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 Friday, March 19, 2010


Bubble prophet fears new disaster

Economist Noguchi warns soaring public debt may bankrupt Japan, bring back hyperinflation

Staff writer

(1) Prominent economist Yukio Noguchi is one ・・・.

(2) Now the doomsday prophet is making ・・・.

(3) "There is little hope," Noguchi said ・・・

(4) Noguchi is not the only one ・・・.

(5) They may still be a minority, ・・・.

(6) Compared with Greece, Japan's gross government ・・・

(7) Japan's present debt-to-GDP ratio is only ・・・.

(8) "I can't tell exactly what will happen ・・・.

(9) "If the same thing happens again, ・・・.

(10) The alarmists even include Ikuo Hirata, ・・・.

(11) Hirata predicts the huge debt will ・・・.

(12) A rise in long-term interest rates ・・・.

(13) "The curtain of the tragedy will .

(14) Pessimists like Noguchi and Hirata are ・・・.

(15) "Talk of a massive JGB bubble — let ・・・"

(16) The editorial pointed out that, for ・・・.

(17) "Ninety-five percent of Japan's debt is.

(18) "For some time yet, the government・・・."

(19) But most experts, including those at .

(20) In a July report, the IMF .

(21) Households maintained an average savings rate .

(22) Households directly and indirectly account for .

(23) The IMF simulation indicates gross public .

(24) "The results indicate that domestic financing .

(25) Masaya Sakuragawa, professor of finance at ・・・."

(26) "If the debts keep increasing at・・・.

(27) The simulation examined two scenarios. The ・・・.

(28) Under the 10 percent tax scenario, the ・・・.

(29) Sakuragawa admitted the simulations weren't that ・・・.

(30) The professor argued that a more .

(31) "The possibility is high that panic .

(32) According to Sakuragawa, a dramatic rise .

(33) Tax hikes, especially in the sales ・・・.

(34) "Koizumi should have raised the consumption・・・ .

(35) "Japan's finances are in a stalemate. ・・・.

(36) Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, head of the・・・.

(37) Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister ・・・.

(38) Kan has pledged to adopt a・・・.

(39) Kan, however, told the Upper House ・・・.

(40) "If we shift to an exit ・・・.

(41) Keio University's Sakuragawa and many other ・・・.

(42) "So the scenario that I hope ・・・.

(43) "Basically, Japanese people are good (at・・・.




  • 作者: 櫻川昌哉
  • 出版社/メーカー: 光文社
  • 発売日: 2009/04/24
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

金融立国試論 (光文社新書)

  • 作者: 櫻川 昌哉
  • 出版社/メーカー: 光文社
  • 発売日: 2005/01/14
  • メディア: 新書