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Cell reprogramming advances

Simple 'STAP' method based on exposure to stress, mild acid

Kyodo, JIJI

A team of scientists led by a woman from Chiba has discovered that by simply exposing body cells to acidic liquids, the cells can be reprogrammed to grow into any type of mature tissue.

The discovery was announced Wednesday in the journal Nature.

The method, which differs from the one developed by Nobel Prize-winning scientist Shinya Yamanaka to create induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells, could have a far-reaching impact on cancer research, regenerative medicine and new drugs.

The research was conducted by scientists at the government-backed Riken institute and Harvard University and led by 30-year-old Haruko Obokata. A scientist at Riken’s Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, she also spent time doing research at Harvard.

In experiments, the scientists soaked lymph corpuscle taken from 7-day-old mice in mildly acidic liquids for about 30 minutes. A few cells that survived were cultured and transplanted into mice, where they developed into nerve and muscle tissues.

Under normal circumstances, cells that have matured into specific cells can’t be reprogrammed. But the researchers discovered a new way of reprogramming adult cells. They named the method of generating pluripotent cells, or cells that can grow into any type of mature tissues in the body, “stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency,” or STAP.

Obokata told reporters that the method “may lead to the regeneration of organs and tissues in the body and the development of new medical technology, such as one aimed at suppressing cancer that would be caused by stress on cells.”

The scientists say STAP cells can also become tissue that forms the placenta, something not possible with iPS cells that are created by injecting four gene control agents into an adult cell, or embryonic stem cells.

STAP cells can be produced within a shorter period of time than iPS cells, which can take several weeks to produce. The risk of STAP cells developing cancer in the body is also believed to be lower than that of iPS cells.

Success rates to make STAP cells ranged between 7 and 9 percent, higher than those for iPS cells.

STAP cells can be made from skin and muscle cells, not only from blood cells.

As well as immersion into a mildly acidic solution, such stresses as the passage of cells through glass tubes and exposure to a mildly toxic substance were found to be effective for their production.

The team believes that external stimuli help change how some genes in the cells work, although it is uncertain how such a change occurs.

Obokata and her colleagues confirmed STAP cells’ ability to develop into any tissue, as mice that received STAP cell-injected embryos gave birth to chimera babies.

They also found the premature cells can contribute to the formation of the placenta in the experiment.

Furthermore, the team successfully converted STAP cells into highly proliferative stem cells, though the stem cells were found to have lost ability to develop into placental tissues.

Researchers have been surprised by the discovery.

“I am proud that such important research results have been released by Japanese researchers. I hope that pluripotent cells will be made from human cells under the same method,” iPS cell inventor Yamanaka said.

“This is amazing,” said Arata Honda, an associate professor at the University of Miyazaki, who was briefed on the research. “High-quality cells that could exceed the existing pluripotent stem cells have been created in an enormously simple way.” But much remains unknown about STAP cells, including why they can only be cultured but not created inside the body, and why such cells are created at all. Observers say it will take further research to see if the same thing can be done with human cells.

Obokata and her team are studying whether STAP cells can be produced with human cells and those of other animals.

The government on Thursday praised the team of scientists.

“We hope the finding will help realize revolutionary regenerative medical techniques in the future,” Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato told a press conference.

The government “will promote research and development in areas such as regenerative medicine by securing budgets and strengthening our support,” he said.

“It’s great that a young woman has shown her talent,” Kato added, referring to Obokata, who led the research.




A team of scientists led by a woman from Chiba has discovered that by simply exposing body cells to acidic liquids, the cells can be reprogrammed to grow into any type of mature tissue.


(2)  The discovery was announced Wednesday in the journal Nature.


(3)  The method, which differs from the one developed by Nobel Prize-winning scientist Shinya Yamanaka to create induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells, could have a far-reaching impact on cancer research, regenerative medicine and new drugs.




(4)  The research was conducted by scientists at the government-backed Riken institute and Harvard University and led by 30-year-old Haruko Obokata. A scientist at Riken’s Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, she also spent time doing research at Harvard.


(5)  In experiments, the scientists soaked lymph corpuscle taken from 7-day-old mice in mildly acidic liquids for about 30 minutes. A few cells that survived were cultured and transplanted into mice, where they developed into nerve and muscle tissues.


soak:v 浸す
lymph corpuscle: リンパ球

 この段落は医学専門用語が頻出しているので、高校生には解説が必要だろう。二つだけ訳語を書いておいた。culture(培養)やtransplant(移植)は高校生でも覚えておいてよい単語だ。nerve(神経)やmuscle(筋肉)は受験英語でも基本単語だろう。"about 30 minute"とあるが別の資料では25分と明記されている。

(6)  Under normal circumstances, cells that have matured into specific cells can’t be reprogrammed. But the researchers discovered a new way of reprogramming adult cells. They named the method of generating pluripotent cells, or cells that can grow into any type of mature tissues in the body, “stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency,” or STAP.


STAP:Stimulus-Triggered Acquisition of Pluripotency


(7)  Obokata told reporters that the method “may lead to the regeneration of organs and tissues in the body and the development of new medical technology, such as one aimed at suppressing cancer that would be caused by stress on cells.”


(8)  The scientists say STAP cells can also become tissue that forms the placenta, something not possible with iPS cells that are created by injecting four gene control agents into an adult cell, or embryonic stem cells.


embryonic stem cell:胚肝細胞、ES細胞

 高校生は生物ⅠやⅡでどの程度のことを習うのだろう?このあたりの医学専門用語は、ebisuは国内最大手の臨床検査センターの学術開発本部スタッフとして仕事をしたことがあるので、その折に学術開発本部で定期購読していた海外の科学雑誌や医学専門誌をニ十数冊毎月関心のある記事だけ拾い読みしていたので専門用語を少し知っている。Nature, Science, Oncogene, Tumor, ...仕事時間中でも隣にある図書室が学術開発本部の管理下だったから、システム開発技術を駆使してメーカとの検査試薬共同開発管理関係の仕事を省力化して時間を作り濫読三昧のうれしい日々を2年間ほど過ごした。忙しいときも仕事を省力化して暇をつくってときも、英語と数学ほど仕事で役に立った科目はない。

(9)  STAP cells can be produced within a shorter period of time than iPS cells, which can take several weeks to produce. The risk of STAP cells developing cancer in the body is also believed to be lower than that of iPS cells.



(10)  Success rates to make STAP cells ranged between 7 and 9 percent, higher than those for iPS cells.



(11)  STAP cells can be made from skin and muscle cells, not only from blood cells.


STAP cells can be made from not only blood cells but also skin and muscle cells.

(12)  As well as immersion into a mildly acidic solution, such stresses as the passage of cells through glass tubes and exposure to a mildly toxic substance were found to be effective for their production.



  第一段落では、'acide liquids'となっているがこの段落では'acidic solution'と言い換えられている。キー・ワードはこういう風に何度か言い換えが行われる。


(13)  The team believes that external stimuli help change how some genes in the cells work, although it is uncertain how such a change occurs.



(14)  Obokata and her colleagues confirmed STAP cells’ ability to develop into any tissue, as mice that received STAP cell-injected embryos gave birth to chimera babies.



(15)  They also found the premature cells can contribute to the formation of the placenta in the experiment.

premature cell:未成熟細胞







(16)  Furthermore, the team successfully converted STAP cells into highly proliferative stem cells, though the stem cells were found to have lost ability to develop into placental tissues.



(17)  Researchers have been surprised by the discovery.



(18)  “I am proud that such important research results have been released by Japanese researchers. I hope that pluripotent cells will be made from human cells under the same method,” iPS cell inventor Yamanaka said.


pluripotent:adj 多能性の

(19)  “This is amazing,” said Arata Honda, an associate professor at the University of Miyazaki, who was briefed on the research. “High-quality cells that could exceed the existing pluripotent stem cells have been created in an enormously simple way.”


(20)  But much remains unknown about STAP cells, including why they can only be cultured but not created inside the body, and why such cells are created at all. Observers say it will take further research to see if the same thing can be done with human cells.



(21)  Obokata and her team are studying whether STAP cells can be produced with human cells and those of other animals.


(22)  The government on Thursday praised the team of scientists.


(23)  “We hope the finding will help realize revolutionary regenerative medical techniques in the future,” Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato told a press conference.


(24)  The government “will promote research and development in areas such as regenerative medicine by securing budgets and strengthening our support,” he said.


(25)  “It’s great that a young woman has shown her talent,” Kato added, referring to Obokata, who led the research.



Cell reprogramming advances

Simple 'STAP' method based on exposure to stress, mild acid

Kyodo, JIJI

A team of scientists led by a woman from Chiba has discovered that by simply exposing body cells to acidic liquids, the cells can be reprogrammed to grow into any type of mature tissue.

(2)  The discovery was announced Wednesday in the journal Nature.

(3)  The method, which differs from the one developed by Nobel Prize-winning scientist Shinya Yamanaka to create induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells, could have a far-reaching impact on cancer research, regenerative medicine and new drugs.

(4)  The research was conducted by scientists at the government-backed Riken institute and Harvard University and led by 30-year-old Haruko Obokata. A scientist at Riken’s Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, she also spent time doing research at Harvard.

(5)  In experiments, the scientists soaked lymph corpuscle taken from 7-day-old mice in mildly acidic liquids for about 30 minutes. A few cells that survived were cultured and transplanted into mice, where they developed into nerve and muscle tissues.

(6)  Under normal circumstances, cells that have matured into specific cells can’t be reprogrammed. But the researchers discovered a new way of reprogramming adult cells. They named the method of generating pluripotent cells, or cells that can grow into any type of mature tissues in the body, “stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency,” or STAP.

(7)  Obokata told reporters that the method “may lead to the regeneration of organs and tissues in the body and the development of new medical technology, such as one aimed at suppressing cancer that would be caused by stress on cells.”

(8)  The scientists say STAP cells can also become tissue that forms the placenta, something not possible with iPS cells that are created by injecting four gene control agents into an adult cell, or embryonic stem cells.

(9)  STAP cells can be produced within a shorter period of time than iPS cells, which can take several weeks to produce. The risk of STAP cells developing cancer in the body is also believed to be lower than that of iPS cells.

(10)  Success rates to make STAP cells ranged between 7 and 9 percent, higher than those for iPS cells.

(11)  STAP cells can be made from skin and muscle cells, not only from blood cells.

(12)  As well as immersion into a mildly acidic solution, such stresses as the passage of cells through glass tubes and exposure to a mildly toxic substance were found to be effective for their production.

(13)  The team believes that external stimuli help change how some genes in the cells work, although it is uncertain how such a change occurs.

(14)  Obokata and her colleagues confirmed STAP cells’ ability to develop into any tissue, as mice that received STAP cell-injected embryos gave birth to chimera babies.

(15)  They also found the premature cells can contribute to the formation of the placenta in the experiment.

(16)  Furthermore, the team successfully converted STAP cells into highly proliferative stem cells, though the stem cells were found to have lost ability to develop into placental tissues.

(17)  Researchers have been surprised by the discovery.

(18)  “I am proud that such important research results have been released by Japanese researchers. I hope that pluripotent cells will be made from human cells under the same method,” iPS cell inventor Yamanaka said.

(19)  “This is amazing,” said Arata Honda, an associate professor at the University of Miyazaki, who was briefed on the research. “High-quality cells that could exceed the existing pluripotent stem cells have been created in an enormously simple way.”

(20)  But much remains unknown about STAP cells, including why they can only be cultured but not created inside the body, and why such cells are created at all. Observers say it will take further research to see if the same thing can be done with human cells.

(21)  Obokata and her team are studying whether STAP cells can be produced with human cells and those of other animals.

(22)  The government on Thursday praised the team of scientists.

(23)  “We hope the finding will help realize revolutionary regenerative medical techniques in the future,” Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato told a press conference.

(24)  The government “will promote research and development in areas such as regenerative medicine by securing budgets and strengthening our support,” he said.

(25)  “It’s great that a young woman has shown her talent,” Kato added, referring to Obokata, who led the research.

 "STAP may advance cancer fight, medicine"

 "Trials, errors, but expert kept chin up"

*#2644 Obokata says STAP cell discovery not fabrication Apr. 14, 2014 

  #2639 STAP細胞報道‐2 : 「200回作製した」 Apr. 11, 2014 

 #2638 STAP細胞報道:未熟で何が悪い&ポスドクの悲哀  Apr. 10, 2014 

 #2581 世紀の大発明 STAP細胞: Cell reprogramming advances (ジャパンタイムズより)  Feb. 2, 2014 
