PROMINENCE Ⅲは東京書籍で出している英語の教科書では最高難度のシリーズです。第5章まではそれほど難しくありませんでしたから、第6章だけが特別かもしれません。
 3年生は選択科目になっているので、実際に履修しているのは生徒の1/4ほどでしょう。根室高校が昨年まで使っていたVIVID Ⅲに比べてワード数は2.5倍、構文の難易度もアップしています。道内の偏差値45付近の高校の生徒たちはお目にかかる機会のない教科書ではないかと思います。高校1年生のうちから、こんな英文がすらすら読めたら、共通テストは9割得点できそうです。チャンクごとに意味をつかめたら、意味をイメージしながら、なんども音読トレーニングしてください。

1.  "Return on investment" : that is the phrase you often hear today when people talk about college.  How much money will you get out of doing it, in other words, relative to the amount that you have to put in?  What no one seems to ask is what the "return" that college is supposed to give you is.  Is it just about earning more money?  Is the only purpose of an education to enable you to get a job?  What, in short, is college for?


2.    There has been a lot of debate recently in the Unites States about higher education.  We talk, for example, about increasing school fees, rising student debt, and the tough labor market for new graduates.  We talk about the future of the university: budget cuts, distance learning, massive open online courses, and whether college in its present form is even neccessary.  We  talk about the premises that underlie this dabate, as if what makes for a happy life and a good society were simply self-evident, and as if in either case the one and only answer were more money.

higher educationは日本なら「高等教育=専門学校、高等専門学校、短大、大学、大学院」です。日本でも授業料が高く、学生の多くが借金をして進学しています。女学生は正規社員で就職できなければ、借金返済がむずかしくなるので、風俗関係で稼ぐ人が増えてます。無理してレベルの低い大学へ銀行ローンで進学するのは考えものです。非正規雇用が40%という深刻な労働市場が卒業後に待ち受けています。
 distance learnigとはコンピュータやネットワークを使って遠隔地から学ぶことです。
 massive open online coursesはインターネット上で誰もが無料で学ぶことのできる大規模な開かれた受業のことです。

3.   Of course money matters: jobs matter, financial security matters, nationl prosperity matters.  The question is whether they are the only things that matter.  Life is more than a job: jobs are more than a paycheck; and a country is more than its wealth.  Education is more than learning marketable skill, and you are more than your ability to contribute to your employer's bottom line or the nation's GDP, no matter what politicians or exectives woould have you think.  To ask what college is for is to ask what life is for, what society is for --- what people are for.

 bottom lineは文字通りに損益計算書の一番最後の行のことで、税引き後利益です。損益計算書はProfit and Loss Statment、略してP/Lです。米国ではincome statement「所得計算書」と言います。

 損益計算書はこのような構造になっています。bottom lineが何か、わかりましたね。高校英語の授業ではこんな説明はしないでしょう。

 politicians or exectives would have you think(政治家あるいは取締役があなたに考えさせようする)
   S+V+O+V [+O]
 使役のhaveが使われていることに注意。no matter whatがついているので、「たとえ政治家や取締役があなたにGDPや利益への貢献を考えさせようとしても...」wouldを使っているので、現実にそういうことはないが、そうだとしてもという意味が含まれています。仮定法過去の条件節です、would haveのニュアンスを読み取ってください。will haveと書いたら意味が全然別になります。「政治家や取締役が考えさせようとするでしょうが…」となります。強い現実的な確信が生まれます。「そんなことはありえないでしょうが」というニュアンスが失われます。

 No matter what politicians or exectives would have you think [that education is learning marketable skills, and you are your ability to contribute to your employer's bottom line].
 PROMENENCE Ⅲはレベルが高い。(笑)

4.   Do students ever hear this?  What they hear is a constant drumbeat that tries to march them in the other direction.  When policy makers talk about higher education, from the president all the way down, they always talk in terms of math and science.  Journalists and critics are always telling the young not just to learn things because one is curious about them.  "Top Ten Majors" means the most employable, not job satisfaction.  "What are you going to do with that?"  is the question a young person often hears when they are thinking of applying for a humanities degree.  "Liberal arts" has become a put-down, and "English major" a punch line


liberal arts:一般教養。哲学、文学、歴史学など


5.   I am not sure what the "practical" people are so concerned about.  After all, not many of our students want to get into classes on Milton or Kant.  The English literature major now accounts for only three percent of all majors.  Business, at twenty-one percent, accounts for more than half again as many majors as all of the arts and humanities combined.  Basic science are suffering as well.  The percentage of students majoring in the physical sciences --- physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, and others --- has dropped by sixty percent since the middle of the 1960's, even more than English.  ①In 1971, seventy-three percent of new freshmen at American universities said that it is essential or very important to "develop a meaningful philosophy of life," thirty-seven percent to be "very well- off financially."   ②Not well-off note, but very well-off.  ③By 2011, the numbers were almost reversed, forty-seven percent and eighty percent, respectively.  ④For well over thirty years, we have been loudly announcing that happiness is money, with a side order of fame.  ⑤No wonder sudents have come to believe that college is all about getting a job.

for well over thirty years:尤に30年以上にわたって
business:accounting、E-commerce, management、finance、etc.
humanities combined:人文科学

(1) Seventy-three percent of new freshmen at American universities said that
(2) It is essential or very important to "develop a meaningful philosophy of life." 
(3) It is essential or very important for thirty-seven percent of new freshmen at American univirsities to be "very well-off financially."

(3)' Thirty-seven percent [of new freshmen at American universities said that] [it is essential or very important] to be "very well-off financially" 

  ふたつの[ .....  ]は前文と同じなので消去されます。


6.  You need to get a job, but you also need to get a life.  What is the return on investiment of college?  What is the return on investment of having children, spending time with friends, listening to music, or reading a book?  The things that are most worth doing are worth doing fore their own sake.  Anyone who tells you that the only purpose of an education is getting marketable skills is trying to reduce you to a productive employee at work, a passive consumer in the market and an obedient citizen of the nation.  When we ask what college is for, we must remember that the question is really about our ability to remain fully human.

