#4501 Cleft Sentences(分裂文)①:英作文スキルアップのために Mar. 10, 2021 [44-3. 原書講読講座 Sapiens]
指摘を受けて調べたがネット情報は役にたたず、手持ちの本ではColins COUBILD English Usageの巻末の文法用語解説載っていた。
Michael Swan ’Practial English Usage’に詳述されていたので、そちらを引用して解説してみたい。高校生や大学生が英作文するときにとても役に立つと思う。高校の英語参考書を3冊見たが分裂文の解説が載っているものはなかった。
もう一つ見つけた。ランドルフ・クァーク&シドニー・グリーバウム、池上嘉彦訳『現代英語文法(大学編)』紀伊国屋書店(1988年刊)に「14.15 疑似分裂文と分裂文」(662頁)という節に解説があるので、適宜そちらも参照する。こちらの本からの引用のときだけ、'RQ&S.G'と注を付けて区別する。この本はネイティブの大学生の文法教科書として書かれたものである。(この部分は3/11追記)
130 cleft sentences (1): What I need is a holiday.
We can emphasise particular words and expressions by putting everything into a kind of relative clause except the words we want to emphasise: this makes them stand out. These strautures are called 'cleft sentenses' by grammarians ( cleft means 'devided'). They are useful in writing (because we cannot use intonation for emphasis in written language), but they are also common in speech.
指摘を受けて調べたがネット情報は役にたたず、手持ちの本ではColins COUBILD English Usageの巻末の文法用語解説載っていた。
Michael Swan ’Practial English Usage’に詳述されていたので、そちらを引用して解説してみたい。高校生や大学生が英作文するときにとても役に立つと思う。高校の英語参考書を3冊見たが分裂文の解説が載っているものはなかった。
もう一つ見つけた。ランドルフ・クァーク&シドニー・グリーバウム、池上嘉彦訳『現代英語文法(大学編)』紀伊国屋書店(1988年刊)に「14.15 疑似分裂文と分裂文」(662頁)という節に解説があるので、適宜そちらも参照する。こちらの本からの引用のときだけ、'RQ&S.G'と注を付けて区別する。この本はネイティブの大学生の文法教科書として書かれたものである。(この部分は3/11追記)
130 cleft sentences (1): What I need is a holiday.
We can emphasise particular words and expressions by putting everything into a kind of relative clause except the words we want to emphasise: this makes them stand out. These strautures are called 'cleft sentenses' by grammarians ( cleft means 'devided'). They are useful in writing (because we cannot use intonation for emphasis in written language), but they are also common in speech.
-- MARY kept a pig in the garden shed.
Mary was the person who kept a pig in the garden shed.
The person who kept a pig in the garden shed was Mary.
-- Mary kept A PIG in the garden shed.
A pig was what Mary kept in the garden shed.
What Mary kept in the garden shed was a pig.
Mary was the person who kept a pig in the garden shed.
The person who kept a pig in the garden shed was Mary.
-- Mary kept A PIG in the garden shed.
A pig was what Mary kept in the garden shed.
What Mary kept in the garden shed was a pig.
The secretary is what Phil is.
What Phil is is the secretary.
Instead of the person or what, we can use less general expressions.
You're the woman (that) I'll always love best.
The secretary is what Phil is.
What Phil is is the secretary.
Instead of the person or what, we can use less general expressions.
You're the woman (that) I'll always love best.
Casablanca is a film (that) I watch again and again.
A what-clause is normally considerd tobe singular; if it begins a cleft sentense it is followed by is/was. But a plural verb is sometimes possible before a plural noun in an informal style.
What we want is/are some of those cakes.
2. the place where ...; the day when...; the reason why...
We can use these expressions to emphasise a place, time or reason.
--Mary kept a pig IN THE GARDEN SHED.
The garden shed was the place where Mary kept a pig.
The garden where Mary kept a pig was the garden.
-- Jake went to London ON TUESDAY to see Colin.
Tuesday was the day when/that Jake went to London to see Colin.
The day when Jake went to London to see Colin was Tuesday.
--Juke went to Londonontuesday TO SEE COLIN.
To see Colin was the reason why Jake went to London on Tuesday.
The reason why Jake went to London on Tuesday was to see Colin.
The place, the day or the reason can be dropped in an formal style, especially in the middle of a sentence.
Spain's where we're going this year.
Why I'm here is to talk about my plans. (More formal: The reason why I'm here is...)
なお、今回紹介したのは’130 Cleft sentences(1)’ の1と2である。あと3,4,5と'131 Cleft sentences (2)'が残っている。(1)はwh-節を用いた疑似分裂文の解説であるが、itを前置する分裂文は(2)で解説することになる。
A what-clause is normally considerd tobe singular; if it begins a cleft sentense it is followed by is/was. But a plural verb is sometimes possible before a plural noun in an informal style.
What we want is/are some of those cakes.
2. the place where ...; the day when...; the reason why...
We can use these expressions to emphasise a place, time or reason.
--Mary kept a pig IN THE GARDEN SHED.
The garden shed was the place where Mary kept a pig.
The garden where Mary kept a pig was the garden.
-- Jake went to London ON TUESDAY to see Colin.
Tuesday was the day when/that Jake went to London to see Colin.
The day when Jake went to London to see Colin was Tuesday.
--Juke went to Londonontuesday TO SEE COLIN.
To see Colin was the reason why Jake went to London on Tuesday.
The reason why Jake went to London on Tuesday was to see Colin.
The place, the day or the reason can be dropped in an formal style, especially in the middle of a sentence.
Spain's where we're going this year.
Why I'm here is to talk about my plans. (More formal: The reason why I'm here is...)
なお、今回紹介したのは’130 Cleft sentences(1)’ の1と2である。あと3,4,5と'131 Cleft sentences (2)'が残っている。(1)はwh-節を用いた疑似分裂文の解説であるが、itを前置する分裂文は(2)で解説することになる。
Practical English Usage (Practical English Usage, Third Edition)
- 作者: Swan, Michael
- 出版社/メーカー: Oxford Univ Pr
- 発売日: 2005/07/07
- メディア: ペーパーバック
2021-03-10 14:45
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