

Diminishing ice floes raise climate alarm
  Hokkaido frets as global warming encroaches on once-frigid shores
  By Jun Hongo
    ABASHIRI, Hokkaido-- Plowing his icebreaker, the Aurora, into drift ice 10 km off Abashiri, Hokkaido, Capt. Keiichi Hori smiles bitterly as tourists onboard cheer the crunching sound of the boat's progress.
    "This is nothing. Real drift ice would not sound like this," Hori, 52 explained. Although Abashiri is known as the world southernmost part of the world to experience Arctic ice flows, the 10-year skipper confirmed that drift ice has become "thinner and thinner" in recent years.----
    Warning that the small, wintry city is not alone in being affected by a planet that is rapidly overheating, the amount and size of the ice floes have changed, "and the change came quickly in the last four to five years," Hori said.
    According to statistics gathered by the Sapporo District Meteorological Observatory, Abashiri had ice floes for an average of 87 days annually between 1971 and 2000.----
    But the amount of ice has dropped drastically in the last four years, and its presence declined to a mere 65days on average between 2004 and 2007. Although there were six occdasions since 1946 when floes were around for more than 110 days, this hasn't ocdcured in the last two decades.
    A recet study by Hokkaido University also revealed that the water temprature in Okhosk has risen six-tenths of a degree in the last 50 years.
    Sakae Gorai, former mayor of the town of Shari in Abashiri, recalled his younger days, when there were "mountains" of drift ice that would cover the sea throughout winter.---



  Nemuro faces fisheries-conservation dilemma

 2009年2月4日 ebisu-blog#519
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