
(1)  Water releasing as much as 10 trillion becquerels of radioactive strontium and 20 trillion becquerels of cesium-137 from the Fukushima No. 1 power plant has flowed into the Pacific Ocean since May 2011, Tokyo Electric Power Co. estimates.

 そうしたら、翌日の記事で40兆ベクレルと報じられ、海洋生物marine lifeへの影響が心配され始めたが、人体への影響はさっぱり論じられない。

(12)  Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s revelation that massive amounts of radioactive water are flowing into the Pacific further raised fears about the harm to marine life.

(13)  Tepco estimated that between May 2011 and this month, a staggering 40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium, 20 trillion becquerels of cesium and 10 trillion becquerels of strontium may have flowed into the sea in groundwater from under the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear complex.

 トリチウムの人体への害ははセシウムの約1000分の1となっている。セシウムはガンマ線を出し、トリチウムはベータ線beta particlesを放出する。しかしそれはプラスチックラップすら透過しない。



「また、同位体濃縮技術にはエネルギーも費用もかかりますが、ウランの中から燃えるウランを濃縮できるように、水素の中からトリチウムを濃縮することも可能です。むしろ、質量数1の水素と質量数3のトリチウムでは重さが三倍も異なっていて、ウラン濃縮に比べればはるかに分離が容易です」(『隠される原子力・核の真実』小出裕章著 129ページ)







Tepco testing tainted earth at No. 1 plant

Utility begins digging ground to assess extent of contamination


Tokyo Electric Power Co. on Friday started digging up soil tainted with highly radioactive water discharged from a storage tank at its Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant to test its radiation levels.

(2)  The utility will dig areas measuring 12 sq. meters in total to a depth of 40 to 50 cm where pools of leaked radioactive water formed, and then measure levels to determine how far the contamination has spread and how much soil needs to be removed.

(3)  Some 300 tons of highly radioactive water recently spewed into the Pacific from one of 26 tanks built in an area just 500 meters from the plant’s seawall. The tanks are surrounded by dikes, but some 120 liters of the water leaked outside of them, making it necessary to collect soil to prevent the contamination from spreading.

(4)  Meanwhile, a 15-member team from the Nuclear Regulation Authority visited the Fukushima No. 1 complex Friday to check the storage tank from which the 300 tons of water is thought to have escaped.

(5)  The tank may not be the only source of leaked water, as Tepco said Thursday that it had detected high radiation levels around the bottom of two more tanks of the same design, an indicator that water may have leaked from those containers as well.

(6)  The nuclear watchdog’s team began the inspection Friday morning, an NRA official said.

(7)  Tepco has said puddles of water near the leaking tank were so toxic that anyone exposed to them would receive the same amount of radiation in an hour that a nuclear plant worker in Japan is allowed to receive in five years — 100 millisieverts.

(8)  Groundwater that mixed with the tainted water has already flowed to the ocean, and Tepco said Friday it has launched an operation to pump it out of 28 wells.

(9)  Meanwhile, a memorial service for Masao Yoshida, who headed the complex when the crisis started in 2011, was held in Tokyo the same day. Yoshida, who stepped down as plant chief in December 2011, died of esophageal cancer July 9.

(10)  The memorial service was organized by Tepco, and its president, Naomi Hirose, praised Yoshida for “devoting his full strength” to the kind of emergency no one had ever previously experienced in Japan. Naoto Kan, prime minister when the crisis started, said after the event that “it is because of Yoshida that the situation did not further deteriorate.”

(11)  Tepco said Yoshida’s radiation dose after the accident was 70 millisieverts, less than the 100-millisievert five-year limit for nuclear workers, and that it believes there was little causal relationship between his radiation exposure and the cancer.



Tepco radioactive flow raises alarm over seafood safety

by Mizuho Aoki

Staff Writer

(12)  Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s revelation that massive amounts of radioactive water are flowing into the Pacific further raised fears about the harm to marine life.

(13)  Tepco estimated that between May 2011 and this month, a staggering 40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium, 20 trillion becquerels of cesium and 10 trillion becquerels of strontium may have flowed into the sea in groundwater from under the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear complex.

(14)  The Nuclear Regulation Authority will set up an expert panel Sept. 6 to study the effect on marine life, focusing on tritium, which cannot be removed even with the advanced liquid processing system that Tepco plans to restart to clean contaminated water used to cool the crippled reactors as early as next month. ALPS extracts most radioactive materials from tainted water — but not tritium.

What is tritium?

(15)  Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen with a half life of approximately 12 years. Around 99 percent of tritium exists in the form of water and it emits very weak beta particles that can be stopped even with plastic wrap.

(16)  A small amount exists in nature, for instance in rainwater, rivers and oceans, as well as in the human body. On average, the body of a man weighing 65 kg contains about 100 becquerels of tritium, experts estimate.

(17)  According to the Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center, a Tokyo-based anti-nuclear organization, 1 kg of rainwater contains about 1 to 3 becquerels of tritium. That level was about 100 becquerels per kilogram during the 1960s due to fallout from nuclear experiments around the globe, the group said.

What hazard does tritium pose to human health?

(17)  The potential harm of tritium to humans is much smaller than that of radioactive cesium — the major focus of concern following the three nuclear meltdowns at the No. 1 power plant in 2011. Experts say exposure to tritium is roughly one-thousandth as harmful compared with radioactive cesium.

(18)  The Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center said that if a person were to drink 1 liter of water tainted with 2 becquerels of tritium every day for one year, the total radiation exposure would amount to 0.00004 millisieverts.

(19)  Because tritium exists mainly in water, it does not accumulate in any specific body organ and is discharged quickly through urine, experts say. In the human body, tritium levels drop by half in around 10 days, they say.

What about marine life?

(20)  The impact on marine creatures, for now, is believed to be small, Jota Kanda, oceanographer at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, told The Japan Times on Friday.

(21)  The tritium-tainted groundwater discharged from the No. 1 plant into the Pacific was diluted by seawater, he said. Although the projected amount of tritium that leaked into the ocean is frightening, judging from water samples it likely won’t pose a great risk to human health if a person were to eat fish caught outside the man-made harbor of the crippled nuclear plant, according to Kanda.

(22)  Just as with humans, tritium is discharged from fish through urine, he said.

(23)  What is more alarming, Kanda said, is contamination from strontium-90, which tends to accumulate in bones and can cause bone cancer or leukemia, and from cesium-137 and -134, which appear to remain in the ecosystem.

Does the government’s standard sampling survey detect tritium in fish produce?

(24)  No. The Fisheries Agency only checks for radioactive iodine, cesium and strontium, and has no plan to expand the survey to tritium, one of its officials said, adding that detecting tritium from fish samples is almost impossible with the technology the agency currently has.

How contaminated are fish caught off Tohoku, and has the situation worsened recently?

(25)  Results from the Fishery Agency’s sampling tests show no significant increase in contamination level of fish caught off the coast.

(26)  Just a few samples — mostly bottom fish caught off Fukushima and freshwater fish in the prefecture — exceeded the government limit of 100 becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram.

(27)  However, fish caught in the No. 1 plant’s harbor have been found to be highly contaminated with radioactive cesium, according to Tepco’s sampling data. For instance, a spotbelly rockfish caught July 4 contained 177,000 becquerels per kilogram of cesium, and a jacopever also caught in July contained 180,000 becquerels.

(28)  The utility set up a containment fence around the harbor to limit contamination of the sea.

(29)  According to Tepco’s regular sampling test conducted in July outside the harbor but within 20-km of the plant, a few fish were discovered to exceed the 100-becquerel cesium limit and had levels of between 100 and 400 becquerels per kilogram.




*#1254 経済成長論の終焉 Oct.24, 2010 

 #1460 「原子炉圧力容器損傷か?:写真で検証」

 #1462 「裸の王様:原子炉圧力容器は破損している 論より証拠、よく写真を見てごらん 」

 #1463 「福島第1原発3号炉はもう無い:東京電力社員退去要請の意味」

 #1607 児玉龍彦国会で告発(2):(書き起こし) July 31, 2011 

 #1611 児玉龍彦教授(3):息子さんからのエール Aug. 3, 2011 

 #1655 あらら、何を隠そうとしているの?:原子炉建屋にコンクリートの覆い Sep.21, 2011 

 #2237 過剰富裕化論提唱者の福島原発事故処理構想:遺稿 Mar. 4, 2013 

 #2323 次の原発事故のために(1):甲状腺癌と情報操作?:U.N. experts see no increase risk of cancer … Jun. 6, 2013

 #2324 次の原発事故のために(2) :福島県で12人が甲状腺癌 Jun. 7, 2013 

 #2325 次の原発事故のために(3):Tyroid cancer hits 12 kids in Fukushima: Jun. 8, 2013 

 #2377 次の原発事故のために(4):小児甲状腺癌18人に  Aug. 21, 2013 

 #2379 次の原発事故のために(5) 8000万ベクレル/ℓ 高濃度汚染水漏洩 Aug.22, 2013 

 #2381 次の原発事故のために(6): 超高濃度汚染水と浄化システムALPS  Aug. 25, 2013 

 #2383 次の原発事故のために(7): 漏洩はセシウムとストロンチウム合計で30兆Bq  Aug. 26, 2013 

 #2387 次の原発事故のために(8):トリチウムの問題 Aug. 29, 2013

 #2390 サンマのI-131の濃度から放射能汚染水の大量流出は分かっていた Sep. 1, 2013 

