#2864 Aging nuclear power plants :老朽化する原発 Nov. 10, 2014 [75.時事英語公開講座]
#2863'Economic realities of old reactors'(9/14 JT紙社説)の続編である。
■ 「売り手よし、買い手よし、世間よしの三方よし」
■ 「小欲知足」
■ 「仕事は正直に誠実にそして渾身の力でやり遂げよう」
Aging nuclear power plants | The Japan Times
Aging nuclear power plants
(1) The government is weighing measures to aid power companies that decommission aging nuclear power plants and host municipalities that will lose nuclear power-related revenue. To facilitate the moves to scrap aging plants, some steps may be necessary to ease the process. But support should not be extended in ways that perpetuate the reliance of the power firms and the host municipalities on nuclear power.
(2) Under safety regulations tightened after the March 2011 meltdowns at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, utilities are not allowed in principle to run nuclear power reactors for longer than 40 years. The operators can seek to extend reactor operations for up to 20 years, but they need to undergo special inspections by the Nuclear Regulation Authority, which would require huge investments to upgrade aging equipment to beef up their safety.
(3) Of the 48 nuclear power reactors in Japan, four — the No. 1 reactor at Japan Atomic Power Co.’s Tsuruga plant, the Nos. 1 and 2 reactors at Kansai Electric Power Co.’s Mihama plant and the No. 1 reactor at Chugoku Electric Power Co.’s Shimane plant — have already been in operation for more than 40 years, while three others — Nos. 1 and 2 reactors at Kansai Electric’s Takahama plant and the No. 1 reactor at the Genkai plant of Kyushu Electric Power — will reach the 40-year mark in July 2016.
(4) The power firms need to apply to the NRA by next summer if they want to extend the reactors’ operation. The utilities are said to be considering the choice of decommissioning the aging reactors, which typically have small output capacity and are unlikely to churn out profits that match the massive cost of renovation.
(5) The government is ready to facilitate the move, apparently on the belief that scrapping aging reactors will help win public support for reactivating other reactors that were put offline after the Fukushima disaster. While urging the power companies to make swift decisions, the government has kicked off discussions on measures to support the moves by the utilities.
(6) Decommissioning a nuclear power reactor takes 20 to 30 years. In addition to the direct cost of scrapping the reactor, there will be other expenses such as those for disposing of the large amount of radioactive waste.
(7) While the utilities have set aside reserves to pay for future decommissioning by adding the cost on to electricity bills, moving forward schedules for scrapping reactors due to new safety regulations will require additional expenses. The power companies also need to devalue the reactors once they are decommissioned and report the losses.
(8) Local governments hosting the nuclear power plants stand to lose national government grants to such municipalities as well as revenue from fixed asset taxes on the reactors to be decommissioned. There are concerns about severe damage to local economies from the cuts of such revenue, along with losses to related businesses.
(9) Under discussion at a panel of the trade and industry ministry are measures such as changing accounting rules that currently require the power companies to report losses on the reactors immediately after decommissioning them, as well as maintaining government financial support for the host municipalities even after the reactors have been scrapped.
(10) Also reportedly under consideration is a system that will include in the price of electricity generated by nuclear power the total power generation costs — including the expenses of future decommissioning of reactors and disposal of spent fuel — even after the retail sale of power is fully deregulated.
(11) The decommissioning of reactors that are aging and more vulnerable to severe accidents or natural disasters should be promoted, and steps will need to be taken to eliminate hurdles, including financial concerns, that deter such moves. But the steps need to be limited to temporary measures that ease the financial burden on the power firms and host municipalities.
(12) Preferential treatment toward nuclear power that could encourage the utilities to keep relying on it as a source of commercial electricity, as well as policies that keep the local economies depending on the nuclear power industry, will run counter to the government’s pledge in its latest basic energy plan to reduce “as much as possible” the nation’s reliance on nuclear power, and therefore must be avoided.
― 解説 ― ・・・省略
(1) The government is weighing measures to aid power companies that decommission aging nuclear power plants and host municipalities that will lose nuclear power-related revenue. To facilitate the moves to scrap aging plants, some steps may be necessary to ease the process. But support should not be extended in ways that perpetuate the reliance of the power firms and the host municipalities on nuclear power.
power companies : the utilities 電力会社
decommission: v 廃炉する
aging nuclear power plants :老朽化が進む原子力発電所
facilitate: v 促進する ⇔ facility 施設、設備
perpetuate:v 永続させる
the host municipalities on nuclear power:原発を誘致した市町村
(2) Under safety regulations tightened after the March 2011 meltdowns at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, utilities are not allowed in principle to run nuclear power reactors for longer than 40 years. The operators can seek to extend reactor operations for up to 20 years, but they need to undergo special inspections by the Nuclear Regulation Authority, which would require huge investments to upgrade aging equipment to beef up their safety.
utilities=the operators:電力会社
the Nuclear Regulation Authority:原子力規制委員会
beef up: 補強する
(3) Of the 48 nuclear power reactors in Japan, four — the No. 1 reactor at Japan Atomic Power Co.’s Tsuruga plant, the Nos. 1 and 2 reactors at Kansai Electric Power Co.’s Mihama plant and the No. 1 reactor at Chugoku Electric Power Co.’s Shimane plant — have already been in operation for more than 40 years, while three others — Nos. 1 and 2 reactors at Kansai Electric’s Takahama plant and the No. 1 reactor at the Genkai plant of Kyushu Electric Power — will reach the 40-year mark in July 2016.
the Nos. 1 and 2 reactors : Nosがなんだかわからなかった。辞書を引いてもないから、目線を引いたら気がついた。Numbersの略だ。1号機と2号機をandで並べているからNosとなっている。誤植かと勘違いした。小さなところでも読み飛ばさなければ気がつくことがある。
■ 日本原子力発電(株)福井県敦賀発電所 第1号原子炉
■ 関西電力(株) 美浜原子力発電所 第1号および第2号原子炉
■ 中国電力(株) 島根原子力発電所 第1号原子炉
(4) The power firms need to apply to the NRA by next summer if they want to extend the reactors’ operation. The utilities are said to be considering the choice of decommissioning the aging reactors, which typically have small output capacity and are unlikely to churn out profits that match the massive cost of renovation.
apply:v 申請する
churn out: 量産する
(5) The government is ready to facilitate the move, apparently on the belief that scrapping aging reactors will help win public support for reactivating other reactors that were put offline after the Fukushima disaster. While urging the power companies to make swift decisions, the government has kicked off discussions on measures to support the moves by the utilities.
on the belief :信念に基いている
to make swift decisions: (電力会社が)すぐに結論をだす
the moves by the utilities:電力会社による廃炉手続き
(6) Decommissioning a nuclear power reactor takes 20 to 30 years. In addition to the direct cost of scrapping the reactor, there will be other expenses such as those for disposing of the large amount of radioactive waste.
(7) While/ the utilities have set aside reserves/ to pay for future decommissioning/ by adding the cost on to electricity bills/, moving forward schedules for scrapping reactors due to new safety regulations/ will require additional expenses. The power companies/ also need to devalue the reactors/ once they are decommissioned and report the losses.
set aside : 脇にセットする⇒確保しておく
electricity bills:電気料請求書
report: v 報告する この場合は決算報告書に掲載するということ
「while/ 電力会社は資源を傍らに確保しておく/ 未来の廃炉のための支払に/ 電気料金に追加コストを乗せる/ 新しい安全基準ができたので原子炉のスクラップ化のための計画を前倒しすること/ 追加諸費用を要求することになる// 同時に電力会社は原子炉を減価しなかればならない/ 原子炉が廃炉され、損失が計上されれば」
文意が少々不明でも、構文がつかめていれば受験英語ではこれで充分だ。この段落は高校生や大学生には内容の理解が難しいだろうから、捕捉しておこう。要点は接続しwhileの訳し方とonceの訳し方にある。そしてadditional costが何を指しているのか考えてもらいたい。
(8) Local governments hosting the nuclear power plants/ stand to lose national government grants to such municipalities/ as well as revenue from fixed asset taxes on the reactors to be decommissioned. There are concerns about severe damage/ to local economies from the cuts of such revenue/, along with losses to related businesses.
grants: 補助金交付 複数にすることで、さまざまな形で補助金交付がなされていることを示唆している
Local governments = such municipalities
「原発のある市町村/ そのような地方自治体への国の補助金を失うことを意味する/ 除却される原子炉にかかる固定資産税のような収入と同じように// 深刻なダメージの懸念がある/ そのような収入の削減によって地元経済への/ 関連ビジネスに対する損失がさらに伴う」
(9) Under discussion at a panel of the trade and industry ministry/ are measures such as changing accounting rules/ that currently require the power companies to report losses on the reactors/ immediately after decommissioning them/, as well as maintaining government financial support for the host municipalities/ even after the reactors have been scrapped.
「経済産業省のパネルでの議論の下で/ 会計規則変更のような政策がある/ 電力会社に原子炉にかかる損失計上を緊急に必要となる/ 原子炉の廃炉ごただちに/ 原発が設置されている市町村への国の財政支援を維持するのと同様に/ 当該原子炉がスクラップされた後でさえも」
(10) Also reportedly under consideration/ is a system that will include in the price of electricity generated by nuclear power the total power generation costs/ — including the expenses of future decommissioning of reactors and disposal of spent fuel/ — even after the retail sale of power is fully deregulated.
「報道によれば、原子炉によって発電される電気の価格を総原価に算入する仕組みが同時に検討されている/ 将来の原子炉廃炉に伴う諸費用と使用済み核燃料処分にかかる諸費用を含む/ 電力の小売が完全に規制解除されたあとですらも」
構文: 副詞句+be動詞+主語
(11) The decommissioning of reactors/ that are aging and more vulnerable to severe accidents or natural disasters/ should be promoted/, and steps will need to be taken to eliminate hurdles/, including financial concerns/, that deter such moves. But the steps need to be limited to temporary measures/ that ease the financial burden on the power firms and host municipalities.
deter:v 阻止する、防止する
「老朽化しつつあり、深刻な原子力災害に脆弱性のより大きな問題を抱えている原子炉の廃炉/ 促進されるのが当たり前である/ 財政的な考慮を含むいくつかの障害を取り除く諸政策が必要になるだろう/ そのような動きを阻止する// しかし、その政策は一時的な手段に制限されるべきである/ 電力会社と原発設置自治体への財政負担を緩和する」
これではイミのつかめないところが一つある、'that deter such moves'がそれだ。hurdlesを修飾する関係節なのだが、どのようなmovesなのか意味不明。movesには動きの他に戦略という意味もある。
(12) Preferential treatment toward nuclear power/ that could encourage the utilities to keep relying on it as a source of commercial electricity/, as well as policies that keep the local economies depending on the nuclear power industry/, will run counter to the government’s pledge/ in its latest basic energy plan/ to reduce “as much as possible” the nation’s reliance on nuclear power, /and therefore must be avoided.
Preferential treatment : 優遇措置
relying: 「信頼すること」と「依存すること」があるが、ここでは後者の意
it= nuclear power
run counter : 逆行する
「原子力発電の優遇措置/ 電力会社が商業電力の電源として(原発に)依存し続けることを奨励しうる/ 地元経済が原子力発電産業に依存し続けるのと同じように/ 政府の公約に逆行する/ 最新のエネルギー基本計画の中で/ 原子力への依存をできるだけ減らすという/ それゆえ避けなければならない」
Preferential treatment toward nuclear power/ (that could encourage the utilities to keep relying on it as a source of commercial electricity/, as well as policies that keep the local economies depending on the nuclear power industry/,) will run counter to the government’s pledge in its latest basic energy plan/ to reduce “as much as possible” the nation’s reliance on nuclear power, /and therefore must be avoided.
優遇措置の具体例が( )で囲んだ部分である。どんな優遇措置かというと、「商業電力の電源として原発に電力会社が依存し続けることを奨励するような優遇措置、同様に原発お膝下の地域経済が原発に依存し続けるような優遇措置」である。
Economic realities of old reactors | The Japan Times
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Aging nuclear power plants | The Japan Times
decommission aging nuclear power plants and host municipalities that will lose
nuclear power-related revenue. To facilitate the moves to scrap aging plants, ...
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*#2861 原発をめぐる詐欺的会計基準(1):モラルハザード Nov. 9, 2014
#2862 原発をめぐる詐欺的会計基準(2):不良資産と簿外債務 Nov. 9, 2014
#2863 Economic realities of old reactors:40年たった原子炉の扱い Nov. 10, 2014
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