a free Internet service. They often sit up all night chatting online, and fear that quitting the chat session will lead to ostracism.

(9)  It is important for both parents and teachers to teach students healthy Internet habits. Parents can talk with their children and limit the hours they can play online games. They can also take steps such as prohibiting their children’s use of mobile phones at night and installing filters to block access to harmful Internet sites. Teachers should instruct students on how to use the Internet in beneficial ways to further their education and how to avoid developing an online addiction.

(10) It is also important for people — whether adults or children — to realize that relationships in the real world are much more important and fruitful than virtual online relations. Internet addicts should try to reduce their dependency by having digital detox days and spending more time with friends and family members.

(11)  The central and local governments should carry out studies on Internet addiction to become more familiar with the causes and to learn how counselors and doctors treat Internet addicts. They can then disseminate relevant information and help organize networks at schools and other institutions to deal with the problem.


にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2403  構文解説編(#2401) Sep. 11, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]



(6) However, “the government and the BOJ cannot respond” if bond prices plunge should the government opt to put off the tax hike, Kuroda said.


“the government and the BOJ cannot respond”

if bond prices plunge

should the government opt to put off the tax hike,

Kuroda said.
「肝はshould ですネ」と次の投稿でポイントを書き込んでいます。



A. should 「ありそうもないこと」つまり実現が非常に疑わしいと思われることの仮定に使われ、主節の動詞には現在形の助動詞も使われる。
<参考> このshouldはよく万が一のshouldと言われるが、そう考えておいて大体間違いはない。

He had a constant fear that he might have to leave the post if he should fail.

(5) Should you fall your driving test, you can take it again.



①if bond prices plunge, “the government and the BOJ cannot respond”.

②should the government opt to put off the tax hike, (bond prices plunge.)

 the government should opt to put off the tax hike, (bond prices plunge.)


 ①の文と②の文をつなげて一つの分にまとめると、同じ部分は当然後方省略の原則が適用されます。そして、①の文のbond prices plungeが両方に共通なので、倒置されて二つの文のつなぎ目に移動します。たとえがあまりよくありませんが、関係代名詞を想起してくれたらいいのではないでしょうか。重文を複文にしたときに、同じ語彙がひっつく位置に移動して関係代名詞に置き換わるというのが関係代名詞の接着作用でした。

 文脈がいまいち判断できない場合や、判断に迷う場合はトライしてみて価値のある方法だと思います。この文法理論の背後にはチョムスキーの構造言語学の世界が広がっています。自動翻訳の基礎理論の一つでもありますが、理系の分野と文系の分野がクロスオーバするユニークな領域なので、あまり翻訳書がありません。興味があれば原書でチョムスキーの著作を読むとか、'generative grammar'の解説書をお読みください。知的興味はこうして芋づる式に広がるものなのです。



*#2401 消費税値上げ延期なら国債価格は下落 Failure to raise sales tax 'could hurt bond prices' Sep. 9, 2013

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2402 米英が暗号システムをすり抜けすべてのインターネットメールを読んでいる Sep. 10, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]



NSA cracked most Internet encryption: reports


The National Security Agency, working with the British government, has secretly been unraveling encryption technology that billions of Internet users rely upon to keep their electronic messages and confidential data safe from prying eyes, according to reports published Thursday and based on internal U.S. government documents.

(2) The NSA has bypassed or altogether cracked much of the digital encryption used by businesses and everyday Web users, the reports in The New York Times, Britain’s The Guardian newspaper and on the nonprofit news website ProPublica claimed.

(3) The reports describe how the NSA invested billions of dollars since 2000 to make nearly everyone’s secrets available for government consumption.

(4) In doing so, the NSA built powerful supercomputers to break encryption codes and partnered with unnamed technology companies to insert “back doors” into their software, the reports said. Such a practice would give the government access to users’ digital information before it was encrypted and sent over the Internet.

(5) “For the past decade, NSA has led an aggressive, multipronged effort to break widely used Internet encryption technologies,” according to a 2010 briefing document about the agency’s accomplishments meant for its British counterpart, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).

(6) Security experts told the news organizations such a code-breaking practice would ultimately undermine Internet security and leave everyday Web users vulnerable to hackers.

(7) The revelations stem from documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who sought asylum in Russia this summer. His leaks, first published by The Guardian, revealed a massive effort by the U.S. government to collect and analyze all sorts of digital data that Americans send at home and around the world.

(8) Those revelations prompted a renewed debate in the United States about the proper balance between civil liberties and keeping the country safe from terrorists. U.S. President Barack Obama said he welcomed the debate and called it “healthy for our democracy” but meanwhile criticized the leaks. The Justice Department charged Snowden under the federal Espionage Act.

(9) Thursday’s reports described how some of the NSA’s “most intensive efforts” focused on Secure Sockets Layer, a type of encryption widely used on the Web by online retailers and corporate networks to secure their Internet traffic. One document said GCHQ had been trying for years to exploit traffic from popular companies such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Facebook.

(10) GCHQ, they said, developed “new access opportunities” into Google’s computers by 2012 but said the newly released documents didn’t elaborate on how extensive the project was or what kind of data it could access.

(11) Even though the latest document disclosures suggest the NSA is able to compromise many encryption programs, Snowden himself touted using encryption software when he first surfaced with his media revelations in June. During a Web chat organized by The Guardian on June 17, Snowden told one questioner that “encryption works.”

(12) Snowden said that “properly implemented strong crypto systems” were reliable, but he then alluded to the NSA’s capability to crack tough encryption systems. “Unfortunately, endpoint security is so terrifically weak that NSA can frequently find ways around it,” Snowden said.

(13) It was unclear if Snowden drew a distinction between everyday encryption used on the Internet — the kind described in Thursday’s reports — versus more secure encryption algorithms used to store data on hard drives and which often requires more processing power to break or decode. Snowden used an encrypted email account from a now-closed private email company, Lavabit, when he sent out invitations to a mid-July meeting at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo International Airport.

(14) The operator of Lavabit, Ladar Levison, said he suspended operations of the encrypted mail service in August, citing a pending “fight in the 4th (U.S.) Circuit Court of Appeals.” Levison did not explain the pressures that forced him to shut the firm down but added that “a favorable decision would allow me to resurrect Lavabit as an American company.”

(15) The government asked the news organizations not to publish their stories, saying foreign enemies would switch to new forms of communication and make it harder for the NSA to break. The organizations removed some specific details but still published the story, they said, because of the “value of a public debate regarding government actions that weaken the most powerful tools for protecting the privacy of Americans and others.”

(16) Such tensions between government officials and journalists, while not new, have become more apparent since Snowden’s leaks. Last month, Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger said that British government officials came by the newspaper’s London offices to destroy hard drives containing leaked information.

(17) “You’ve had your debate,” one official told him. “There’s no need to write any more.”




Microsoft Press Computer User's Dictionaryから

backdoor: a means of gaining access to a program or system by bypassing its security controls. Programmers often build a back door into softwaer under development so that they can fix bugs. If the back door becomes known to anyone else, or if it is not removed before the softwaer is release, it becomes a security risk. 

 NSAは暗号システムにバックドアをとりつけさせるために暗号システム製作会社(unnamed technology company、会社名は不明)と提携しているという。

(4) In doing so, the NSA built powerful supercomputers to break encryption codes and partnered with unnamed technology companies to insert “back doors” into their software, the reports said. Such a practice would give the government access to users’ digital information before it was encrypted and sent over the Internet.











  • 作者: 吹田 智章
  • 出版社/メーカー: 技術評論社
  • 発売日: 1998/07
  • メディア: 単行本

#2401 消費税値上げ延期なら国債価格は下落 Failure to raise sales tax 'could hurt bond prices' Sep. 9, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]




 さて、本文を読んでもらいたい。'a major risk'がなんであるか読んですぐにわかる人は論説文の文脈を読みなれている。theyをいつも「かれら」「彼女達」「それら」なんて訳しているひとは「重大なリスク」が具体的に何を指しているのか瞬時に読み取ることができないだろう。文脈を常時サーチしながら読むことは考えることでもある
 この'a major risk'の示すリスクが具体的になんであるのかを理解しながら読めるようなレベルになってもらいたい。もちろんそういう人は日本語の文章読解力がある人だ。
 解説が長すぎたので、英語本文を読まなくても'a major risk'が何をさしているのかとっくに気がついたでしょう、問題になりませんね。(笑)





Failure to raise sales tax ‘could hurt bond prices’


(1) Bank of Japan Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda has urged the government to stick to its plan to raise the sales tax in April, saying Japanese government bond prices could collapse if it fails to do so, official sources said Wednesday.

(2) “I do not intend to intimidate as the central bank (chief) but, personally speaking, I’m not in favor of taking a major risk,” Kuroda was quoted as saying at Friday’s government hearing with experts regarding the planned tax hike.

(3) It is rare for a central bank governor to directly comment on government policy.

(4) The government is expected to release the minutes of the weeklong hearings on Friday.

(5) At the hearing, Kuroda said the government could increase spending on pump-priming measures and the BOJ could utilize monetary policies if the economy falters as a result of the tax hike, the sources said.

(6) However, “the government and the BOJ cannot respond” if bond prices plunge should the government opt to put off the tax hike, Kuroda said.

(7) If that happens, Kuroda added, the government would have no choice but to curb fiscal spending and the BOJ would face difficulty in calming the market, the sources said.

(8) Kuroda said the government should make a decision on the proposed sales tax hike after examining all the necessary risks, the sources said.

(9) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said he will make a decision on whether to raise the sales tax after examining the most recent economic data, including the results of the BOJ’s “tankan” business sentiment survey due out Oct. 1.

(10) At the hearing, Kuroda was urged to keep his remarks “within the four walls,” considering the impact they could have on financial markets, the sources said.


*#2403  構文解説編(#2401) Sep. 11, 2013

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2398 内陸湖「死海」に紅海から水を引く計画に専門家が懸念表明  Sep. 6, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]


 そのオリジナルが地球上のどこにあり、塩分濃度がどれくらいで、周りの風景や湖の中はどういうふうになっているのかわたしもちっとも知識がなかったから、ジャパンタイムズに"'Red-Dead' plan by Jordan, Israel worries expert"という見出しの記事にひきつけられてしまった。


‘Red-Dead’ plan by Jordan, Israel worries experts

Pumping in salt water could save inland sea from totally drying out


A plan to link the Red Sea with the shrinking Dead Sea could save it from total evaporation and bring desalinated water to thirsty neighbors Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians.

But environmentalists warn that the “Red-Dead” project could have dire consequences, altering the unique chemistry of the landmark inland lake at the lowest point on Earth.

Jordanian Prime Minister Abdullah Nsur said Monday that his government has decided to press ahead with the $980 million project, which will give the parched Hashemite kingdom 100 million cu. meters of water a year.

“The government has approved the project after years of technical, political, economic and geological studies,” Nsur told a news conference.

Under the plan, Jordan will draw water from the Gulf of Aqaba at the northern end of the Red Sea to the nearby Risheh Height, where a desalination plant is to be built to treat water.

“The desalinated water will go south to Aqaba [in Jordan], while salt water will be pumped to the Dead Sea,” Nsur said.

The Dead Sea, the world’s saltiest body of water, is on course to dry out by 2050.

It started shrinking in the 1960s when Israel, Jordan and Syria began to divert water from the Jordan River, the Dead Sea’s main tributary.

Israel and Jordan’s use of evaporation ponds for extracting valuable minerals from its briny waters has exacerbated the problem.

With a coastline shared by Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Jordan, the Dead Sea’s surface level has been dropping at a rate of around 1 meter a year. According to the latest available data from Israel’s hydrological service, on July 1 it stood at 427.1 meters below sea level, nearly 27 meters lower than in 1977.

Under the plan, most of the desalinated water will go to Jordan, with smaller quantities transferred to Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

But Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) and other environmental groups have called on the three partners to reject it on environmental grounds.

The main concern, they say, is that a large influx of water from the Red Sea could radically change the Dead Sea’s fragile ecosystem, forming gypsum crystals and introducing red algae blooms.

In addition, leakage from the pipeline could contaminate groundwater along its route through southern Israel’s Arava Valley.

Israel’s Ministry of Environmental Protection says that studies so far leave “vast uncertainty” and it is calling for a pilot project to be run on a limited scale to study the potential implications.

But critics contend that a small-scale pilot might not carry enough water to trigger the effects that it is intended to examine.

And for the Palestinians, the joint project raises more basic political issues such as Israel allowing them to develop that part of the shore that lies within the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

“We would like to be in this cooperative project,” says Shaddad al-Attili, head of the Palestinian Water Authority. “We would like to be treated equally as well as the Jordanians and the Israelis, we would like to benefit from the outcome. But before all of that we would like to get access to the Dead Sea, not only to get water and to swim in the sea, but also to build hotels and to develop a tourist area.”

The Dead Sea’s mineral-rich waters and mud are considered therapeutic, while visitors love the novelty of floating in the brine, which does not allow a person to sink. Israelis operate a number of tourist hotels and beaches along the western shoreline.

FoEME has called on the three partners to endorse a set of integrated actions, including water recycling and conservation, rehabilitation of the lower Jordan River and even importing water from Turkey — one of three alternatives in a World Bank study that is estimated to be cheaper and have much less environmental impact than the Red-Dead option.

Nsur said Jordan wants water to supply its northern regions, while Israel needs water in the south.

Jordanian officials say the 500,000 Syrian refugees that Jordan is hosting is stretching its meager water resources.

Jordan had initially agreed in principle to build, along with the Palestinians and Israelis, an $11 billion pipeline from the Red Sea to resolve the problem. But Water Minister Hazem Nasser said that due to the high cost of that project Jordan has decided to opt for its alternative plan, “which we call the ‘first phase.’ “





 ユニークな生態系を壊しかねないのでFoEME(地球の友だち中東支部"Freinds of Earth Middle East")という環境保護団体の反対もある。石膏結晶や"red algae blooms"(赤潮)によるエコシステム破壊が具体例として挙げられている。

 The main concern, they say, is that a large influx of water from the Red Sea could radically change the Dead Sea’s fragile ecosystem, forming gypsum  crystals and introducing red algae blooms.







にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2396 ヨーロッパと米国の性風俗事情(ジャパンタイムズ記事より) Sep. 4, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]


Claudia, 30, lived on the other side of Zurich and was visiting the sex box site out of curiosity.
“I’m ambivalent. Somehow I think it’s good,” she said — “the security, the condoms, the good hygiene.
“But the business itself should be questioned. Many women don’t do this freely.”






 英文記事の後に解説を書いておいたので、そちらも読んでいただきたい従軍慰安婦は"sex slave"と訳されて国際的な批判を浴びているが、それは歴史的事実と違っており、"sex worker"と訳すのが正しい
 二つの記事にもsexをビジネスとして営む"sex worker"はでてくるが、彼女達は"sex slave"ではない。この二つの違いは欧米人から見ると決定的な違いなのである。
 そして、従軍慰安婦問題には重大な歴史的事実誤認があること、朝日新聞の誤報道がきっかけで始まったことをその経緯とともに黄文雄著『韓国人に伝えたい 日本と韓国の本当の歴史』から抜粋・引用して紹介する。
 今後は日本人は従軍慰安婦問題を語るときにはそれを"sex worker"という言葉で表現しよう。大阪市長の橋下さん、今後は正しい用語を使って諸外国に向けて堂々と反論してくれ。


First Swiss sex drive-in divides Zurich residents


As the Swiss city of Zurich opens the country’s first sex drive-in to better regulate prostitution and move the sex trade outside the city center, residents, politicians and sex workers remain divided over the plan.

The nine so-called sex boxes, located in a former industrial zone in the west of the city, will be available to prostitutes and their clients from Monday.

Inspired by a similar initiative in Germany, the Zurich authorities want to alter the image of the city’s Sihlquai district, where sex workers openly ply their trade each night — much to the dismay of residents.

“Prostitution is a business, basically. We cannot prohibit it, so we want to control it in favor of the sex workers and the population,” said Michael Herzig, director of social services for sex workers in the city.

“Because if we do not control it, organized crime is taking over and the pimps are taking over,” Herzig said.

On Friday, a reporter visited Sihlquai to find women standing on street corners in little more than their underwear — and sometimes even less, with one woman dancing provocatively to attract passing cars.

A tall blonde sex worker in bright red underwear organized a group of women and offered them up to potential clients, who pulled up every five minutes to inspect the lineup. It was not yet 9 p.m.

Local authorities recognize that they have no guarantee that the new site will be successful but have worked hard to convince prostitutes to come and inspect the premises.

The sex boxes are hard to find, behind a high fence with just a small sign displaying opening hours and a red umbrella icon to designate a regulated sex work area.

There are clearly defined rules. Clients must be older than 18 and are limited to one to a car, and condoms must be disposed of immediately after use in the bins provided.

Behind the fence, a round track where clients make a choice and the women negotiate a price is flanked by the sex boxes — wooden frames that look like car ports where they can park and complete the transaction.

“Here, they remain on-site and can deal with customers quickly,” said Ursula Kocher, director of Flora Dora, a support network for prostitutes.

In town, clients regularly take prostitutes to a nearby forest or outside the city, where the sex workers regularly find themselves in dangerous situations, she said.

In the sex drive-in, prostitutes will operate in a safe environment, Kocher said, pointing out that in an emergency each sex box is equipped with an alarm button to alert a permanent security presence.

“The problem with the Sihlquai is that there are quite a lot of women, and it’s a normal street in the middle of Zurich and all the neighbors and all these people living there had troubles because of the sex workers,” she explained.

Violence against sex workers often follows from misunderstandings between clients and prostitutes, as the sex trade in Zurich is dominated by Hungarian Roma who speak only rudimentary German, she said.

In an article published on Friday in the Swiss tabloid 20minuten, several prostitutes expressed reservations over the sex boxes, saying that the tightly controlled environment might intimidate their customers.

If some say they are ready to give it a try, others do not hide that they will simply take their business to the northwest of Zurich, after prostitution is no longer authorized in the city center once the sex drive-in opens Monday evening.

The proposed sex drive-in was approved by the people of Zurich in a March 2012 referendum, with 52.6 percent voting in favor.

The idea has a broad consensus among political parties, with only the populist Swiss People’s Party opposing the project.

“It will not work, either because the clients will not come or because the site will not be used by prostitutes,” said Sven Oliver Dogwiler, a local politician for the Swiss People’s Party.

“It puts them in a cleaner space but one that is subsidized by taxes,” he said Saturday.

The work cost 2.1 million Swiss francs ($2.3 million) and operating costs will be approximately 700,000 Swiss francs ($760,000) a year.

Zurich residents came to inspect how their money has been spent at an “open doors event” Saturday.

Claudia, 30, lived on the other side of Zurich and was visiting the sex box site out of curiosity.

“I’m ambivalent. Somehow I think it’s good,” she said — “the security, the condoms, the good hygiene.

“But the business itself should be questioned. Many women don’t do this freely.”

Others were unimpressed.

Trudi, 74, whose daughter works as a security official at the site, expressed concern.

“The people are paying for this,” she said. “It’s their business, not ours. We shouldn’t be using taxes for this. . . . I don’t understand.”


Nevada brothels shriveling as Net disrupts oldest trade

by Alison Vekshin


In a dim parlor furnished with red velvet couches and a stripper pole, Brooke Taylor is having a sale on herself. “I offer a lot more specials and discounts and incentives for people to come in to see me,” said Taylor, 32, a brunette prostitute in a short, green dress at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch outside Carson City, Nevada. “People are looking for deals.”

Nevada’s legal brothels, which took root in the mid-1800s silver-mining boom, are dwindling, down to about 19 from roughly 36 in 1985, according to George Flint, an industry lobbyist. Many have been the highest-profile businesses in their sparsely populated regions, and their decline hurts already-stretched county budgets and marks the end to local institutions — though not the universally beloved sort.

The state’s flagging economy, decreased patronage by truckers squeezed by fuel costs and growing use of the Internet to arrange liaisons are to blame, managers say.

“A lot of our clients don’t have the discretionary income they had six years ago, five years ago,” said Susan Austin, 63, the madam of the Mustang Ranch in Sparks, about 24 km from Reno. “The ones that can come in, they aren’t spending quite what they were spending before.”

Recent years have not been kind to Nevada. The 18-month recession that began in December 2007 still holds a grip on the state. It had America’s highest unemployment rate in July, 9.5 percent, compared with 7.4 percent nationwide, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Since the last quarter of 2007, the state’s economic health has declined 46 percent, according to the Bloomberg Economic Evaluation of States. That’s second-worst in the nation behind New Mexico.

Most brothels are in rural areas with few people and employers. If Manhattan had the density of Lyon County, home to the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, the population would be 594.

The brothels pay little to the state, sending most of their fees and tax payments to the counties that oversee them.

Every dollar helps. In Lyon County, where the largest private employers are an Inc. distribution center and a Wal-Mart Stores Inc. outlet, total revenue fell from $33 million in fiscal 2009 to $29 million in 2012, according to Josh Foli, its comptroller. In the past five years, the county’s staff has been cut about 25 percent, Foli said.

In the fiscal year ended June 30, Lyon’s four brothels paid it $369,600 in business-licensing fees and $17,800 from work permits for the prostitutes, Foli said. The brothels also pay room and property taxes to the county, along with sales tax to the state on merchandise, including t-shirts.

Then there’s the main transaction: Visitors select from a lineup of women, negotiate a price and pay a cashier in advance. The women, independent contractors, say they typically give half to the house. Dennis Hof, owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, said his customers spend $200 to $600 on average.

Austin, who said she became a prostitute at 49 before becoming a madam, said the Mustang Ranch is seeing fewer clients than five years ago, though she wouldn’t provide figures.

“They’re getting less services because they’re paying less, but they’re still seeing their favorite ladies,” Austin said in the brothel’s Italian suite, which features a four- poster bed, tiger-print carpet and hot tub. “It’s like anything: When the economy takes a dive, you just live with less frills.”

Some say the downturn is overdue.

“Legal prostitution creates a cultural acceptance,” said Melissa Farley, executive director of Prostitution Research & Education, a San Francisco-based group that fights the sex trade. “The evidence tells us prostitution is profoundly harmful.”

The decline of the bordellos threatens an emblematic industry in a state that, since gangster Bugsy Siegel envisioned Las Vegas’s casinos in the 1940s, has cultivated a global reputation as a sinner’s paradise of gambling and louche delights.

The houses were woven into the fabric of the American West in the days of the pioneers, said Barb Brents, a sociology professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. While some states banned them, Nevada left the question to local governments in counties with fewer than 700,000 residents. Ten of the state’s 17 counties allow them.

“They don’t bother anybody,” Brents said. “Brothels operate on an idea that men are a certain way and women are a certain way and there’s a need for these services.”

In the Mustang Ranch’s Wild Horse Saloon, scantily clad women put that idea into action, approaching men on barstools and at tables. A woman leads a customer through a locked door. A 41-year-old redhead who calls herself Phoenixxx twirls on a pole atop the bar in a tight striped dress, then moves to a corner where she repeats the moves, this time in the nude.

The spectacle masks the fall of the fleshpot. Prostitution is shifting online, said Scott Peppet, who teaches law at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and writes about technology and markets.

“A brothel is an intermediary,” Peppet said. “It’s pulling together women so it’s easy for buyers to find them.” That role is now being filled by the Internet, he said.

Craigslist, the free online classified-advertising site, eliminated its adult-services section in 2010 in response to pressure from state attorneys general. Many ads shifted to closely held

In Las Vegas, the state’s largest city and one where prostitution is outlawed, women offer themselves online as “escorts.” carried more than 500 advertisements for Las Vegas on Aug. 25 alone. The come-ons ranged from “Teach Me . . . Spank Me . . . Pull My Hair!!!!” to “Fun, freaky, flirty, fulfill, favored, fetish friendly.”

In 2012, the city’s “vice enforcement/arrests” rose 67 percent to 8,908 from the year before, according to a 2012 annual police department report.

Jose Hernandez, a police spokesman, said prostitution “is a concern of ours.” He said a lieutenant for the vice division was too busy for an interview.

Some women see freelance escorting as dangerous work. In December 2010, the bodies of four prostitutes who had advertised online were found near a New York beach.

Some Nevada brothels have guards and panic buttons in the rooms. Workers must be examined by a doctor weekly.

“There’s a huge benefit for us working girls to work in this environment as opposed to escorting,” said Taylor, the Bunny Ranch prostitute. “We’re tested here. It’s safe.”

Taylor, who has appeared on the cover of Hustler magazine, began at the Bunny Ranch on New Year’s Eve 2005 and learned she could earn in an hour what she made in two weeks as a case manager for adults with developmental disabilities.

Hof, 66, her boss, said the good times will return. The recession allowed him to buy five struggling brothels, bringing his holdings to seven. “With the economy coming back, I think it’s going to do real well,” said Hof. “I’m buying up everything.”

Flint, 79, the lobbyist, said he began representing the industry in 1985 and now has about 10 clients, including the Bunny Ranch. Flint said rural brothels that depend on truck drivers have been among the hardest hit. “A lot of these long-haul truckers have to buy their own fuel,” he said. “They could afford diesel when it was $2.49 a gallon (3.79 liters), but now when it’s up over $5, particularly in rural Nevada, they don’t have any leftover income.”

Flint has hedged his bet on fornication: He also owns Chapel of the Bells, a Reno wedding service, where his office is decorated with portraits of Napoleon.

One of the state’s smallest brothels is in Winnemucca, straddling Interstate 80, where a billboard bears the silhouette of a woman in a cowboy hat with the invitation: “Wild West Saloon. Girls, Girls, Girls! Truckers Welcome. Get Off Now.”

Owner Mike Yeager, 65, said he’s escaped the recession thanks to a steady clientele of truckers, hunters and gold miners. There’s a $100 minimum and timers count down patrons’ sessions. Sitting at the bar, he predicted a stable future.

“There’s always money in this business,” said Yeager. “Put a couple of girls in here and you’re always going to make money.”



 "sex slave" or "sex worker"




  さて、大事なことを書いておこう。従軍慰安婦を韓国が"sex slave(性奴隷)"と言っているが、歴史的事実は韓国の当時の新聞によって証明されており、実際はとてつもない高給の"sex worker"であったと堂々と反論すればいい。これで欧米諸国には十分に理解してもらえるだろう

 戦地で命をまとに10年かけて兵士が稼ぐ金額を、広告に集まった"sex worker"たちはたったの4ヶ月で稼ぐことができたのである。こんな好条件の性風俗業は現代日本ではどこを探しても見当たらない。
 当時の韓国を支配していた両班は税で私腹を肥やし、国家財政が破綻しており、国民の生活は貧乏のどん底にあり、日本政府が日本人から徴収した税金を大量に投入して韓国経済を支え、インフラを整備していった。当時の日韓の経済格差は今日よりもはるかに大きなものがあったのだが、そういうことを前提にして日本人の兵士の月給10円に対し、"sex worker"の募集が月収300円であったことを考えてほしい。日本国内よりもはるかに優遇した条件だあったことは間違いがない。


 わたしは「#2316 袋叩きの橋下大阪市長 :やるならトコトンやれ」で次のように書いている。

 黄文雄『韓国人に伝えたい 日本と韓国の本当の歴史」に「「従軍慰安婦」を捏造した朝日新聞」の章があり、従軍慰安婦問題が朝日新聞の捏造であることを詳細に解説している。

*#1871 ほんとうはとっても面白い古典文学:源氏物語を読む Mar. 8, 2012

 #2027 『謹訳源氏物語六』を読む  July 26, 2012

 #2046 『謹訳源氏物語七』を読む

  #2278 『謹訳源氏物語九』

 #2395 『謹訳源氏物語十』を読む:至玉のひと時 Sep. 4, 2013

  #2396 ヨーロッパと米国の性風俗事情(ジャパンタイムズ記事より) Sep. 4, 2013

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

悪韓論 (新潮新書)

悪韓論 (新潮新書)

  • 作者: 室谷 克実
  • 出版社/メーカー: 新潮社
  • 発売日: 2013/04/17
  • メディア: 単行本

韓国人に教えたい 日本と韓国の本当の歴史 (徳間ポケット)

韓国人に教えたい 日本と韓国の本当の歴史 (徳間ポケット)

  • 作者: 黄 文雄
  • 出版社/メーカー: 徳間書店
  • 発売日: 2013/05/23
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

#2394 次の原発事故のために(9):ついにロシアと米国の助けを借りることに  Sep. 3, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]







Tepco finally accepts overseas help

(1) As the crisis worsens at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco) has at last started to be open to assistance from foreign countries. Discussions on bilateral cooperation with Russia’s nuclear industry turned positive, it was reported last week. Tepco was also reportedly engaged in talks with retired U.S. government officials who handled the accident at Three Mile Island in 1979.

(2)  These are all positive signs that help may be on the way that will enable the nuclear crisis in Fukushima to be managed more effectively. That may offer some relief, since Tepco officials have so far exhibited little inclination to cooperate with foreign specialists in the effort to halt the leakage of radioactive water that is now plaguing the crippled plant. With the severity of the crisis upgraded from level one to level three on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale of eight, Tepco should accept all the help it can get.

(3)  With one “fix” after the next failing, Tepco — and by extension Japan — is finally being forced to turn to technology from overseas. That may put a crimp in the government’s plan to promote sales of nuclear power plant technology to other countries, but many of the technologies developed by Russia after the Chernobyl explosion in 1986, to take one example, will be needed to solve the current problems.

(4)  Nuclear cleanup specialists from places such as the Hanford Site in Washington State — many of whom have offered help since the initial meltdown — have a long history in coping with problems such as groundwater contamination. The Hanford Site, after all, was where plutonium for most of the U.S. nuclear arsenal was made and stored. Their history of dealing with radioactive contamination extends back almost 70 years. That knowledge and technical skill would surely be of benefit in Fukushima.

(5)  Tepco clearly is not managing the crisis properly. At the same time, the hesitancy of the Nuclear Regulation Authority and the national government to take a greater hands-on role is making matters worse. At the very least, the NRA and the government should work to facilitate greater international cooperation in the effort to get the nuclear crisis under control. Scientists and companies from around the world have offered to help over the 29 months since the crisis began. The government and Tepco should embrace this assistance.

(6)  Tepco’s refusal to accept help from abroad may stem from national pride, or simply be another aspect of bad managerial skills, but nuclear accidents are not private domestic issues. They are international disasters in scope and effect. The costs of the Fukushima nuclear crisis are becoming enormous and the continuing leakage of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean is eroding international trust in Japan. Both the government and Tepco should accept all the help they can get from overseas.


(1) 福島第一原発事故はますます事態が悪化している。東京電力はいまごろになってようやく外国の支援受入れに踏み切る。一つはロシアの原子力産業からの援助協力であり、二国間協議を始めている。もう一つは米国で、伝えられるところによればスリーマイル事故で対応に当たった元政府高官と事前協議をしている。

(2) 放射能汚染拡大をなんとかするために両方の関係者とやる方向での事前協議が進んでいる。東京電力は海外の専門家からの協力提案にはいままで否定的だったが、今回の超高濃度汚染水漏れが判明したのだから、協力提案を受け入れるべきである。


(3) 一つ問題が持ち上がり、次の問題が明らかになった後で、一つ前の問題の対応がようやくなされるというお粗末さ。東京電力と原子力規制委員会および政府はお手上げ状態で、海外へ技術協力要請せざるをえなくなった。そういう事態がもちあがることで諸外国へ日本の原子力プラントを売り込むという政府の計画は頓挫することになる。しかし、一つ具体例を挙げたらわかるだろうが、ロシアは1986年のチェルノブイリ原発の爆発によって培ったたくさんの技術を保有しており、その技術が福島第一原発事故を収束させるためにはどうしても必要なのである。


(4) メルトダウンしたときから助力を申し出ているワシントン州ハンフォード・サイトで仕事をしたことのあるスペシャリストたちは地下水汚染を食い止めることに関しては長期間にわたる経験がある。ハンフォードはプルトニウム生産と貯蔵に関して米国最大の基地であるから、放射能汚染については70年もの技術的な蓄積がある。放射能汚染除去や防護に関するその専門知識と技術は福島第一原発事故収束にかならずや貢献する。




*#2340 米国の現実:核廃棄物は管理不能 Jun. 25, 2013


Russia Offers Fukushima Cleanup Help as Tepco Reaches Out

Russia Offers Fukushima Cleanup Help as Tepco Reaches Out

Russia repeated an offer first made two years ago to help Japan clean up its accident-ravaged Fukushima nuclear station, welcoming Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501)’s decision to seek outside help.

As Tokyo Electric pumps thousands of metric tons of water through the wrecked Fukushima station to cool its melted cores, the tainted run-off was found to be leaking into groundwater and the ocean. The approach to cooling and decommissioning the station will need to change and include technologies developed outside of Japan if the cleanup is to succeed, said Vladimir Asmolov, first deputy director general of Rosenergoatom, the state-owned Russian nuclear utility.

“In our globalized nuclear industry we don’t have national accidents, they are all international,” Asmolov said. Since Japan’s new government took over in December, talks on cooperating between the two countries on the Fukushima cleanup have turned “positive” and Russia is ready to offer its assistance, he said by phone from Moscow last week.

After 29 months of trying to contain radiation from Fukushima’s molten atomic cores, Tokyo Electric said last week it will reach out for international expertise in handling the crisis. The water leaks alone have so far sent more than 100 times the annual norms of radioactive elements into the ocean, raising concern it will enter the food chain through fish.

‘Last to Realize’

The latest leak of 300 metric tons of irradiated water prompted Japan’s nuclear regulator to label the incident “serious” and question Tokyo Electric’s ability to deal with the crisis, echoing comments made by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe earlier this month. Zengo Aizawa, a vice president at Tepco, as the Tokyo-based utility is known, made the call for help at a press briefing in Japan’s capital on Aug. 21.

In addition to the leak, Tepco today announced that one of its two filters treating contaminated water was taken offline on Aug. 8 because of corrosion and will be shut until at least next month. The lost layer of filtration adds to the contamination levels of water in the storage tanks.

“It was clear for a long time that Tepco was not adequately coping with the situation,” Asmolov said. “It looks like Tepco management were the last to realize this,” he said. “Japan has the technologies to do this, but they lacked a system to deal with this kind of situation.”

The Fukushima accident of March 2011 is the world’s biggest nuclear disaster since the Soviet Union faced the explosion at Chernobyl in 1986.

So far, Tokyo’s solution to cooling melted nuclear rods at Fukushima that otherwise could overheat into criticality, or a self-sustained nuclear chain reaction, has been to pour water over them. That’s left more than 330,000 tons of irradiated water in storage tanks at the site so far. The water is treated to remove some of the cesium particles in it, which in turn leaves behind contaminated filters.

‘Vast Volumes’

The sheer quantity of water used is the most at a nuclear accident since the 1972 London convention banned the dumping of waste and radioactive water into the sea, said Peter Burns, formerly Australia’s representative on the United Nations scientific committee on the effects of atomic radiation.

“Until they figure out how to deal with such vast volumes of water, how to manage it, the problem” including of leaks will persist, Burns, a retired radiation physicist, said from Melbourne.

Retaining thousands of tons of radioactive water in tanks was the wrong strategy from the start and Tepco’s handling of the task is a “textbook picture of a failure of management,” Michael Friedlander, who has 13 years of experience running nuclear stations in the U.S., said in an interview with Bloomberg TV in Hong Kong.

Pumping Water

The idea of pumping water for cooling was never going to be anything but a “machine for generating radioactive water,” Asmolov said. Other more complex methods such as the use of special absorbents like thermoxide to clean contaminated water and the introduction of air cooling should be used, he said.

Russia’s nuclear company, Rosatom, of which Rosenergoatom is a unit, sent Japan a 5 kilogram (11 pound) sample of an absorbent that could be used at Fukushima almost three years ago, Asmolov said. It also formed working groups ready to help Japan on health effect assessment, decontamination, and fuel management, among others, Asmolov said. The assistance was never used, he said.

“Since the arrival of the new Japanese government, the attitude’s changed,” he said. “So far the talks have been on a diplomatic level, but they are much more positive. And we remain open to working together on this issue. To follow developments I monitor Fukushima news every morning.”

Tap Experts

Japan can tap experts in France and the U.S. as well as Russia to help it tackle the situation at Fukushima, he said.

The U.S.’s long history with atomic research, including the nuclear weapons site at the Hanford Engineer Works in Washington state, has provided expertise in cleaning up contaminated sites, said Kathryn Higley, who heads the nuclear engineering and radiation health physics department at Oregon State University in Corvallis.

“We have individuals that are working on groundwater contamination and using technology and developing new technologies to clean up strontium in groundwater, for example, at the Hanford site,” she said. “So there are individuals around the world that have been doing this and certainly they would be more than willing to help in this process.”

France’s Areva SA (AREVA) had designed a radiation filtration system that was used for several months at the Fukushima site as temporary cover before Tepco installed its own facilities. Japanese delegations have also visited U.S. nuclear waste sites together with CH2M Hill Cos., an engineering company based in Englewood, Colorado.

Experienced Hands

This month a group of 17 Japanese companies including Toshiba Corp. (6502) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (7011) formed an association, called International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning, to support Tepco’s efforts.

The association, which aims to research removal of spent fuel from reactor pools and clearance of debris, plans to liaise with international organizations such as the U.S. Department of Energy on its work, Hajimu Yamana, head of the association, told reporters in Tokyo on Aug. 8.

Tepco is in talks with a team of retired U.S. government officials, who worked on water management after the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, according to Dale Klein, the chairman of an advisory panel to Tepco and a former head of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Klein said the officials had served in the Department of Energy and the NRC, declining to identify them.

“It will be beneficial for Tepco to get people who have real live experience in dealing with contaminated water from nuclear events,” Klein said.

An announcement on a deal with the contractors could come within a month, Klein said.

Tepco’s “experience should be in being a safe, reliable electricity generator,” said Klein. The company’s “core competencies have not been having to deal with the massive cleanup that is now facing them.”

To contact the reporters on this story: Yuriy Humber in Tokyo at; Jacob Adelman in Tokyo at



*#1254 経済成長論の終焉 Oct.24, 2010

 #1460 「原子炉圧力容器損傷か?:写真で検証

 #1462 「裸の王様:原子炉圧力容器は破損している 論より証拠、よく写真を見てごらん 」

 #1463 「福島第1原発3号炉はもう無い:東京電力社員退去要請の意味」

 #1607 児玉龍彦国会で告発(2):(書き起こし) July 31, 2011

 #1611 児玉龍彦教授(3):息子さんからのエール Aug. 3, 2011

 #1655 あらら、何を隠そうとしているの?:原子炉建屋にコンクリートの覆い Sep.21, 2011

 #2237 過剰富裕化論提唱者の福島原発事故処理構想:遺稿 Mar. 4, 2013

 #2323 次の原発事故のために(1):甲状腺癌と情報操作?:U.N. experts see no increase risk of cancer … Jun. 6, 2013

 #2324 次の原発事故のために(2) :福島県で12人が甲状腺癌 Jun. 7, 2013

 #2325 次の原発事故のために(3):Tyroid cancer hits 12 kids in Fukushima: Jun. 8, 2013

 #2340 米国の現実:核廃棄物は管理不能 Jun. 25, 2013

 #2377 次の原発事故のために(4):小児甲状腺癌18人に  Aug. 21, 2013

 #2379 次の原発事故のために(5) 8000万ベクレル/ℓ 高濃度汚染水漏洩 Aug.22, 2013

 #2381 次の原発事故のために(6): 超高濃度汚染水と浄化システムALPS  Aug. 25, 2013

 #2383 次の原発事故のために(7): 漏洩はセシウムとストロンチウム合計で30兆Bq  Aug. 26, 2013

 #2387 次の原発事故のために(8):トリチウムの問題 Aug. 29, 2013 

 #2390 サンマのI-131の濃度から放射能汚染水の大量流出は分かっていた Sep. 1, 2013

 #2394 次の原発事故のために(9):ついにロシアと米国の助けを借りることに  Sep. 3, 2013


にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 北海道ブログ 根室情報へ

#2387 次の原発事故のために(8):トリチウムの問題 Aug. 29, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]


(1)  Water releasing as much as 10 trillion becquerels of radioactive strontium and 20 trillion becquerels of cesium-137 from the Fukushima No. 1 power plant has flowed into the Pacific Ocean since May 2011, Tokyo Electric Power Co. estimates.

 そうしたら、翌日の記事で40兆ベクレルと報じられ、海洋生物marine lifeへの影響が心配され始めたが、人体への影響はさっぱり論じられない。

(12)  Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s revelation that massive amounts of radioactive water are flowing into the Pacific further raised fears about the harm to marine life.

(13)  Tepco estimated that between May 2011 and this month, a staggering 40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium, 20 trillion becquerels of cesium and 10 trillion becquerels of strontium may have flowed into the sea in groundwater from under the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear complex.

 トリチウムの人体への害ははセシウムの約1000分の1となっている。セシウムはガンマ線を出し、トリチウムはベータ線beta particlesを放出する。しかしそれはプラスチックラップすら透過しない。



「また、同位体濃縮技術にはエネルギーも費用もかかりますが、ウランの中から燃えるウランを濃縮できるように、水素の中からトリチウムを濃縮することも可能です。むしろ、質量数1の水素と質量数3のトリチウムでは重さが三倍も異なっていて、ウラン濃縮に比べればはるかに分離が容易です」(『隠される原子力・核の真実』小出裕章著 129ページ)







Tepco testing tainted earth at No. 1 plant

Utility begins digging ground to assess extent of contamination


Tokyo Electric Power Co. on Friday started digging up soil tainted with highly radioactive water discharged from a storage tank at its Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant to test its radiation levels.

(2)  The utility will dig areas measuring 12 sq. meters in total to a depth of 40 to 50 cm where pools of leaked radioactive water formed, and then measure levels to determine how far the contamination has spread and how much soil needs to be removed.

(3)  Some 300 tons of highly radioactive water recently spewed into the Pacific from one of 26 tanks built in an area just 500 meters from the plant’s seawall. The tanks are surrounded by dikes, but some 120 liters of the water leaked outside of them, making it necessary to collect soil to prevent the contamination from spreading.

(4)  Meanwhile, a 15-member team from the Nuclear Regulation Authority visited the Fukushima No. 1 complex Friday to check the storage tank from which the 300 tons of water is thought to have escaped.

(5)  The tank may not be the only source of leaked water, as Tepco said Thursday that it had detected high radiation levels around the bottom of two more tanks of the same design, an indicator that water may have leaked from those containers as well.

(6)  The nuclear watchdog’s team began the inspection Friday morning, an NRA official said.

(7)  Tepco has said puddles of water near the leaking tank were so toxic that anyone exposed to them would receive the same amount of radiation in an hour that a nuclear plant worker in Japan is allowed to receive in five years — 100 millisieverts.

(8)  Groundwater that mixed with the tainted water has already flowed to the ocean, and Tepco said Friday it has launched an operation to pump it out of 28 wells.

(9)  Meanwhile, a memorial service for Masao Yoshida, who headed the complex when the crisis started in 2011, was held in Tokyo the same day. Yoshida, who stepped down as plant chief in December 2011, died of esophageal cancer July 9.

(10)  The memorial service was organized by Tepco, and its president, Naomi Hirose, praised Yoshida for “devoting his full strength” to the kind of emergency no one had ever previously experienced in Japan. Naoto Kan, prime minister when the crisis started, said after the event that “it is because of Yoshida that the situation did not further deteriorate.”

(11)  Tepco said Yoshida’s radiation dose after the accident was 70 millisieverts, less than the 100-millisievert five-year limit for nuclear workers, and that it believes there was little causal relationship between his radiation exposure and the cancer.



Tepco radioactive flow raises alarm over seafood safety

by Mizuho Aoki

Staff Writer

(12)  Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s revelation that massive amounts of radioactive water are flowing into the Pacific further raised fears about the harm to marine life.

(13)  Tepco estimated that between May 2011 and this month, a staggering 40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium, 20 trillion becquerels of cesium and 10 trillion becquerels of strontium may have flowed into the sea in groundwater from under the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear complex.

(14)  The Nuclear Regulation Authority will set up an expert panel Sept. 6 to study the effect on marine life, focusing on tritium, which cannot be removed even with the advanced liquid processing system that Tepco plans to restart to clean contaminated water used to cool the crippled reactors as early as next month. ALPS extracts most radioactive materials from tainted water — but not tritium.

What is tritium?

(15)  Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen with a half life of approximately 12 years. Around 99 percent of tritium exists in the form of water and it emits very weak beta particles that can be stopped even with plastic wrap.

(16)  A small amount exists in nature, for instance in rainwater, rivers and oceans, as well as in the human body. On average, the body of a man weighing 65 kg contains about 100 becquerels of tritium, experts estimate.

(17)  According to the Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center, a Tokyo-based anti-nuclear organization, 1 kg of rainwater contains about 1 to 3 becquerels of tritium. That level was about 100 becquerels per kilogram during the 1960s due to fallout from nuclear experiments around the globe, the group said.

What hazard does tritium pose to human health?

(17)  The potential harm of tritium to humans is much smaller than that of radioactive cesium — the major focus of concern following the three nuclear meltdowns at the No. 1 power plant in 2011. Experts say exposure to tritium is roughly one-thousandth as harmful compared with radioactive cesium.

(18)  The Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center said that if a person were to drink 1 liter of water tainted with 2 becquerels of tritium every day for one year, the total radiation exposure would amount to 0.00004 millisieverts.

(19)  Because tritium exists mainly in water, it does not accumulate in any specific body organ and is discharged quickly through urine, experts say. In the human body, tritium levels drop by half in around 10 days, they say.

What about marine life?

(20)  The impact on marine creatures, for now, is believed to be small, Jota Kanda, oceanographer at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, told The Japan Times on Friday.

(21)  The tritium-tainted groundwater discharged from the No. 1 plant into the Pacific was diluted by seawater, he said. Although the projected amount of tritium that leaked into the ocean is frightening, judging from water samples it likely won’t pose a great risk to human health if a person were to eat fish caught outside the man-made harbor of the crippled nuclear plant, according to Kanda.

(22)  Just as with humans, tritium is discharged from fish through urine, he said.

(23)  What is more alarming, Kanda said, is contamination from strontium-90, which tends to accumulate in bones and can cause bone cancer or leukemia, and from cesium-137 and -134, which appear to remain in the ecosystem.

Does the government’s standard sampling survey detect tritium in fish produce?

(24)  No. The Fisheries Agency only checks for radioactive iodine, cesium and strontium, and has no plan to expand the survey to tritium, one of its officials said, adding that detecting tritium from fish samples is almost impossible with the technology the agency currently has.

How contaminated are fish caught off Tohoku, and has the situation worsened recently?

(25)  Results from the Fishery Agency’s sampling tests show no significant increase in contamination level of fish caught off the coast.

(26)  Just a few samples — mostly bottom fish caught off Fukushima and freshwater fish in the prefecture — exceeded the government limit of 100 becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram.

(27)  However, fish caught in the No. 1 plant’s harbor have been found to be highly contaminated with radioactive cesium, according to Tepco’s sampling data. For instance, a spotbelly rockfish caught July 4 contained 177,000 becquerels per kilogram of cesium, and a jacopever also caught in July contained 180,000 becquerels.

(28)  The utility set up a containment fence around the harbor to limit contamination of the sea.

(29)  According to Tepco’s regular sampling test conducted in July outside the harbor but within 20-km of the plant, a few fish were discovered to exceed the 100-becquerel cesium limit and had levels of between 100 and 400 becquerels per kilogram.




*#1254 経済成長論の終焉 Oct.24, 2010

 #1460 「原子炉圧力容器損傷か?:写真で検証

 #1462 「裸の王様:原子炉圧力容器は破損している 論より証拠、よく写真を見てごらん 」

 #1463 「福島第1原発3号炉はもう無い:東京電力社員退去要請の意味」

 #1607 児玉龍彦国会で告発(2):(書き起こし) July 31, 2011

 #1611 児玉龍彦教授(3):息子さんからのエール Aug. 3, 2011

 #1655 あらら、何を隠そうとしているの?:原子炉建屋にコンクリートの覆い Sep.21, 2011

 #2237 過剰富裕化論提唱者の福島原発事故処理構想:遺稿 Mar. 4, 2013

 #2323 次の原発事故のために(1):甲状腺癌と情報操作?:U.N. experts see no increase risk of cancer … Jun. 6, 2013

 #2324 次の原発事故のために(2) :福島県で12人が甲状腺癌 Jun. 7, 2013

 #2325 次の原発事故のために(3):Tyroid cancer hits 12 kids in Fukushima: Jun. 8, 2013

 #2377 次の原発事故のために(4):小児甲状腺癌18人に  Aug. 21, 2013

 #2379 次の原発事故のために(5) 8000万ベクレル/ℓ 高濃度汚染水漏洩 Aug.22, 2013

 #2381 次の原発事故のために(6): 超高濃度汚染水と浄化システムALPS  Aug. 25, 2013

 #2383 次の原発事故のために(7): 漏洩はセシウムとストロンチウム合計で30兆Bq  Aug. 26, 2013

 #2387 次の原発事故のために(8):トリチウムの問題 Aug. 29, 2013 

 #2390 サンマのI-131の濃度から放射能汚染水の大量流出は分かっていた Sep. 1, 2013


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#2383 次の原発事故のために(7): 漏洩はセシウムとストロンチウム合計で30兆Bq  Aug. 26, 2013 [74.高校・大学生のためのJT記事]



 この推計は信用ならない東京電力による、(1)に"Electric Power Co. estimates"とあり、8/21水曜日に公表された数値である(2)。



(6) 30兆ベクレルという数値は2011年3月11日の事故前に東電が決めていた年間排出量の約百倍である。

(10) 東電は当初(水曜日)タンクから走っている排水溝から1時間当たり6mSvを検出したと公表している。その後月曜日になって排水溝の付近で空間線量96mSvを検出したと公表した(12)。これではまったく信用できない。最初の数値はあまりに高いので驚き小さくして公表したようにみえる。


(8)  NRA chief Shunichi Tanaka voiced deep worry Wednesday about the plant, which now has about 1,060 massive tanks containing highly radioactive water.





(16) 原子力規制委員会が水曜日に開かれたが、パネリストから長い間抱いてきた疑念、汚染水がコンクリート基礎に生じている亀裂から地下に浸透しているかもしれないという疑念を指摘している。

"Tepco tank leaks blamed on seals"

(17) 超高濃度汚染水が地下へ浸透していることはあたりまえの想定だと国立先端科学研究所ヤスハラマサヤ氏が述べている。東電はコンクリートは防水性だとして、そのようなシナリオを拒否している。


Rate of radioactive flow to Pacific alarming

Fukushima No. 1 leaks estimated at 30 trillion becquerels since May 2011

by Kazuaki Nagata

Staff Writer

(1)  Water releasing as much as 10 trillion becquerels of radioactive strontium and 20 trillion becquerels of cesium-137 from the Fukushima No. 1 power plant has flowed into the Pacific Ocean since May 2011, Tokyo Electric Power Co. estimates.

(2)  The combined figure of 30 trillion becquerels, announced late Wednesday, implies that highly radioactive water is entering the trenches under the damaged reactors’ turbine buildings.

(3)  The three reactors that had core meltdowns are being flooded by emergency cooling water needed to keep the leaky units stable, but the water is leaking from the reactors into the basements, where it is mixing with groundwater penetrating the walls of the 40-year-old plant.

(4)  Since the 30 trillion becquerels can’t be accounted for just by groundwater alone, it is likely the toxic water from the trenches is entering the mix as well, the beleaguered utility said after conducting various simulations.

(5)  The Fukushima complex was built on a maze of trenches that guide cables and pipes needed to transport electricity and water. The pipes lead to the sea because the power plant, like all the others in Japan, needs seawater for cooling purposes.

(6)  The 30 trillion figure is about 100 times more than what Tepco had been allowing to enter the sea each year before the crisis.

(7)  Containment fences set up in the plant’s man-made harbor are failing to keep the flow from reaching the greater Pacific.

(8)  Tepco belatedly acknowledged last month that about 300 tons of groundwater from the mountains behind the crippled plant flows daily to the sea after mixing with radioactive water leaking from the reactor buildings’ cracked foundations.

(9)  This week, however, it discovered that about 300 tons of filtered water from one of its hundreds of temporary storage tanks had escaped. The water had been cleansed of most of the cesium but still contains other harmful materials, including tritium. The incident has been rated level 3 on the International Nuclear Event Scale. The meltdowns were rated level 7, a status that remains unchanged.

(10)  Tepco first claimed the tank water had not reached the sea, only to reverse itself Wednesday after detecting a relatively high reading of 6 millisieverts per hour in a drainage channel running from the tanks to the sea. The channel, made to prevent rainwater from flooding the tank premises, is not covered.

(11)  Tepco said Thursday that two more tanks are leaking.

(12)  On Monday, when Tepco announced the first tank leak, it confirmed seeing traces of water running from the tank to the drainage channel, and detected 96 millisieverts per hour of radiation in the air near it.

(13)  Tepco has been unable to locate the leak but said it finished transferring the water to other tanks nearby Wednesday night. It plans to check for more tank leaks.

(14)  While some of the water might have gone into the sea, it is hard to determine where it all went. Tepco projects that it’s been losing about 10 tons a day for the past 30 days from the tank, which is considered a temporary model as it is made of steel sheets bolted together with their seams sealed, instead of the more reliable welded tanks.

(15)  The leak was discovered after workers noticed water puddles near the tank Monday. Nuclear Regulation Authority officials and outside experts said Wednesday that if 10 tons of tainted water flowed out over 30 days, it is hard to imagine no one would notice it before Monday.

(16)  At an NRA meeting Wednesday evening on the tainted water issue, the panelists pointed out a long-held suspicion: that the water may be going into the ground through cracks in the concrete base.

(17)  “It is more natural to think the water went underground,” said Masaya Yasuhara, a researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Tepco rejects that scenario because concrete isn’t that permeable.



*#1254 経済成長論の終焉 Oct.24, 2010

 #1460 「原子炉圧力容器損傷か?:写真で検証

 #1462 「裸の王様:原子炉圧力容器は破損している 論より証拠、よく写真を見てごらん

 #1463 「福島第1原発3号炉はもう無い:東京電力社員退去要請の意味」

 #1607 児玉龍彦国会で告発(2):(書き起こし) July 31, 2011

 #1611 児玉龍彦教授(3):息子さんからのエール Aug. 3, 2011

 #1655 あらら、何を隠そうとしているの?:原子炉建屋にコンクリートの覆い Sep.21, 2011

 #2237 過剰富裕化論提唱者の福島原発事故処理構想:遺稿 Mar. 4, 2013

 #2323 次の原発事故のために(1):甲状腺癌と情報操作?:U.N. experts see no increase risk of cancer … Jun. 6, 2013

 #2324 次の原発事故のために(2) :福島県で12人が甲状腺癌 Jun. 7, 2013

 #2325 次の原発事故のために(3):Tyroid cancer hits 12 kids in Fukushima: Jun. 8, 2013

 #2377 次の原発事故のために(4):小児甲状腺癌18人に  Aug. 21, 2013

 #2379 次の原発事故のために(5) 8000万ベクレル/ℓ 高濃度汚染水漏洩 Aug.22, 2013

 #2381 次の原発事故のために(6): 超高濃度汚染水と浄化システムALPS  Aug. 25, 2013


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