 エボラ出血熱の検査にはBSL4(Biosafty Level 4)の検査施設が必要だが、国内最大手の臨床検査センターSRL社でもBSL3までしかもっていない。エイズ検査室はBSL2が要件だが1987年頃にエイズ検査室を設置するときにレベルを一つ上げてBSL3適合にした。スッペクを一つあげておいた方が安心だからである。エイズ検査室で働く人たちも、「ラボの中でここが一番安全・安心」だと当時言っていた。その理由は、毎日数万の特殊検査検体がラボに運び込まれるのだが、潜伏期のエイズ患者の検体がその中に混ざっている可能性があったからだ。他の検査室でもエイズに罹っている潜伏期の患者の検体を検査する可能性がある。エイズ検査室では搬入される検体は全部エイズウィルスが含まれているものとして取扱うことになっていた。3000項目を超える臨床検査標準作業手順書の中にHIV検査作業手順書があって、そこに具体的な取扱方法が書かれている。




 ' Japan behind in preperation for local outbreak ' 
 ' No facilities ready to handle Ebola '


No biohazard facilities in Japan can handle Ebola

by Eric Johnston

Despite assurances by the Japanese government that it stands ready to tackle an Ebola outbreak, a lack of facilities to handle the virus suggests such assertions may be overly optimistic.

As of last Sunday, the hemorrhagic virus had killed more than 4,400 people worldwide, and nearly 9,000 were known to be infected, mostly in West Africa, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

With fears growing of an international pandemic, Japan is taking administrative steps to strengthen its response. The government has introduced a bill in the Diet that would give local governments greater power to require patients with infectious diseases to submit samples for Ebola testing.

Forty-seven hospitals and medical facilities nationwide, including facilities near Narita and Kansai airports, are “designated” as infectious disease treatment centers, so Ebola patients would likely be sent there. But Japan does not have any facilities with the required biosafety level to handle the deadly disease, according to CDC guidelines.

Ebola should only be handled in biosafety Level 4 facilities, where protective positive pressure suits must be worn and the rooms are constructed in a way that ensures the virus cannot escape. But there are fewer than 30 Level 4 facilities worldwide, and none in Japan.

In March, the Science Council of Japan called on the government to build Level 4 facilities and to fund the training of personnel who can handle equivalent-level viruses and toxic agents.

In fact, Japan in the 1980s built two facilities with Level 4 operating potential — one in a branch office of the National Center of Infectious Diseases in the western Tokyo city of Higashimurayama, near Tokorozawa, and the other at a facility in the Riken institute in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture. But, poorly equipped by today’s standards, they remain unable to operate as Level 4 labs because of strong opposition from worried residents.

The council made four recommendations. First, it urged the government to build Level 4 facilities to isolate and examine infectious diseases.

Second, it said Japan should build new facilities to research and develop vaccines, conduct testing on animals and develop antidotes.

It also recommended distributing such facilities around the country to reduce the risk of everything being lost in a natural disaster.

Finally, the council emphasized the importance of public relations and of protecting residents.

Despite the Ebola crisis, the council’s March recommendations have not been adopted yet by the government.

That could now change, given the new bill in the Diet.

“As of October, the members of the group that made those recommendations have changed. But concern about Ebola is very high, so it’s possible the report’s recommendations will be taken up in Diet discussions,” said Takahiro Ito, a spokesman for the council.

Building such facilities is little comfort in the short term. There is no cure or guaranteed effective treatment for the disease, which can have a mortality rate up to 80 percent.

Meanwhile, the Defense Ministry said Thursday that hundreds of Japanese troops engaged in U.N. peacekeeping operations in South Sudan are collecting local data on the Ebola outbreaks.No Ebola cases have been confirmed yet in South Sudan, but the ministry is aware of the separate Ebola outbreak underway in the adjacent Democratic Republic of Congo, noting that the Self-Defense Forces have not taken any special measures yet.

About 400 SDF engineering troops are in Juba, the capital, but it is unknown how much contact they have with local residents.

In the meantime, Avigan, an experimental drug developed by FujiFilm Group company Toyama Chemical Co. Ltd., was recently used on a French nurse with Ebola who then recovered. Avigan has received much attention domestically and overseas, and the company says the governments of France and Guinea are considering conducting clinical trials of it next month. At the same time, the Japanese government says it will provide drugs developed by companies that could prove effective against Ebola.

In the event of an outbreak in Japan, the company says it is ready to assist if asked.

With 30 airports and over 120 ports with customs offices where the disease would most likely enter, dispensing Avigan or any other treatment quickly would be a top priority.

“There are more than 20,000 Avigan tablets in storage,” said FujiFilm spokesman Shinya Hiroshima.

Staff writer Masaaki Kameda contributed to this story.





  • クラスIII安全キャビネットを使用しなければならない。
  • 通り抜け式オートクレーブを設置する。
  • シャワー室を設置する。
  • 実験室からの排気は高性能フィルターで2段浄化する。
  • 防護服未着用での入室を禁ずる。






*#2842 エボラ出血熱1-1: 'The worsening ebola crisis'

 #2843 エボラ出血熱1-2 :'The worsening ebola crisis'  

 #2844 エボラ出血熱2-1 :'Spain case shows holes in plans to treat Ebola'  

 #2846 エボラ出血熱2-2 :'Spain case shows holes in plans to treat Ebola' 

 #2847 エボラ出血熱2-3 :'Spain case shows holes in plans to treat Ebola' 

 #2848 エボラ出血熱2-4 :国内の体制はどうなっている?   

 #2852 エボラ出血熱3-1 ' Cuba's impressive role on Ebola '  
