#2852 エボラ出血熱3-1 ' Cuba's impressive role on Ebola ' Oct. 27, 2014 [75.時事英語公開講座]
三つ目の記事は10月21日付New York Times紙の社説、「エボラ流行の地で胸をうつキューバの役割」を紹介する。
Cuba's impressive role on Ebola
OCT. 19, 2014
(1) Cuba is an impoverished island that remains largely cut off from the world and lies about 4,500 miles from the West African nations where Ebola is spreading at an alarming rate. Yet, having pledged to deploy hundreds of medical professionals to the front lines of the pandemic, Cuba stands to play the most robust role among the nations seeking to contain the virus.
(2) Cuba’s contribution is doubtlessly meant at least in part to bolster its beleaguered international standing. Nonetheless, it should be lauded and emulated.
(3) The global panic over Ebola has not brought forth an adequate response from the nations with the most to offer. While the United States and several other wealthy countries have been happy to pledge funds, only Cuba and a few nongovernmental organizations are offering what is most needed: medical professionals in the field.
(4) Doctors in West Africa desperately need support to establish isolation facilities and mechanisms to detect cases early. More than 400 medical personnel have been infected and about 4,500 patients have died. The virus has shown up in the United States and Europe, raising fears that the epidemic could soon become a global menace.
(5) It is a shame that Washington, the chief donor in the fight against Ebola, is diplomatically estranged from Havana, the boldest contributor. In this case the schism has life-or-death consequences, because American and Cuban officials are not equipped to coordinate global efforts at a high level. This should serve as an urgent reminder to the Obama administration that the benefits of moving swiftly to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba far outweigh the drawbacks.
(6) The Cuban health care workers will be among the most exposed foreigners, and some could very well contract the virus. The World Health Organization is directing the team of Cuban doctors, but it remains unclear how it would treat and evacuate Cubans who become sick. Transporting quarantined patients requires sophisticated teams and specially configured aircraft. Most insurance companies that provide medical evacuation services have said they will not be flying Ebola patients.
(7) Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday praised “the courage of any health care worker who is undertaking this challenge,” and made a brief acknowledgment of Cuba’s response. As a matter of good sense and compassion, the American military, which now has about 550 troops in West Africa, should commit to giving any sick Cuban access to the treatment center the Pentagon built in Monrovia and to assisting with evacuation.
(8) The work of these Cuban medics benefits the entire global effort and should be recognized for that. But Obama administration officials have callously declined to say what, if any, support they would give them.
(9) The Cuban health sector is aware of the risks of taking on dangerous missions. Cuban doctors assumed the lead role in treating cholera patients in the aftermath of Haiti’s earthquake in 2010. Some returned home sick, and then the island had its first outbreak of cholera in a century. An outbreak of Ebola on the island could pose a far more dangerous risk and increase the odds of a rapid spread in the Western Hemisphere.
(10) Cuba has a long tradition of dispatching doctors and nurses to disaster areas abroad. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Cuban government created a quick-reaction medical corps and offered to send doctors to New Orleans. The United States, unsurprisingly, didn’t take Havana up on that offer. Yet officials in Washington seemed thrilled to learn in recent weeks that Cuba had activated the medical teams for missions in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea.
(11) With technical support from the World Health Organization, the Cuban government trained 460 doctors and nurses on the stringent precautions that must be taken to treat people with the highly contagious virus. The first group of 165 professionals arrived in Sierra Leone in recent days. José Luis Di Fabio, the World Health Organization’s representative in Havana, said Cuban medics were uniquely suited for the mission because many had already worked in Africa. “Cuba has very competent medical professionals,” said Mr. Di Fabio, who is Uruguayan. Mr. Di Fabiosaid Cuba’s efforts to aid in health emergencies abroad are stymied by the embargo the United States imposes on the island, which struggles to acquire modern equipment and keep medical shelves adequately stocked.
(12) In a column published over the weekend in Cuba’s state-run newspaper, Granma, Fidel Castro argued that the United States and Cuba must put aside their differences, if only temporarily, to combat a deadly scourge. He’s absolutely right.
Cuba's impressive role on Ebola
(1) Cuba is an impoverished island that remains largely cut off from the world and lies about 4,500 miles from the West African nations where Ebola is spreading at an alarming rate. Yet, having pledged to deploy hundreds of medical professionals to the front lines of the pandemic, Cuba stands to play the most robust role among the nations seeking to contain the virus.
robust:adj (of a person or animal) strong and healthy, or (of an object or system) strong and unlikely to break or fail ...CALD
an impoverished island that remains largely cut off from the world
remainは「~ままに」である。(アナと雪の女王の「ありのままに」は'Let it go')
cut offは「切り離された」という意味だが、その結果世界から「孤立している」のだから、結果の状態を表すのに適切な日本語を選んだ。イメージを適切に浮かべることができたら、それにふさわしい語彙を選択すればいいだけで、英和辞典の訳語にこだわる必要はない、そういうことも学んでもらいたい。書き手が頭の中に描いたイメージを再現するトレーニングを積みながら、高校3年生になったら英和辞典で引いた訳語を貼り付けるだけの和訳はそろそろ卒業しよう。
Yet, having pledged to deploy hundreds of medical professionals to the front lines of the pandemic, Cuba stands to play the most robust role among the nations seeking to contain the virus.
①Yet, Cuba have pledged deploy~ (キューバが~を配置すると確約した)
②Cuba stands to play the most robust role ~(キューバが立ち上がる/もっとも頑健な役割を果たすために)
the most robust role ですが、robust なのはrole ですから「過酷な仕事」を引き受ける、位でどうですか?
to play the most robust role の訳ですが、
robustは、G-4には「(見るからに)強健な」とありますが、この訳語は人間や動物にならぴったりですが、roleの修飾語としては適していません。robust単独で考えても行き詰り、'to play the most robust role 'の句をセットで考えないと適訳が出てこない、そこのところが楽しいのです。「過酷な仕事を引き受ける」という日本語は適訳の一つです。読者の皆さんも、どうぞいろいろ考えてみてください、和訳は知的作業、楽しいものです。
(2) Cuba’s contribution is doubtlessly meant at least in part to bolster its beleaguered international standing. Nonetheless, it should be lauded and emulated.
is meant to :
The criticism was meant to hurt him. (その批評は彼を傷つけるのが目的だった)G-4
at least in part : 少なくともある程度は
「 キューバが西アフリカでエボラが蔓延する3カ国に医療専門家を数百人規模で派遣するのは多少の(国家としての)自己顕示欲の表れかもしれないが、それでもその勇気と意気込みは称えられるべきであり、各国が模範とすべきものなのである。」
(3) The global panic over Ebola has not brought forth an adequate response from the nations with the most to offer. While the United States and several other wealthy countries have been happy to pledge funds, only Cuba and a few nongovernmental organizations are offering what is most needed: medical professionals in the field.
an adequate response:「対応」と辞書には載っているだろうが、ここではエボラが蔓延している3カ国に医療専門家を配置することだから、「援助」という語彙を充てた。adequateは「適切な」
■the most の後には'adequate response'が省略されている。同じ言葉は省略される、省略されていたら直前のものから探すとすぐに見つかるということ。<注-1>参照
■青字の'happy to pledge funds'はto-不定詞がhappy(形容詞)を修飾するから、副詞的用法。先進国は一番必要とされている医療専門家の派遣を決めずに、資金提供を約束することで無邪気に喜んでいるのである。そんな対応ではエボラはいつまでたっても火種の西アフリカ諸国で蔓延し続けるから、先進国へ次々に飛び火することになる。お金を出すだけで何とかなると考えているとしたら無邪気な自己満足だ。
(3)the nations with the most to offer のthe most は、the 形容詞で、~なこと、もの、人、で読めば、「提供できる、最も多くのものを持つ国」で、次の文のwealthy countries の言い換えとしてぴったりです。
the nations with the most to offer
the nations have the most things to offer
⇒the nations which have the most things to offer
⇒the nations with the most things to offer
= wealty countries
「意味は深層構造にあり」ですから、ご指摘の通りwealth countriesを指しています。
(4) Doctors in West Africa desperately need support to establish isolation facilities and mechanisms to detect cases early. More than 400 medical personnel have been infected and about 4,500 patients have died. The virus has shown up in the United States and Europe, raising fears that the epidemic could soon become a global menace.
' rising fear 'の句を主語を補って文に書き換えると次のようになる。
The virus rises fear that ~.
(5) It is a shame that Washington, the chief donor in the fight against Ebola, is diplomatically estranged from Havana, the boldest contributor. In this case the schism has life-or-death consequences, because American and Cuban officials are not equipped to coordinate global efforts at a high level. This should serve as an urgent reminder to the Obama administration that the benefits of moving swiftly to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba far outweigh the drawbacks.
The stump serves campers as a good table.(その切り株はキャンパーにとってちょうどいいテーブルになる) G-4
② far outweigh the drawbacks の後に(with Cuba )が省略されている。「キューバとの間で抱えている問題よりも重要度が高い」
(6) The Cuban health care workers will be among the most exposed foreigners, and some could very well contract the virus. The World Health Organization is directing the team of Cuban doctors, but it remains unclear how it would treat and evacuate Cubans who become sick. Transporting quarantined patients requires sophisticated teams and specially configured aircraft. Most insurance companies that provide medical evacuation services have said they will not be flying Ebola patients.
(7) Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday praised “the courage of any health care worker who is undertaking this challenge,” and made a brief acknowledgment of Cuba’s response. As a matter of good sense and compassion, the American military, which now has about 550 troops in West Africa, should commit to giving any sick Cuban access to the treatment center the Pentagon built in Monrovia and to assisting with evacuation.
Secretary of State : 国務長官
good sense: 良識
compassion: 思いやり、慈悲心、共感
commit to doing: 支援を約束する G-4
■ assist with:
assist him with money (彼に金銭的援助をする) G-4
■ 構文解析
should commit
①to giving any sick Cuban access to the treatment center the Pentagon built in Monrovia
②to assisting with evacuation
(8) The work of these Cuban medics benefits the entire global effort and should be recognized for that. But Obama administration officials have callously declined to say what, if any, support they would give them.
callously:[キャルスリィ] 冷淡に
(9) The Cuban health sector is aware of the risks of taking on dangerous missions. Cuban doctors assumed the lead role in treating cholera patients in the aftermath of Haiti’s earthquake in 2010. Some returned home sick, and then the island had its first outbreak of cholera in a century. An outbreak of Ebola on the island could pose a far more dangerous risk and increase the odds of a rapid spread in the Western Hemisphere.
take on:(仕事を)引き受ける
odds: オッズは懸け金の歩である。何倍になるかということ。
(10) Cuba has a long tradition of dispatching doctors and nurses to disaster areas abroad. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Cuban government created a quick-reaction medical corps and offered to send doctors to New Orleans. The United States, unsurprisingly, didn’t take Havana up on that offer. Yet officials in Washington seemed thrilled to learn in recent weeks that Cuba had activated the medical teams for missions in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea.
(11) With technical support from the World Health Organization, the Cuban government trained 460 doctors and nurses on the stringent precautions that must be taken to treat people with the highly contagious virus. The first group of 165 professionals arrived in Sierra Leone in recent days. José Luis Di Fabio, the World Health Organization’s representative in Havana, said Cuban medics were uniquely suited for the mission because many had already worked in Africa. “Cuba has very competent medical professionals,” said Mr. Di Fabio, who is Uruguayan. Mr. Di Fabio said Cuba’s efforts to aid in health emergencies abroad are stymied by the embargo the United States imposes on the island, which struggles to acquire modern equipment and keep medical shelves adequately stocked.
(12) In a column published over the weekend in Cuba’s state-run newspaper, Granma, Fidel Castro argued that the United States and Cuba must put aside their differences, if only temporarily, to combat a deadly scourge. He’s absolutely right.
*#2842 エボラ出血熱1-1: 'The worsening ebola crisis' Oct. 18, 2014
#2843 エボラ出血熱1-2 :'The worsening ebola crisis' Oct.19, 2014
#2844 エボラ出血熱2-1 :'Spain case shows holes in plans to treat Ebola' Oct.19, 2014
#2846 エボラ出血熱2-2 :'Spain case shows holes in plans to treat Ebola' Oct.19, 2014
#2847 エボラ出血熱2-3 :'Spain case shows holes in plans to treat Ebola' Oct.21, 2014
#2848 エボラ出血熱2-4 :国内の体制はどうなっている? Oct.22, 2014
#2852 エボラ出血熱3-1 ' Cuba's impressive role on Ebola ' Oct. 27, 2014
the most robust role ですが、robust なのはrole ですから「過酷な仕事」を引き受ける、位でどうですか?
(3)the nations with the most to offer のthe most は、the 形容詞で、~なこと、もの、人、で読めば、「提供できる、最も多くのものを持つ国」で、次の文のwealthy countries の言い換えとしてぴったりです。
by 後志のおじさん (2014-10-28 10:39)
to play the most robust role の訳ですが、
the nations with the most to offer
the nations (which) have the most things to offer
= wealty countries
「意味は深層構造にあり」ですから、ご指摘の通りwealth countriesを指しています。
by ebisu (2014-10-28 11:08)