「Fukushima activist fights fear and discrimination based on radiation」
「Fukushima activist takes on discrimination」
「A-bomb survivor passes on wisdom to Fukushima kids」

 事故当時福島県に住んでいたということで婚約を解消されるというような差別が起きている。実際に「チェルノブイリ 先天異常」をキーに検索したらたくさんの画像情報がでてくる。不安になるのは無理もない。

“Three frequently asked questions from children are whether they are OK to live in Fukushima after they get married, whether they can give birth to a baby, and whether their baby will be healthy,”





Fukushima activist fights fear and discrimination based on radiation

by Mizuho Aoki

Staff Writer

(1) Sachiko Banba aches for children in Fukushima Prefecture, who worry whether they can lead a normal life.

(2)“Three frequently asked questions from children are whether they are OK to live in Fukushima after they get married, whether they can give birth to a baby, and whether their baby will be healthy,” said Banba, 52, who runs a cram school in Minamisoma, Fukushima, less than 30 km from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.

Although tens of thousands of people fled their homes in Fukushima Prefecture following the March 2011 reactor meltdowns, many, including children, still remain. Most heartbreaking to Banba is the discrimination they face based on ignorance, and the likelihood it will follow them the rest of their lives.

(3) Children catch snatches of the adult debates over the health risks of radiation exposure, and sense something bad might happen.

(4) “It’s due to people’s ignorance. There are still people who think radiation is something contagious,” Banba said. “By gaining correct knowledge, I hope children in Fukushima will be able to talk about radiation (exposure) when they are asked about it.”

(5) Since last year, Banba and Dr. Masaharu Tsubokura have hosted more than 40 radiation study sessions for 1,500 children and adults, supplying people with the necessary information to counter the arguments of those who would discriminate against them.

(6) Many locals have tales to tell, such as the Fukushima woman whose engagement was broken off due to the strong opposition of her fiance’s family.

(7) Banba herself has felt the sting of intolerance many times outside the prefecture.

(8) At a hospital in Tokyo she was eyeballed from head to toe when she handed over her insurance card, which revealed her address.

(9) Some people sent her pictures of babies with birth defects and urged her to leave town and share the photos with the people back home.

(10) Many parents with young children have left Fukushima not only to keep them safe from radiation exposure but also the corrosive effects of discrimination.

(11) According to the Fukushima Prefectural Government, there were 18,000 fewer students in the prefecture’s 708 elementary and junior high schools in May 2012 than there were two years before.

(12) Protecting the thousands of children who remain and easing their anxiety are pressing issues, experts say. One way is through education, while continuing to give checkups to catch any abnormalities as quickly as possible.

(13) “People need to gain radiation literacy through school, social and lifelong education. They need to gain basic knowledge of radiation and radioactive materials,” Ikuro Anzai, a professor emeritus at Ritsumeikan University who specializes in radiation protection, told The Japan Times.

(14) In 2008, the government revised guidelines to make radiation a mandatory subject of study in science classes for third-year junior high school students starting in fiscal 2012. However, the subject isn’t compulsory in elementary schools or for first- and second-year junior high students.

(15) In the absence of a nationwide directive from the central government to make radiation studies mandatory, Fukushima’s board of education has created its own textbook since the 3/11 disasters that contains information about contamination due to the nuclear accident.

(16) As of March, all of the prefecture’s elementary and junior high schools were teaching about radiation exposure, according to the board.

(17) Meanwhile, citizens and medical experts like Tsubokura, who has been checking Minamisoma residents’ internal radiation exposure levels at Minamisoma Municipal General Hospital for nearly two years, are also holding study sessions in Fukushima and other prefectures to pass on basic knowledge as well as the latest findings.

(18) Tsubokura said people outside Fukushima know little about radioactive materials. About half his audience at a lecture in Nagoya didn’t know that radioactive substances from Fukushima No. 1 fell to Earth in rain.

(19) “Many thought a beam was emitted directly from the power plant,” Tsubokura said.

(20) Similar discrimination was seen after the 1945 atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many people believed survivors were contagious and that marrying hibakusha or their descendants would produce babies with birth defects.

(21) According to a 2008 survey of about 27,000 A-bomb survivors conducted by the city of Hiroshima, the main source of their emotional suffering after their exposure to radioactive “black rain” was discrimination, prejudice and anxiety over long-term health effects.

(22) Even more than 60 years later, they are still haunted by discrimination, said Terumi Tanaka, secretary general of Nihon Hidankyo, an atomic bomb victims’ organization. Speaking at the Japan National Press Club in August 2011, he said the issue of radiation exposure is raised even today when their grandchildren try to marry.

(23) Anzai of Ritsumeikan said that studies show no statistical increase in health risks among the second generation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors.

(24) “Academically speaking, (Fukushima residents’) exposure levels are something that won’t likely have a significant genetic impact. (Their) exposure level is low,” said Anzai, who has been criticizing the government’s promotion of nuclear power plants since the 1960s. “But the difficulty with radiation is that it’s not only about physical health but the mental and social impact.”

(25) Having visited Minamisoma over the past two years, Tsubokura worries about low self-esteem among the residents.

(26) “If your hometown is dismissed, if produce you’ve grown is rejected, and if you are spurned when you grow up, what’s left?” Tsubokura said, adding that regaining self-esteem is one of the biggest problems now facing Fukushima residents.

(27) Some argue that if the anxiety that comes from living in Fukushima is too great, the people should move. But each person has many factors to consider, such as job and family, before reaching a decision, and each decision should be respected, Anzai said.

(28) “Life is not only about radiation protection. It’s fine to evacuate due to fears of radiation. (Each decision) should be made by evaluating many different aspects,” Anzai said.



A-bomb survivor passes on wisdom to Fukushima kids

83-year-old wants to help youths overcome feeling of abandonment

by Hiroki Sato and Kentaro Okada


“I wonder if I can ever have children in the future?”

(1) These words were written in a note from a Fukushima high school girl to 83-year-old Masahito Hirose in the fall of 2011, outlining her worries about the health effects from radiation. The girl and her classmates had visited Nagasaki on a school field trip and listened to Hirose speak about his experiences as a survivor of the 1945 U.S. atomic bombings.

(2) This prompted Hirose to decide to use his own experience of living with the impact of radiation to support young people in Fukushima Prefecture in the long term.

(3) In March 2012, five atomic-bomb survivor groups in Nagasaki opposed arrangements for some of the debris from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, which triggered the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear disaster, to be processed in other parts of the country.

(4) Although the major purpose of the arrangement was to help disaster-struck regions overwhelmed by the debris, such opposition was not uncommon, as many people nationwide feared this would further spread the radiation contamination.

(5) But Hirose worried that such opposition from atomic-bomb survivors themselves, who knew firsthand what it was to be affected by radiation, may make people in the March 2011 disaster zones feel they had been abandoned. So as a member of the groups, he immediately proposed finding ways to show solidarity and extend support to those in the disaster-struck regions.

(6) Two years have passed since the crisis erupted and the high school students who wrote to Hirose have since graduated. When he emailed them, many came back with positive and forward-looking responses, such as, “I want to continue to think about the issues I’ve experienced (through the disaster) in university.”

(7) “I hope to continue to watch them grow,” Hirose said.

(8) Along with other atomic-bomb survivors in Nagasaki, Hirose set up a group in February to liaise between Fukushima and Nagasaki. It is planning to arrange for lectures by survivors about their experiences of the bombing at high schools in Minamisoma, Fukushima Prefecture.

(9) “The day will definitely come when the expertise and experiences accumulated here from the atomic bombing will become useful in Fukushima,” Hirose said. “I want to keep conveying the message that Nagasaki will never abandon Fukushima.”

(10) Meanwhile, in Hiroshima, the other city to have suffered an atomic bombing, 80-year-old Mitsuo Kodama’s approach to raising public awareness about the horrors of radiation has drawn renewed attention since the Fukushima disaster.

(11) Kodama, who was 12 when exposed to radiation from the Hiroshima A-bomb in 1945, shows people a photo of his damaged chromosome.

(12) “Never again should mankind create somebody like me,” he said.

(13) It was in the fall of 2007 when Kodama finally learned for the first time about the amount of radiation he was exposed to — about 4,600 millisieverts, according to tests by the Radiation Effects Research Foundation.

(14) His exposure was so high it has only appeared in “a handful of people,” even in the foundation’s records, which cover long-term studies of some 120,000 A-bomb survivors and others. It is estimated that over 90 percent of people exposed to that much radiation have died.

(15) In Kodama’s case, of the 100 cells tested, 102 chromosomal abnormalities were found.

(16) Kodama was in a junior high school building about 870 meters from ground zero in Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945. Of some 300 classmates, only 19 survived. Soon after, he suffered from various acute symptoms, such as fever and loss of hair. He has had cancer surgery 19 times so far.

(17) He understands that a case like his — having survived the blast from such close distance — is rare. Yet, he also constantly feels disappointed and regretful. As there are so few like him, “It is so difficult to get people to understand the horror of radiation,” he said.

(18) It may not be simple to compare radiation exposure from an A-bomb to long-term exposure from a nuclear plant accident, but “radiation gnaws at the human body far into the future,” Kodama said.

(19) “We must get rid of it from the face of the Earth. I want to pass on my experience to the people of Fukushima too.”




*#2304 福島第一原発事故での放射能被曝:染色体異常の疫学調査は可能か? 
