
#4502 Cleft Sentences(分裂文)②:英作文スキルアップのために Mar. 11, 2021 [44-3. 原書講読講座 Sapiens]

  分裂文解説の続きで、M. Swan、Practical English Usageからの引用です。さまざまなタイプの疑似分裂文が並んでいます。強調語句への焦点の当て方を習得しましょう。

3.emphasising verbs:What he did was ...(動詞の強調)
  When we want to emphasise a verb (or an expression beginning with a verb), we have to use a more complicated structures with what Infenitives with and without to a possible. 
(動詞の強調:What he did was ...: 動詞を強調したいときにはwhat ...doいうちょっと複雑な構文を使う。toなし不定詞かto付かどちらでもよい)
--He screamed.(彼は叫んだ)
 What he did was (to) scream.(彼がしたことといえば、叫ぶことだった)
 日本語訳は「彼は叫んだ」でもいいよ。意味は元の文(somple sentence)にあるからだ。この疑似分裂文は焦点をscreamに当てている、つまり、強調しているというだけ。
   What she does is (to) write science fiction.(彼女がやっているのはSF小説を書くことである)

Instead of an infenitive, we often use subject+verb in an informal style.
   What she does is, she writes science fiction.
   What I'll do is, I'll phone John and ask John and ask his advice.

4. emphasising a whole sentence(文全体の強調)

A whole sentence can be given extra emphasis by using cleft sentence with what and the verb happen.Compare:
   The car broke down.(車が壊れた)
   What happened was (that) the car broke down.(えらいことが起きた、車が壊れちゃった)

5. Other structures(その他の構文)

All(that), and expressions with thing, can be used in cleft sentences.
(all that と thingのついた言い回しが分裂文に使われる。)
   All I want is a home somewhere. 
 All you need is love.(愛こそすべてだ。ビートルズの歌にあった)
   All (that) I did was (to) touch the window , and it broke.
   The only thing I remember is a terrible pain in my head.
   The first thing was to make some coffee.
   My first journey abroad is something I shall never foget.

Time expressions can be emphasised with It was not until...and It was only when....
   It was not until I met you that I knew real happiness.
   It was only when I read her letter that I realized what was happening.

At the beginning of a cleft sentence, this and that often replace emphasized here and there. Compare.
-- You pay here.            --We live here.
   This is where you pay.   That's where we live.
   (or Here is where you pay)  (or There's where we live.)


Practical English Usage (Practical English Usage, Third Edition)

Practical English Usage (Practical English Usage, Third Edition)

  • 作者: Swan, Michael
  • 出版社/メーカー: Oxford Univ Pr
  • 発売日: 2005/07/07
  • メディア: ペーパーバック

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