
 Abe offers no plan for water at Fukushima  
 Abe mum on plan for contaminated water crisis

 ebisuは四十数年前に大学3年次のときに、前日のディリー毎日の社説をテクストにした時事英語授業を受けたが、経済を扱った社説のときには誤訳だらけだった記憶がある。英文科の大学院を出た担当の先生は経済の専門知識がなかったからforeign exchange rateを「外国交換比率」と訳してお澄まし顔なのだ。内容を理解しているわけがないことは訳語で一目瞭然。もちろん「外国為替相場」が正しい。得意の文学作品をテクストにした授業を担当してくれたらよかった、商学部会計学科の学生たちにとっては迷惑な授業だった。そういうわけで使われる専門用語や周辺知識がなければまるで歯が立たない記事もある。



 さて、長い前置きはこれくらいにして今回の記事は、安倍首相がブエノスアイレスでオリンピック招致演説をした際に、「状況は統御されている」 "The situation is under control"と発言し、嘘つきだとあちこちから批判がでている。
 つい口が滑ってバカな発言をしてしまっても、流出を完全に止められたらOKだが、具体策が何にもない、首相の頭の中は空っぽ(Abe offers no plan)なのである。

1) Tepco estimates 1,000 tons of groundwater enters the area around reactors 1 to 4 at Fukushima No. 1 each day; 400 tons is believed to reach the reactor building basement levels. 2) On Aug. 19, Tepco found 300 tons had leaked from a tank in this area. Of about 1,060 water tanks there, 350 are similar flange-type tanks, which are less durable than welded ones. 3) Tepco believes a maximum of 300 tons of tainted water is seeping into the sea every day. 4) Tepco plans to create a wall of frozen soil around the reactors by March 2015 to keep the groundwater out.


Abe mum on plan for contaminated water crisis

Tepco president sets fiscal 2014 deadline for filtering stored coolant

by Reiji Yoshida

Staff Writer

Wearing a protective suit to guard against radioactive contamination, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe entered the wrecked Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant Thursday to inspect the desperate effort to stop tainted water from entering the soil and the Pacific.

(2)  Abe visited the site in an apparent publicity stunt to demonstrate his determination to get the water crisis under control. An estimated 300 tons of contaminated groundwater is believed to be flowing into the ocean every day, and experts say the more than 1,000 storage tanks overlooking the site pose an even greater hazard.

(3)  During his two-hour visit to the facility, Abe viewed a storage tank that recently lost a sizable amount of highly contaminated water. At least five of the plant’s 350 flange-type water tanks have sprung leaks.

(4)  In the plant’s reinforced headquarters, Abe thanked about 200 plant workers for “working under severe conditions” to address the water crisis.

(5)  “I have renewed my determination that the government should stand on the front line to carry out our responsibilities,” he said.

(6)  Abe’s visit followed controversial remarks he made on the water situation at Fukushima No. 1 during Tokyo’s bid to win the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Buenos Aires. During Tokyo’s final pitch to the International Olympic Committee on Sept. 7, Abe declared that “the situation (at the Fukushima plant) is under control” and “effects from the contaminated water have been perfectly blocked within the (artificial) bay” next to the wrecked nuclear complex.

(7)  On Thursday, as he faced reporters after addressing the workers, Abe repeated the controversial remarks almost word for word, saying the “effects from the contaminated water have been perfectly blocked within the bay.”

(8)  “By stating this clearly, I want to bring an end to harmful rumors about Fukushima,” he asserted.

(9)  Despite Abe’s assurances, Tepco has not been able to control the contaminated groundwater seeping into the sea nor the storage tank leaks that have cropped up in the past two months since the election.

(10)  “During the presentation for the Olympic Games, Prime Minister Abe told a lie,” Teruhiko Mashiko, an Upper House member and vice president of the Democratic Party of Japan, said during a recent interview in Tokyo.

(11)  “This is a big problem. The government should invest more people, money and technologies to turn their lies into truths,” Mashiko, who represents Fukushima Prefecture, said in an interview with The Japan Times.

(12)  Other government officials have parroted Abe’s claims, citing tests showing that levels of radioactive materials in the artificial bay have stayed well within safety margins. But experts say the levels are probably low because the contaminants are being diluted and carried away by new seawater entering the bay, not because of measures being taken by Tepco or the government.

(13)  On Thursday, Abe said he asked Tepco President Naomi Hirose to set a deadline for finishing filtering all the tainted water stored in tanks. He also urged Tepco to formally decide to decommission reactors 5 and 6 to free up their resources for the decommissioning of the entire plant. He did not elaborate on the request.

(14)  In response, Hirose promised to finish the filtering by the end of fiscal 2014 and make a decision on the two undamaged reactors by the end of the year, according to Abe. Unlike three of the older reactors, units 5 and 6 did not suffer core meltdowns but have been suspended since March 2011.

(15)  DPJ’s Mashiko was long been concerned with the reliability of the holding tanks. Of the approximately 1,060 water tanks, around 350 are of the less durable flange type, rather than the sturdier welded type, including all five that sprung leaks.

(16)  Mashiko claimed that last spring that a local tank manufacturer warned that the tanks were of very bad quality and could suffer leaks within two years of construction.

(17)  According to Mashiko, the manufacturer was asked to build six low-cost tanks and take no more than a month to do it.

(18)  “The company turned down the offer because they only would have ended up constructing low-quality tanks under (bad) contract conditions,” Mashiko said.

(19)  At recent news conferences in Tokyo, Tepco executive and spokesman Masayuki Ono has repeatedly refused to comment on Mashiko’s account or reveal details of the contracts with construction companies to build the Fukushima water tanks.Ono would only say that Tepco won’t disclose information on “contracts between private companies.”

(20)  But many industry sources suspect that Tepco, short on money, may have bought low-quality tanks to reduce the ballooning costs of trying to clean up the shattered facility.

(21)  Mashiko said residents of Fukushima, in particular those in the fishery industry, have developed a deep distrust of Tepco, which has made it even harder for the utility to handle the crisis.

(22)  To reduce the tainted water, Tepco plans to drain groundwater from the hillside above before it mixes with the tainted water in the basement floors of the damaged reactor buildings. It then plans to discharge the water into the sea after confirming the density of radioactive materials is lower than safety standards.

(23)  However, the local fishing industry is staunchly opposed to the idea, fearing it would further damage perception of its seafood. Others say they can’t even trust Tepco to release accurate information, Mashiko said.

(24)  For his part, Mashiko believes Tepco will eventually have to discharge the water into the sea to save the plant from the water crisis, as other experts say. But before that, the utility must first regain public trust, he said.

(25)  Abe’s team has also drawn fire for not fully committing to solving the water problem. Earlier this month, his team decided to throw ¥47 billion at the water crisis to create an experimental wall of frozen soil around the reactor buildings within about two years to isolate them from the groundwater. What is not clear is how the giant refrigerator would be powered, or for how long.

(26)  But Abe’s team has yet to provide money for other urgent tasks, such as bolstering or replacing the water tanks, perhaps out of fear of a voter backlash. People are already frustrated over hikes in electricity prices brought on by the nuclear shutdown, and Tepco is widely regarded as the main culprit behind the triple meltdown crisis and ensuing water problems.

(27)  A high-ranking official said the Abe Cabinet will maintain a certain distance from Tepco, saying the public has not yet developed a consensus on helping Tepco with taxpayer money.



1) Tepco estimates 1,000 tons of groundwater enters the area around reactors 1 to 4 at Fukushima No. 1 each day; 400 tons is believed to reach the reactor building basement levels.
2) On Aug. 19, Tepco found 300 tons had leaked from a tank in this area. Of about 1,060 water tanks there, 350 are similar flange-type tanks, which are less durable than welded ones.
3) Tepco believes a maximum of 300 tons of tainted water is seeping into the sea every day.
4) Tepco plans to create a wall of frozen soil around the reactors by March 2015 to keep the groundwater out.

1) 東京電力の推定では毎日1000tの地下水が1~4号原子炉建屋敷地周辺に流れ込んでいる。そのうちの400tが原子炉建屋の地下室に流れ込んでいる。
2) 東電は8月19日にタンク1基から300tの汚染水が洩れてしまったことを発見した。そこに設置してある1060のタンクの内、350基は継ぎ目のあるフランジタイプのタンクであり、継ぎ目のない溶接タイプのタンクよりも耐久性が小さい。
3) 東京電力は毎日最大300tの汚染水が海へ流出していると考えている。
4) 東京電力は、2015年3月までに原子炉の周りの土壌を凍結壁で囲む計画をしているが、それま汚染地下水は海へ流失し続ける。


Abe mum on plan for contaminated water crisis

Tepco president sets fiscal 2014 deadline for filtering stored coolant

 Abe offers no plan for water at Fukushima  
 Abe mum on plan for contaminated water crisis

 Abe doesn't offer (any) plan for water at Fukushima
という風にも書けたはずだが、記者はno planのほうを選んだ。言い方が直截的できつくなる。日本語にこういう表現(ない計画を提案する)はない。「和を以て尊しとなす」大和の国には似つかわしくない表現である。

 二番目のほうはより具体的だ。waterがcontaminated water crisisとなっている。ただの水ではない放射能汚染水流出の重大事故だよと言っている。
 on planと前置詞onと使うことで、プランの重圧がずっしり肩にかかっている感じが出ている。記者は見出しをこねくり回して楽しんでいるようだから、一緒に遊んでみたらいい。

Wearing a protective suit to guard against radioactive contamination, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe entered the wrecked Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant Thursday to inspect the desperate effort to stop tainted water from entering the soil and the Pacific.


(2)  Abe visited the site in an apparent publicity stunt to demonstrate his determination to get the water crisis under control. An estimated 300 tons of contaminated groundwater is believed to be flowing into the ocean every day, and experts say the more than 1,000 storage tanks overlooking the site pose an even greater hazard.


 publicity stunt :スタンドプレー、宣伝行為


(3)  During his two-hour visit to the facility, Abe viewed a storage tank that recently lost a sizable amount of highly contaminated water. At least five of the plant’s 350 flange-type water tanks have sprung leaks.

 sizable amount: かなりな量

 view: 3. to lool at something in a complete or careful way
    I haven't had a chance to actually view the house yet. 
  買おうか買うまいかあれこれ考えながら仔細に見るというのがviewのこころ。seeでもなく、watchでもなく、look atでもないviewを記者は選んだ。

(4)  In the plant’s reinforced headquarters, Abe thanked about 200 plant workers for “working under severe conditions” to address the water crisis.


 address:(v) 対処する


(5)  “I have renewed my determination that the government should stand on the front line to carry out our responsibilities,” he said.


  front lineは戦いの前線ともとれるし、汚染水と戦っている現場ともとれる。それにしても作業全体を監視することを法律で義務付けられている原子力規制委員会が'front line'に居ないのはどういうわけだ?

(6)  Abe’s visit followed controversial remarks he made on the water situation at Fukushima No. 1 during Tokyo’s bid to win the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Buenos Aires. During Tokyo’s final pitch to the International Olympic Committee on Sept. 7, Abe declared that “the situation (at the Fukushima plant) is under control” and “effects from the contaminated water have been perfectly blocked within the (artificial) bay” next to the wrecked nuclear complex.

 bid: 招致
 pitch: 宣伝(口上)、売り込み



 We followed the tour guide through the musium while he explained the exhibits.

 I followed him up stairs. (彼に続いて階段を上がった)

 The English verb follows its subject.(英語の動詞は主語の次に来る)

 A follow B: AはBの後を追う、 Bの次にAが来る

3b.S follow O  S<物[事]>がO<物[事]>の後に続く[結果として起こる]
  Tuesday follows Monday.―LMED 月曜のあとは火曜だ
  Arithmetic follows this lesson. ―JED このあとは数学の授業です
  The effect follows the cause.―SCD^2 原因があって結果がある
  One misfortune follows another.―AHD 次々と不幸が起こった
  Disease follows malnutrition.―NED^2 栄養不良から病気になる
 NB 10 第6例に見るように受身形は可能。
 類例: His speech was followed by loud applause. ―Leech & Svartvik 彼が演説を終えると割れるような拍手が起こった
 この場合、'be followed with O'とはしない: Supper was followed by [*with] games and dancing.―AD^2 夕食の後に続いてゲームとダンスが行われた

(7)  On Thursday, as he faced reporters after addressing the workers, Abe repeated the controversial remarks almost word for word, saying the “effects from the contaminated water have been perfectly blocked within the bay.”

 address: (人に)言う、話しかける
 word for word: 一字一句たがわずに


(8)  “By stating this clearly, I want to bring an end to harmful rumors about Fukushima,” he asserted.


 assert: (CALDより引用)
 1 to behave in a way which express your confidence, importance, or power and earns you respect from others.(自信、重要性、権力そして他からの尊敬されるようなやり方で振舞うこと)
  I really must assert myself more in meetings.(会議ではもっと自分を主張しなければならない)
 2 to say that something is certainly true (何かが真実であることを言う)
  He asserts that she stole money from him.  (彼女が彼からお金を盗んだと断言した)

(9)  Despite Abe’s assurances, Tepco has not been able to control the contaminated groundwater seeping into the sea nor the storage tank leaks that have cropped up in the past two months since the election.



Tepco has not been able to control the contaminated groundwater seeping into the sea
Tepco has not been able to control the storage tank leaks (that have cropped up in the past two months since the election)

  アンダーラインの部分が同じなので後の方が省略される、そして否定文なのでnorでつないだ。( )内は関係(代名詞)節で先行詞'leaks'を修飾している。

(10)  “During the presentation for the Olympic Games, Prime Minister Abe told a lie,” Teruhiko Mashiko, an Upper House member and vice president of the Democratic Party of Japan, said during a recent interview in Tokyo.


(11)  “This is a big problem. The government should invest more people, money and technologies to turn their lies into truths,” Mashiko, who represents Fukushima Prefecture, said in an interview with The Japan Times.


(12)  Other government officials have parroted Abe’s claims, citing tests showing that levels of radioactive materials in the artificial bay have stayed well within safety margins. But experts say the levels are probably low because the contaminants are being diluted and carried away by new seawater entering the bay, not because of measures being taken by Tepco or the government.



①because the contaminants are being diluted and carried away by new seawater entering the bay
②because measures (are not) being taken by Tepco or the government

 この二つの深層構造の文が一つの文になっている。②の文が節から句に書き換えられてできたのが'not because of measures being taken by~'である。

(13)  On Thursday, Abe said he asked Tepco President Naomi Hirose to set a deadline for finishing filtering all the tainted water stored in tanks. He also urged Tepco to formally decide to decommission reactors 5 and 6 to free up their resources for the decommissioning of the entire plant. He did not elaborate on the request.


①He also urged Tepco to formally decide
②to decommission reactors 5 and 6
③to free up their resources
④for the decommissioning of the entire plant

 fomally decideとは東京電力社内の正式手続きを経た決定ということだから、取締役会あるいは株主総会決定事項となるのだろう。安倍首相は5号原子炉と6号原子炉の廃炉を強く要請している。②と③はdecideを修飾する不定詞句で②はdecideの目的語となっているので名詞的用法、③は副詞的用法(理由)である。


urge CALDより
urge:  to strongly advise or try to persuade someone to do a particular thing
 lawyers will urge the parents to take further legal action.

5. S urge O to do  S<人>がO<人など>に…するようにと迫る[強く勧める]
 The shopkeeper urged me to buy a hat.―OALD 店主は私に防止を買うようしきりに勧めた
 He urges his horse to run faster by hitting it with a stick.―JED 彼は鞭でさらに早くと馬を駆り立てた
 We urged the council to approve an amendment to end discrimination.―MD 我々は議会に差別を撤廃する修正案を承認するよう勧告した
 Governer is urging the other candidates to debate.―Long & Long 知事は他の候補者に討論に加わるよう強く要請している
 The board was urged to aprove the budget.―AHD 委員会は予算案を承認するよう強く迫られた

 NB3 'S urge to be C' の型をとることもある。
 I urged himt be a good father.―Quirk et al. 私は彼にどうかいい父親になってほしいと頼んだ 
 この場合to beの省略は不可。

(14)  In response, Hirose promised to finish the filtering by the end of fiscal 2014 and make a decision on the two undamaged reactors by the end of the year, according to Abe. Unlike three of the older reactors, units 5 and 6 did not suffer core meltdowns but have been suspended since March 2011.


(15)  DPJ’s Mashiko was long been concerned with the reliability of the holding tanks. Of the approximately 1,060 water tanks, around 350 are of the less durable flange type, rather than the sturdier welded type, including all five that sprung leaks.


(16)  Mashiko claimed that last spring that a local tank manufacturer warned that the tanks were of very bad quality and could suffer leaks within two years of construction.


(17)  According to Mashiko, the manufacturer was asked to build six low-cost tanks and take no more than a month to do it.


(18)  “The company turned down the offer because they only would have ended up constructing low-quality tanks under (bad) contract conditions,” Mashiko said.


(19)  At recent news conferences in Tokyo, Tepco executive and spokesman Masayuki Ono has repeatedly refused to comment on Mashiko’s account or reveal details of the contracts with construction companies to build the Fukushima water tanks.Ono would only say that Tepco won’t disclose information on “contracts between private companies.”


 would only say: 丁寧表現 ~と考えております

(20)  But many industry sources suspect that Tepco, short on money, may have bought low-quality tanks to reduce the ballooning costs of trying to clean up the shattered facility.


(21)  Mashiko said residents of Fukushima, in particular those in the fishery industry, have developed a deep distrust of Tepco, which has made it even harder for the utility to handle the crisis.


 the utility=Tepco   utilityは電力会社

(22)  To reduce the tainted water, Tepco plans to drain groundwater from the hillside above before it mixes with the tainted water in the basement floors of the damaged reactor buildings. It then plans to discharge the water into the sea after confirming the density of radioactive materials is lower than safety standards.


 aboveは「~の上に」という前置詞でもあるが、文脈からおかしいと判断すべきだ。'the hillside above'となっているから名詞句の一部だとすると品詞は名詞と気がつく。aboveの名詞なんて高校生は初見だろう。そこまで考えてから辞書でaboveの名詞を探してみること。漫然と辞書を引いていては進化が遅くなる。同じ道を歩いているのに、気がついたらずっと先を歩いている奴がいるもの。あせらず走らず、すっと歩こう。

(23)  However, the local fishing industry is staunchly opposed to the idea, fearing it would further damage perception of its seafood. Others say they can’t even trust Tepco to release accurate information, Mashiko said.


 They can't even trust that Tepco releases accurate information
 ⇒ They can't even trust Tepco to release accurate information.


(24)  For his part, Mashiko believes Tepco will eventually have to discharge the water into the sea to save the plant from the water crisis, as other experts say. But before that, the utility must first regain public trust, he said.


(25)  Abe's team has also drawn fire for not fully committing to solving the water problem. Earlier this month, his team decided to throw ¥47 billion at the water crisis to create an experimental wall of frozen soil around the reactor buildings within about two years to isolate them from the groundwater. What is not clear is how the giant refrigerator would be powered, or for how long.


(26)  But Abe’s team has yet to provide money for other urgent tasks, such as bolstering or replacing the water tanks, perhaps out of fear of a voter backlash. People are already frustrated over hikes in electricity prices brought on by the nuclear shutdown, and Tepco is widely regarded as the main culprit behind the triple meltdown crisis and ensuing water problems.



(27)  A high-ranking official said the Abe Cabinet will maintain a certain distance from Tepco, saying the public has not yet developed a consensus on helping Tepco with taxpayer money.





*#2419 消費税を上げる前に国民に理由の説明を!Questions surround sales tax raise Sep. 24, 2013 

 #2417 ダイエット:Veggie-heavy diet and yoga shown to slow cell aging Sep. 23, 2013  

 #2415 '1,130 tons of tainted rainwater dumped at nuke plant' Sep. 20, 2013 

 #2413 次の原発事故のために(10):重要な問題は汚染水漏れではない Sep. 18, 2013 
'Tanks, not leak, main problem at Fukushima'

 #2406 嘘か実か:「状況は管理されている東京は大丈夫」と安倍首相 (JTより) Sep.13, 2013 
'Abe's nuke assurance to IOC questioned'

 #2403  構文解説編(#2401) Sep. 11, 2013 

 #2402 米英が暗号システムをすり抜けすべてのインターネットメールを読んでいる Sep. 10, 2013
'NSA cracked most Internet encryption: reports'

 #2401 消費税値上げ延期なら国債価格は下落 Failure to raise sales tax 'could hurt bond prices' Sep. 9, 2013 

 #2398 内陸湖「死海」に紅海から水を引く計画に専門家が懸念表明  Sep. 6, 2013 
'‘Red-Dead’ plan by Jordan, Israel worries experts'

 #2387 次の原発事故のために(8):トリチウムの問題 Aug. 29, 2013 
'Tepco testing tainted earth at No. 1 plant'



  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: ベネッセコーポレーション
  • 発売日: 2003/01
  • メディア: 単行本


  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: 研究社
  • 発売日: 1980/10
  • メディア: 単行本
