
#2879 アベノミクスはバンザイノミクス: ゴールドマンサックスの見解  Nov. 23, 2014 [76.Article Selection]


  自画自賛のアベノミクスはバンザイノミクス、がらりと風向きが変わってしまった。10月30日に掲載されたゴールドマンのZero Hedgeに載っていた記事がきっかけである。海外の証券会社や銀行筋がアベノミクスをどのように評価しているかがわかる。バンザイノミクスとは「経済政策のお手上げ(万歳)状態」を表す造語だ。日銀は危ない綱渡りを続けており、打つ手がなくなってきている。日本経済はコストプッシュインフレによるスタグフレーション段階に入ったが、日銀は金融緩和もゼロ金利もやめることができない。a fully open-ended easing program(終わりのない金融緩和)と表現している。fullyという副詞が書き手の揺るがない判断を示している。もう完全にアウトだという気持ちがfullyにこもっている。金融緩和をやめたら、国債は買い手を失って暴落し、金利が暴騰して財政破綻が不可避となる。それがわかっているから財務省出身の黒田日銀総裁は金融緩和とゼロ金利政策をとり続けるしかないのである。黒田は政府が消費税を上げて財政再建のポーズをとってほしかった。それでしばらく時間が稼げると判断していたのだろう。8-9月期マイナス1.6%というGDPの予想外の落ち込みで、解散総選挙に踏み切った安倍総理に、増税派の谷垣副総裁も麻生財務大臣も野田税調会長も消費税の1年半延期を呑まざるを得なくなった。


 ゴールドマンとはGoldman Sacks Group Inc.のことで世界最大の投資銀行である。本社はニューヨーク、ユダヤ系の金融機関。




Goldman On BOJ's Banzainomics: "We Highlight The Potential For Harsh Criticism Of Further Cost-Push Inflation"

Tyler Durden's picture

It was about several months ago when Goldman, which initially was an enthusiastic supporter of BOJ's QE, turned sour on both Abenomics and the J-Curve (perhaps after relentless mocking on these pages), changed its tune, saying an unhappy ending for Abenomics is almost certainly in the cards.

Not surprisingly then, in its post-mortem of the BOJ's overnight action, already being affectionately called Banzainomics, is hardly glowing, and is summarized as follows: "We maintain our view that unless the yen continues to depreciate significantly, as a result of the latest QQE action, the BOJ is unlikely to meet its scenario for inflation to stably reach 2% during FY2015. From a political perspective, with nationwide local elections looming in April 2015, we also highlight the potential for harsh criticism of further cost-push inflation driven by the weaker yen among nonmanufacturers, SMEs, and households. Irrespective of the latest easing moves, we believe the BOJ is treading a very narrow path."

Full note from Goldman's Naohiko Baba:

Further QQE and move to a fully open-ended easing program

The Bank of Japan announced further quantitative and qualitative easing (QQE) action at its Monetary Policy Meeting on October 31 (Exhibit 1). It also officially removed the 2-year timing target for achieving 2% price stability, making the timeframe completely open ended (by a vote of 5 to 4). While the latter announcement was within the scope of our expectations, the first came as a surprise (we had assumed further easing action would be announced in January 2015). The additional QQE measures are as follows:

1. Pace of monetary base increase will be stepped up by ¥10 tn-¥20 tn per year, to around ¥80 tn per year.

2. Long-term JGB purchases will be stepped up so that the outstanding JGB portfolio will increase by around ¥80 tn annually, an acceleration of around ¥30 tn. The average remaining maturity of the BOJ’s JGB purchases will be extended to 7-10 years (extension of a maximum 3 years). In addition, the outstanding ETF portfolio will be increased at an annual pace of ¥3 tn, tripled from the current pace of ¥1 tn, and annual REIT purchases will triple to ¥90 bn, from ¥30 bn. The JPX-Nikkei 400 index is newly added to eligible ETF purchases by the BOJ.

BOJ sharply lowers Outlook Report FY2014 growth forecast

In the biannual Outlook Report published today, the BOJ sharply lowered its FY2014 real GDP growth forecast to +0.5% yoy, from +1.0%, in line with our expectation. It only made minor revisions to its price outlook, however, adjusting its CPI forecast to +1.2%, from +1.3%, for FY2014 and to +1.7%, from +1.9%, for FY2015. It therefore maintained its scenario that inflation is likely to reach around 2% sometime in FY2015 (Exhibit 2). We believe the bank has factored the impact of the additional QQE mentioned above into its outlook.

Further easing to stop inflation expectations receding

However, in the risk assessment section of the Outlook Report, the BOJ noted that risks to its price outlook are to the downside. It explained that sustained weakness in post-tax-hike demand and downward price pressure from the decline in crude oil prices could pose a risk of delayed improvement in inflation expectations that could create downside risks to prices per se. It said it had taken additional QQE measures to prevent the risk of a delayed turnaround in deflationary mindset from materializing. Although denied by Governor Kuroda at the press conference, we think the bank may have sought to give its support to a second consumption tax hike (slated for October 2015, decision to be taken early December) at a time when increasing number of voters as well as politicians are expecting the timing of the next tax hike to be pushed back. Amid a slew of weak macro data following the April tax hike, we think the Japanese government has a strong desire to lift share prices as far as possible and thereby improve corporate and household sentiment to make it easier for Prime Minister Abe to commit to a second tax increase. In our view, it is no coincidence that GPIF portfolio changes (lowering of domestic bond allocation, increase in equity allocation) and the BOJ’s adding easing measures were announced the same day.

Attaining 2% price stability target still looks very challenging

Prices have trended broadly in line with our outlook over the past six months or so. The September national core CPI, announced today, slowed to +1.0% yoy and has now reached the bottom end of the previous assumption of the BOJ’s 1.0%-1.5% range. With the October Tokyo core CPI also slowing further, crude prices trending downward and the post-tax-hike economy weakening more than anticipated, we think the CPI could dip below +1.0% near term. We maintain our view that unless the yen continues to depreciate significantly, as a result of the latest QQE action, the BOJ is unlikely to meet its scenario for inflation to stably reach 2% during FY2015. From a political perspective, with nationwide local elections looming in April 2015, we also highlight the potential for harsh criticism of further cost-push inflation driven by the weaker yen among nonmanufacturers, SMEs, and households. Irrespective of the latest easing moves, we believe the BOJ is treading a very narrow path.


Exhibit 1: BOJ expands monetary easing
BOJ Quantitative and Qualitative Easing

BOJ Quantitative and Qualitative Easing


Exhibit 2: BOJ sharply lowers Outlook Report FY2014 growth forecast
BOJ Outlook Report


 'Exhibit 1' のExhibitは主張の根拠となる表という意味だ。日本語にするときはあっさりやっつけて「表‐1」でいい。ただ、exhibitにはそういう含意のあることは承知しておきたい。
 『風とともに去りぬ』の訳者は微妙なニュアンスを削りとった訳を随所でしている。全巻読み通してから、気になるところを'Gone with the Wind'原文を読みながらところどころ訳し、翻訳と比べてみて実感した。うまいものだ、鉈を自在に振るっていて思いっきりがよい。翻訳書の出版にあたって出版者側から収めるページ数に注文がついていたのではないかと想像する。予定の枚数内に収めるのもプロの技の一つだ。
(簿記の知識がなくても大筋はわかるから、表-1の日銀貸借対照表(Blance Sheet)も読んでみたらいい。日本語の日銀貸借対照表も検索すればすぐに出てくる。なんでも好奇心をもって読むうちにいろいろなことがわかってくる。)

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